A CASE OF GOUT-COMPARISON BETWEEN COLCHICUM, LEDUM AND BENZOIC ACID. Here is a definitive history of gout starting in 1940 in both feet and recurring yearly. For the last 2-3 years the knees have been more affected. This last bout started with a head cold, some fever and pains in the left arm, then suddenly the localization in the left knee. He considers himself a very moderate man, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, takes only two drinks before his dinner.

E.J., a 63-years-old Swedish overnourished male, called me March 2nd, 1954. He had been in bed for four days with a recurrence of gout in his left knee. He had been stuffing himself with loads of aspirin, cinchophen and colchicine with very little relief. He had learned about Homoeopathy by a satisfied neighbour and wanted to try it to end his torment. Profuse sweat is dripping from his pale puffy face and neck-possibly due to the liberal doses of acetylsalicylic acid. The left knee is very tender, hot, slightly red and swollen: 2 2 ” larger than the right knee. T. 100 F; P. 80; BP. 160/100. His wife mentioned his most irritable disposition. She had tried hot packs, but they seemed to make things worse.

Here is a definitive history of gout starting in 1940 in both feet and recurring yearly. For the last 2-3 years the knees have been more affected. This last bout started with a head cold, some fever and pains in the left arm, then suddenly the localization in the left knee. He considers himself a very moderate man, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, takes only two drinks before his dinner.

The picture is none to clear-cut due to the interference of the heavy suppressing medication, but Ledum cc t.i.d. is prescribed and cold applications advised.

Lab: Blood uric 5.7 mgm percent (normal 2.5 percent).

HGB 11.8 gm-75 percent.

RBC 4,120.000, appear normal. Corrected Sed. Rate (Wintrobe) 38 mm/hr.

COL. IND. 91.

WBC 8,900 Eosin 5 percent Stabs 9.

Poly 69 percent Baso 0 Juv. 4.

Mono 4 percent Seg. Neutro. 56 Myelo. 0.

Course: March 4th-Better. No more fever-T. 98 F, P. 72; marked aggravation after midnight-cramps in the left calf, white tongue. The knee looks better, 3/4″ less circumference. Continuation of the remedy.

March 5th-The left knee is much better, but the LEFT foot is now swollen and every tender and even the RIGHT food hurts a cold applications any more. Very restless; sneezes a lot; pulse irregular. Rhus tox. 12. every three hours.

March 6th-Patient hasnt slept a wink. T. 100 F, P. 90, regular. Now the right knee is involved, white tongue.

March 8th-T. 100 F, P. 84. Wants hot packs. He is worse by motion, touch and stretching the leg.

March 10th-T. 98.6 F this morning. P. 75, more regular. BP 140/85. Very weak but eats better. Colchicum 200. t.i.d.

March 12th-No fever yesterday; T. 99.6 F, this a.m. P. 72. Right knee red and still swollen, also same medication.

March 14th-Three toes of the left foot hurt. Right leg fine. Scalp very sore.

March 16th-Better. Tries to walk. Left knee hurts a little.

March 18th-Slight temperature this a.m.: 99.7 F, P. 72.

Left knee much swollen-wants hot compresses. I am struck by the bad body odor. The sweat has an acrid urinous stench. Benzoic acid cc every two hours.

March 20th-Dramatic change. Slept most of the day yesterday and the whole night, making up for the loss of sleep. T and P. normal. The tongue is clearing up. Limbs almost normal. Continuation of remedy.

March 22nd-Much better-very few pains. Wants to get up and go to work. From that time on, the patient has taken back his heavy job of accountant. He has lost 20 lbs. His BP is 125/80. No recurrence of his gout to date. (June 15th, 1954.).

There is no question that Benzoic acid was the similimum after the symptomatic picture was cleared up by Ledum and Colchicum.

Below is a tabulated comparison of the three main gout remedies; all have many similar modalities and need careful consideration for differentiation.

450 Sutter Street

San Francisco, Calif. COMPARISON OF Colchicum, Ledum AND Benzoic Acid.


Typology.a) subjective: Poor memory. Marked irritability from.

pains or odors during fever. Confused.

but answer correctly. stupor.

b) objective: Gouty, rheumatic diathesis. Poor venous.

circulation. Hyperosmia. Chilly and.

cold to touch.

Aggravations: MOTION, touch, mental effort. Lack of.


changing w. AUTUMN. Stretching.

Ameliorations: WARMTH. Rest. Sitting. Doubling up.

Causality: Suppressed sweat. Insomnia.

Rheumatic visceral metastasis.

Decreased uric acid output.

Sensations; Painful electric vibration.

produced by touch & motion.


Topography: LEFT TO RIGHT For rheumatism.

Right to left for headaches.


Very irritable, violent rage.

Desire to be alone.

Chilly yet plethoric,

florid complexion, puffy tendency.


MOTION, Night.

Injury, trauma.

Alcohol. Eggs.

COOL air & applications.

Uric acid elimination in urine.

Alcoholism. Insects stings.

Punctured wounds.


Soreness. Acute pains

change place suddenly. As if cold water was poured on the body.


Left up, right lower. Feet.


Forgets words when writing. Sadness, anxiety, when perspiring.

Uricaemia, gout with irregular diuresis, Sycosis. Chilly.


Dark brown urine with powerful horsey smell.

Uncovering, open & cold air.

Changing weather.




No amel. from sweat.

Rheumatic, gouty metastasis, also gonorrheic.

Wandering pains, change places suddenly.


Below upward; inside out.

Roger Schmidt