Constipation with hard knotty evacuations expelled with great difficulty. Diarrhea with acholic, bright evacuations alternating with constipation. Sensibility throughout the hepatic region and internal lobe. Subjaundice. Rectal haemorrhage with great ardor, rectal prolapse and precancerous states of the sigmoid and rectum. Nebulous urine with biliary pigments. Pruritus throughout the body. Halitosis.

Chionanthus virginica-Remedy adapted for persons who, besides suffering from the liver, suffer also from the pancreas, with great thirst, abundant dark urine with presence of biliary pigments and glucose. Prediabetic states and diabetes. Insulin resistants.

Periodical supra-orbital cephalalgia of a nervous type, hepatic or premenstrual. Supra-orbital region sensible with a sensation of pressure at the root of the nose. Hepatitis in its congestive and atrophic forms, as well as chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis calculous cholecystitis. Obstructive jaundice.

Pains in the vesical region with abdominal paroxysms, as if a sliding knot compressed the abdomen at the level of the umbilical region. Heaviness and pain in the hepatic and vesicular region with jaundice and constipation. Acholic evacuations, either pasty or pale yellow in color. Yellowish tongue, halitosis, anorexia, loss of weight, profound asthenia, mouth always dry, which does not improve by water drinking.

Berberis vulgaris-This remedy is more indicated for patients in whom disturbances of the urogenital tract are associated. Renal lithiasis with pain in the ureters, bladder and urethra. Entero-renal syndrome, rheumatic and arthritic diathesis. Rheumatism in most varied types, gout patients. Hepatic patients with familiar cholemia. Vesicular dyskinesia with biliary stasis and cholecystonias. Hepatic colic with location at the cystic and the epigastric points.

Vertigo with fainting, frontal headache as if pressing all the scalp. Nausea before breakfast.

Pain at the cystic point that becomes aggravated under pressure. Pain radiates to right kidney. Chronic cholecystitis, biliary and renal lithiasis. Hypercholesterolemia. Enterocolitis with painless, acholic, burning evacuations, with a sensation of ardor and intense pain at the perineal region and anus. Rectal fistula. Gout, chronic rheumatism, obesity, vesicular infections after typhoid fever. All symptoms become aggravated by motion and standing.

Leptandra virginica-Liver troubles after paludism. Size of liver increased, painful to palpation, painful regional points comprising: epigastrium, cystic,and pancreas, as well as the scapular and spinous points.

Vertigo with sleepiness; hammering frontal pain invading orbital regions. Yellowish tongue, halitosis, Anorexia and frequent desire to evacuate with profuse, dark diarrhoea with dark blood. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Cholangitis after intestinal infections or typhoid fever. Rectal prolapse with external haemorrhoids. Enterorrhagia. Obstructive jaundice and cholangitis, Hepatic steatosis.

Elemuy (Yumel)-This remedy comes from Materia Medica, in the State of Yucatan, Mexico. Clinically experienced and proved under Hahnemannian rules by Drs. Manuel M. Lezama, Leonardo Jaramillo, Hilario Luna Castro and others.

Frontal cephalalgia with sick headache and vertigo, photophobia with yellowish tinge of the conjunctiva. Jaundice with facial chloasma marked on the cheek bones and forehead. Yellowish tongue at the base, with teeth imprint. Bitter taste and halitosis, intense thirst, nausea or vomiting when taking warm food. The product vomited is yellowish or greenish, exceptionally alimentitious.

Pain in the right hypochondrium and vesicular region sensible to palpation and breathing. Chauffard’s and Rivert’s cystic, epigastric and pancreatic-choledochus points present.

Cholecystitis and angiocholitis of an acute and chronic type, with jaundice and general pruritus. Biliary lithiasis and cholesterinemia. Choledocho-lithiasis. Almost all Elemuy (Yumel) patients suffer renal disturbances of a lithiasic form. Constipation because of hepato-biliary, insufficiency, lack of desire to evacuate with mucous evacuations ordinarily alternating with an intensely yellow or greenish diarrhea, with ardor and tenesmus after defecation. Postprandial diarrhea. Edema with Chloride retention. Vesicular hypertonic dyskinesia.

AGGRAVATION-Motion and on the right side.

RELIEF-By eating but a little, by moderate physical exercise and by amusing himself.

Myrica cerifera-Patients with progressive loss of weight, asthenia and marked weakness, complete anorexia and jaundice invading the mucosae. Headache located at the temporal and the frontal regions. Bitter taste, halitosis and terrible nausea due to catarrhal pharyngitis concomitant to this remedy.

Jaundice with mahogany-dark urine, discolored faeces due to the absence of stercobilin. Retention of biliary salts with intense pruritus all about the skin and bradycardia. Intestinal fermentation dyspepsia.

Longing for acid food with a sensation of weakness at the epigastrium, with nausea which increases after eating and is relieved by walking. Fermentation dyspepsias with acholic evacuations, these may also be ash-colored. Dark yellow urine. Sclero-atrophic cholecystitis or cholecystitis of a chronic hypertrophic type.

AGGRAVATION-By bed warmth and at night.

RELIEF-After taking breakfast, by walking and in the open air.

Nux vomica-A prominent remedy for adults leading a sedentary life, irritable, sensitive and emotional patients. Noise, odors and light are intolerable. Times seems too slow for these patients. They use tobacco, alcoholic beverages or laxatives in excess. This remedy is well indicated after coffee or barbiturates have been taken in excess.

Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness, congestive frontal headache with desire for strong pressure. Headaches due to consolation. Insipid, metallic or bitter taste upon awakening in the morning with nausea and vomiting, great painful retching. Orange-yellow or green vomitus giving relief. Weight in the stomach with sensitivity to pressure invading the epigastrium, the vesicular region and all of the lower right edge of the hepatic region. Epigastric pain appears one or two hours after eating and causes the patient to loosen his clothes as the pressure increases and speaks in all directions.

There are suffocation and restlessness and the patient is unable to accomplish intellectual work after eating. “If I could vomit,” the patient says, “I would feel better.” Dyspepsia due to insufficient motion with sensation as if a stone pressed the stomach and abdominal mass, Aerophagia and cholophagia hard to obtain. Dyspepsia in patients using alcohol, tobacco and coffee in excess.

Volume of liver increased, pain at the level of the vesicular point and positive Murphy’s sigh. Violent colic with sensation of upward pressure. Vertigo, colic with sensation of upward pressure. Vertigo, palpitations, sweat, hypotension of the arteries, slow pulse, etc., in short, all of the symptoms of neuro-vegetative dystonia. Frequent jaundice or subicteric tinge.

Frequent unsuccessful desire to evacuate and when successful the patient expels only small quantities after each effort; weakness at the level of the inguinal regions. Spasms and rectal constriction. Loss of irregular action of peristalsis. Diarrhea alternating with constipation, especially after excessive use of cathartics or laxatives. Urgent defecation producing very intense pain throughout the abdominal region and small quantities of stool. Defecation frequent and extremely painful. Blind haemorrhoids with itching and ardor, constant anguished malaise and rectal restlessness. Chronic cholecystitis with flatulent dyspepsia, positive Murphy’s sign, Linossier’s postprandial diarrhea.

AGGRAVATION-In the morning, by mental exercise, after meals, dry weather and cold weather.

RELIEF – At night, rest, damp weather.

Colocynthis – Indicated in cases of acuteness of non- calculous chronic cholecystitis. The patients present very acute intolerable pain, which is relieved by pressure and when the patient bends on himself pressing against something hard. This colic is followed by vomiting diarrhea of a dysenteric type and the pains invading the transverse colon are of a crampy nature. After the intense stage has passed, it leaves the sensation of having the abdomen between stones.

Vertigo when moving to the left. Irritability, bitter taste, anorexia, frontal cephalalgia and lateral hemicrania which become aggravated on lying down, ending in nausea and yellow or green vomiting. Canine hunger with a sensation of burning and fullness in the epigastric region, acute pain at the cystic point which is sensitive to pressure, radiating in all directions and located at the umbilical region. Intense thirst. Distended sensitive abdomen, pains radiating to the ovaries and male external genitals.

Non-calculous chronic cholecystitis complicated with muco- membranous colitis, with ejection of abundant mucus and membranes expelled with the faeces. Abdominal pain in bar form. Spastic pain of the left colon and sigmoids. Constant MacBurney’s point.

Hilario Luna Castro