Next morning she was put aboard a plane and flown to Chicago where she was transferred to another plane for Washington, arriving at her back in bed not able to move much; right neck hurting badly on trying to move head even a fraction it hurt to turn her eyes; temple and face dark colored with deep bruises; shoulder hurting badly on any motion; also hip which showed bad bruises as did spots on her leg. There were no fractures.

I gave her Arnica 2x in 1/4 glass of water, 1 tsp. every 10 minutes for four doses; wait two hours and repeat; wait six hours and repeat; wait twelve hours and repeat.

Seemed decidedly better next day but the next could not move head to right side; could move by turning head painfully to left side and downward; could walk painfully to bathroom by holding right neck with her hand. This day, April 23rd, I gave her one dose of Arnica 10M dry on tongue.

April 25th, I found her sitting in a chair, getting up to reach out both hands to me saying, “I am well! Oh, I am well!” and she was; nothing left; bruised colors about gone; no pain or stiffness anywhere. She walked lightly to bathroom to show me that day before she could not bend down to the bowl to wash her face with her hands but now she could bend way down over the bowl and use her hands freely.

May 24th she came to my office to report great weariness since the accident, a hard push to do her work; hard to think clearly; stiffness in neck muscles to some extent; stiffness in other parts too. I gave her a dose of Arnica CM but I think I should have changed to Hypericum. If she comes in again probably I shall give her that remedy for shock.

Zinc. followed by Thuja.

A rather tall, very stout, married woman, wit dark complexion and full lips, came into my office the last day of Aug. 1950, with the following history and characteristic symptoms:.

Scarlet fever at 7 years, severe: delirious for two weeks; deaf for three months. Castor-oil frequently in childhood; constipation ever since. At 23 years: operation for cancer for cervix followed by treatments with radium and x-ray. Pregnant once, child lost at 7 months on account of fight with huge dog.

Mental symptoms: depressed, melancholy, discouraged, thoughts of suicide by drowning frequent for 15 years but too timid to carry it out; then disgusted with herself for being timid. Sudden overpowering desire to torment someone, especially those loved best; feels that if she does not use taunts and sarcasm, something will burst inside her head or she will go insane. Extreme irritability in spells. Desire to weep frequent. Tension, hurry, driving to get things done. In a fret continually. Too tense to get to sleep. Insomnia marked. All this very different from real self; really kind, affectionate, generous, leisurely; a very capable person holding important jobs and sought after in office work. Likes people but gets bored, wants to be at home, quiet.

A few physical symptoms: headache, general bruised sensation followed by migraine. < emotions, menses. Hair falling for many years, coming in 1/3 white. Smothered sensation frequent; dyspnoea on walking. Neuralgic pains here and there, < backs of legs.

This patient was the victim of so many suppressions and they had done such vicious things to her, she seemed to me an excellent candidate for Zinc. 1M, Oct. 4, 1950.

She was much better within two weeks and went on halfway through January with a most satisfactory increase in energy and courage. The physical symptoms piled up again though mental and emotional stayed on the higher level. Another dose of Zinc. 1M did not hold and exhaustion increased.

Questioning anew brought out these symptoms :

Always very irritable, unreasonable, weary for three days before the full of the moon. A feeling as if brittle and about to break to pieces. Vaccination at 6 years almost caused amputation of the arm from infection all through it. A dose of Thuja 1M acted like magic, promptly and well.

Good strength and energy. No hint of suicidal thoughts since first dose of Zinc. No more wildness when the moon gets large. Excess weight gone. Sleep very good. Comes in with a smile and a buoyancy which is most revealing.

Her symptoms may return in milder form but the helpful remedies will do their work again. She is fully conscious of he seriousness of her mental symptoms and her helplessness with them, therefore extremely grateful now.



DR. ELIZABETH WRIGHT HUBBARD [New York, N.Y.]: I should like to say that it is pure joy to me to have remedies that we know brought out in such a beautiful and new way. I shall never forget those Hypericum cases, and I thank Dr. Green.

DR. LUCY S. CLARK [Cleveland, Ohio]: I enjoyed this very much. Our family project this winter was two foster babies with the Jewish Childrens Bureau, and I highly recommend the agency to work with at any time. Both babies were illegitimate, both were skin and bones, both had a very rejected approach to life. The first one had a funny little symptom, which I remember Dr.Hubbard once spoke of, of running the tongue in and out.

The child had a sad face, like a little old man, not much interested i eating or anything else. I gave him Natrum mur., which she had recommended, and I was allowed to give a little first aid. I wasnt allowed to give any medical treatment, and I told the social workers about it, but I never saw such a change come over a baby. He became healthy and friendly, yelled for his food, and the family say not they have never seen such a happy, friendly baby.

It shows there that the prescription was somewhat on the mental state.

There is another group of children I think would probably benefit by Hypericum, and that is the refugee group. Have you seen some of the pictures that the Mental Hygiene people have put out on emotions of children? One is on grief, and these one-and two-year-old children have reverted to the pattern of three-and four-month-old children. They lie in bed completely passive and do not respond, due to the shock of separation.

There was a picture of half a dozen children separated from the mother for about three months, and there was that complete change of facial expression and behavior and approach to other people from outgoing friendliness to reversion within the self and passivity. They go through a stage of excitement. It is almost like an anesthetic, the psychic shock they go through, the stage of excitement, and then the stage of passiveness.

I have wondered if Hypericum in some of these cases would not be greatly beneficial. Have any of you had experience with it?.

Have you seen the pictures of the children who have been flown out of Europe to the orphanages in Israel and other parts of the world? It is a great challenge to homoeopathic families to try to help with this group of children, who desperately need not only the security of a family life but also rebuilding with some of these homoeopathic remedies. (Applause).

DR. T.K.MOORE [Sharon Centre, Ohio]: Dr. Clark made a mistake. She spoke of illegitimate children. There is no such thing. There are only illegitimate parents.

DR. EDWARD C. WHITMONT [New York, N.Y.]: I noted that Dr.Green gave Causticum to a Phosphorus constitution, and I think we should be grateful for this little point, because we might as well forget about the story of antagonistic remedies. I am wondering more and more how this tale ever entered into out Materia Medica. Maybe you can answer that.

DR. HUBBARD : I wish Dr.Hayes and Dr. Underhill would speak to that question. How about antagonistic remedies in your experience?.

DR. HAYES : I didnt hear it well enough to comment.

DR. UNDERHILL : Personally I pay no attention to it any more.

DR. F.K. BELLOKOSSY [Denver, Colo.]: Dr.Green, Kali carbonicum was a constitutional remedy for the flu last winter, and I found in Denver it was the most often indicated remedy, but I had a family where I found Kali bichromicum useful for the husband, who had a bad case of flu, and I gave it, and it didnt work, and them I gave him Lachesis and it worked like magic, and then the wife came down with the same flu, and I gave her Lachesis and it didnt work, and I gave her Kali bichromicum and it worked like magic in her case. (Laughter).

DR. WHITMONT : It required psychological study !.

DR. EUGENE UNDERHILL, JR. [Philadelphia,.]: I would say that the symptoms of the patients overrule every other consideration. If the symptoms correspond, that should be the remedy that should be prescribed, no matter what preceded it.

DR. GREEN [closing]: I think I have nothing to say except a few remarks about Kali bichromicum in epidemics. As I said in the paper, the seems to be the remedy in several of the salt flu epidemics. Of course, another remedy is required occasionally, but it has done such good work for me and given me such an insight into Kali bichromicum as a chronic remedy that I have been very grateful, almost, for the epidemics, on that account.

I told the thing in a paper once before and the result was was that people wrote to me from different parts of the United States an said they had read my paper and I had said I had been using Kali bichromicum and they would like to know why, because they used it and it didnt do any good. Now, I have written in answer that that is because in the climate that Washington has, it is a good remedy, but where the person lived, on a mountain, or elsewhere, it wouldnt be the remedy at all, and they must not take it for granted that that goes all over the world just because it goes in Washington.

Julia M. Green