Among the most useful of our new remedies is Cadmium oxide which is the most active of the Cadmiums and has a wide range of action in chronic and intractable conditions of cancer, degenerative diseases of heart and kidneys and many forms of arthritic and nerve inflammations, all most resistant to ordinary remedial measures.

This remedy is indispensable and unequalled as an antidote to the aluminium toxins afflicting humanity at the present time and which stem from the use of aluminium cooking utensils, as well as from the toxins resulting from water softeners in which aluminium chloride is used.

Those who use the water treated with aluminium chloride for cooking and drinking purpose are sure to suffer from the ill effects of aluminium poisoning and, when so affected will not respond to curative remedies until this pernicious toxin is antidoted and eradicated completely from the system.

This poison acts like one of the basic miasms of Hahnemann as the patient will not get well until it is entirely removed.

A case in point: A patient suffered from chronic asthma having excellent homoeopathic treatment over a long period of time with only short-acting palliation of the asthmatic attacks, which gradually became more intense and wearing. The patient was greatly reduced in weight and strength with an ever-increasing dyspnoea which made him very depressed with despair of recovery. Then it was discovered that he was poisoned with chronic aluminium from using aluminium cooking ware for a long time.

A dose of Cadmium oxide 30. and later 200. brought quick relief which was superseded by an attack of what appeared to be the symptoms of a virus “flu.” In this condition a perfect picture of Hepar sulph. was presented: chill, fever and copious sweat, must be covered in all stages, no relief from sweat. Hepar 30. has brought complete relief of the asthma for several weeks without a break and the patient is rapidly regaining weight and strength.

Cadmium oxide is magnetically negative and the symptoms for its indication may be found in the other Cadmiums, notably the Cadmium met. and Cadmium sulph.

Another new remedy that needs proving and developing to place it where it belongs in the realm of cure is Kali thiocyanide. It is magnetically negative and corresponds to a wide range of chronic conditions, such as severe types of nerve and blood disorders.

In crude laboratory experiments on rats, a highly interesting result was obtained, proving its intricate tie up with the vital processes of life. Those members of a litter that were given regulated doses of this drug obtained a life span one third greater than those of the same litter not receiving the drug.

We have no proven indications for its homoeopathic use, but clinically, when prescribed by the blood selection, it has cured inveterate cases of arthritis and severe types of heart and kidney disease, after the failure of other carefully selected homoeopathic remedies.

The object of this paper is to call attention to these remedies for further study and trial by as many doctors as possible thereby gaining more knowledge quickly for future use. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.


DR. HARVEY FARRINGTON [Chicago, III]: Mr. Chairman, just a word or two about Euphorbium. I have used it a great many times and have been successful in curing cases that seemed so nearly like Rhus that I was a little puzzled as to why Rhus did not help and this did. Not only rheumatic symptoms that were relieved by continued motion but also eruptions that were vesicular or even larger, almost like blisters.

There is one symptom I have confirmed three or four times- persistent pain in the right groin, just below the crest of the ilium.

DR. ROGER A. SCHMIDT [San Francisco, Calif.]: A paper such as the one Dr. Grimmer just gave us is worth anybodys while to come even from San Francisco to Chattanooga to hear, and one to be enriched by.

I remember last year in Atlantic City Dr. Grimmer mentioned Kali cyanatum as a remedy for intractable pains of cancer. I brought this back to our group in San Francisco. Soon after Dr. Cookinham had a very interesting case in which this proved to be entirely the case, I mean the remedy.

There was an old man who had cancer of the prostate in a most advanced stage, with metastasis all over the body. That man was saturated with all the anodynes possible, having had a tremendous dose of morphine.

The specialist taking care of him, called Dr. Cookinham to take care of that patient while he was away a few days, although the death of that patient was expected at any time.

On that indication of excruciating pains in a cancer case, Dr. Cookinham administered Kali cyanatum with amazing relief. He had to repeat the dose two or three times a day but, just the same, the morphine could be withdrawn very rapidly to even a sixth of a grain a day, or less, which was not a tenth of what he used to take.

Shortly thereafter, the other doctor returned and put the patient on the regimen he was on before Dr. Cookinham came in, and the pain came back and the dosage of morphine had to come back again, and the patient was complaining very much. He couldnt eat; he was vomiting everything, in fact, was very uncomfortable in spite of the heavy sedation.

So the Doctor said to Dr. Cookinham, “I see under your observation the patient was doing so much better while I was away. He was eating and progressing, and now he is doing so badly. What did you do?”.

Dr. Cookinham explained to him.”By all means, lets give again the remedy.” It proved to be a boon to that patient.

I would also like to ask Dr. Grimmer if he can tell me about the malaria remedy. Where is that remedy taken from? Of what does it consist?.

Thank you, Dr. Grimmer.

DR. GRIMMER [closing]: I want to thank these Doctors for their comments.

DR. Farrington spoke about Euphorbiums close similarity to Rhus tox. That is true but there is no need of confusion if we take the modality that Rhus is relieved by heat and Euphorbium is relieved by cold. The same is true between it and Arsenicum. Those are often the only plain, differentiating points that you can get between these remedies.

Of course, the type of patient, the type of sickness and all that enters into it, but that modality is the most marked thing that I could tell you in differentiating between them in some of the painful nerve and arthritic conditions.

In the Euphorbium case, you have a case far more advanced, hooked up with deeper constitutional toxins than even Rhus may be.

I want to thank Dr. Schmidt for bringing that confirmation of a remedy. We like to see these remedies confirmed that we have brought out, because it helps to build our Materia Medica. It helps us all around. That is very interesting.

If a remedy cant cure, then the next thing is a complete palliation like that, without drastic dosages or morphine. It is really a boon under those circumstances.

Answering your question about Malaria officinalis, we get best information from Clarke. Dr. Bowen of Indiana got twigs and leaves from a swamp in a malaria district and subjected them to decay in water and, later on alcohol was added. Potencies were made from the fluid of that decaying mass.

It is really an interesting remedy, a remedy which none of us should forget because it will help us out inflammatory cases of rheumatism, I am sure, from what we have read about it and know about it.

A. H. Grimmer
Arthur Hill Grimmer 1874-1967 graduated from the Hering Medical College (in 1906) as a pupil of James Tyler Kent and he later became his secretary, working closely with him on his repertory. He practiced in Chicago for 50 years before moving to Florida. He was also President of the American Institute for Homoeopathy.
In his book The Collected Works of Arthur Hill Grimmer, Grimmer spoke out against the fluoridation of water and vaccinations. Grimmer wrote prodigeously, Gnaphalium, Homeopathic Prophylaxis and Homeopathic Medicine and Cancer: The Philosophy and Clinical Experiences of Dr. A.H. Grimmer, M.D.