If the homoeopathic treatment is applied at too advanced a stage when the vitality of the patient has gone down too low to respond to the indicated remedy,or if the disease has advanced so far that an organ has become altogether useless and unable to carry on its natural functions, homoeopathy cannot be blamed for failure in the treatment.

The dynamic forces released from the homoeopathic remedy arouse the vital reaction of the patient, enable the vital economy to conquer and throw out the disease force and thus restore the normal functioning of the Vital Force gently,m safely, surely, effectively, permanently, in its whole extent and on easily, effectively, permanently, in its whole extent and on easily comprehensible principles. This is Hahnemanns definition of a cure which is being abundantly demonstrated by his followers every day in every part of the world. Homoeopathy thus treats the patient and not the disease. When the patient is restored to health, then all his ailments are, as a necessary implication, cured and abnormalities removed.

It is only recently that medical science has started taking note of the mind as a causative factor in physical ailments. Hahnemann announced this to the medical world more than a century and a half ago by declaring that all disease effects the mind first and the body and the organs afterwards. He gave the highest importance to mental symptoms in the selection of the remedy. While orthodox medicine looks on as a helpless spectator in the cases of most of the mental and nervous ills, homoeopathy is able to treat them effectively.

Homoeopathy does not claim to do away with surgery altogether, though it rescues many a patient from being assigned to the operating table. It treats, medicinally,numerous conditions considered by “modern”medical science to be purely surgical. It always considered the cure of a sick part of the body better than its removal and offers effective treatment to that end. Patients suffering from appendicitis, mastoiditis, defective tonsils, tumours, boils, carbuncles, etc., need not run to the surgeon in a routine way, and if homoeopathy is applied at not too late a stage, a surgical operation can in most cases be avoided.

As we have already noted, surgery can remove only the effects or results of disease and not the causes of disease. By removal of the cause and restoration of order in the perverted functioning of the Vital Force, the disease process can be reversed, bringing about a disappearance of tumors,boils, carbuncles, etc., and a correction of other abnormalities. Yet, circumstances may present themselves when it would be unwise even to attempt a homoeopathic handling of the case and the surgeon must be called in e.g., when there is suppuration in an internal organ with no external outlet or when a foreign body is lodged in a vital place in the body.

“Homoeopathy studies man as an individual in relation to his environment and circumstances more than any other school of medical thought, for it takes into consideration not only his immediate heritage but the more subtle and complex burden that is the heritage of long ages of struggling and developing ancestors. Homoeopathy not only seeks to relieve the individual as much as possible from the heavy burden of the hereditary tendencies he carries but also to guard against increasing this load by enabling his Vital Energy to provide its own immunity against disease”.

Now that about the GERMS AND MICROORGANISMS of which we hear every day day as being the causes of disease and as being effectively destroyed by one or the other of the modern “wonder drugs”? The investigator is at once confronted with two questions.

(1) How is it that out of a number of persons exposed to the same infection, all do not develop the disease? (2) Why do the ones who do develop it exhibit different symptoms and react differently to the germ destroying drug? The advocates of the “germ theory” answer the first question by saying that a strong vitality is able to overpower the infection and it is only the people with a weak vitality who succumb to it. Well, this is exactly what the homoeopathic school asserts! The real; cause is prior to the entry of germs into the body, being a weak, susceptible and deranged vitality, which alone is to be corrected if the germs are to be destroyed effectively and on a lasting basis.

The authority of the Vital Energy is supreme and final in the human body so far as the maintenance of health and removal and cure of disease are concerned. Why this crusade against germs and worms which thrive in the human body only so long as they can find suitable living conditions there on account of deranged functioning of the Vital administration, and which automatically quit when order is restored and the Vital Force resorts itself?

Experience has abundantly shown that the dynamic powers released from the remedy, selected according to Natures Law of Similars, offer the requisite aid to the struggling Vital Force, gently yet more potently than the germicides or the antibiotics which convert the human body into a battle field, making the Vital Force suffer all the more by having to struggle against the resultant toxemia. Even if the germs become more and more resistant to these drugs. Eventually, stronger and stronger antibiotics must be discovered but only to vanish into oblivion like their predecessors! In course of time, the “wonder” part of the “wonder drugs” drops out and they remain drugs pure and simple, becoming more and more impotent and obsolete with lapse of time.

Now, regarding the second question relating to the “germ theory,” why the patients infected with the same germs exhibit different symptoms,the homoeopathic viewpoint is simple to understand. As the Vital Forces of no two persons are alike nor are their derangements and perversions alike, so it is highly improbable for their symptoms and sensations to be alike, and hence the necessity of treating them as individual patients with their different symptoms rather than cases of a disease or infection. For the same reasons, if identical treatment is given to patients on the basis of a common disease or infection,their reactions are bound to be different.

So called modern scientific medicines is increasingly showing a lamentable ignorance of the fact that disease and drugs can operate on man only through the medium of the Vital energy., The results of rest-tube experiments with drugs on germ cultures cannot therefore be rationally transferred to natural sickness in human being.

Man is something more than the some of his organs and of his physical frame, which is worse than a long of wood or a heap of clay the moment that spark of Vital Energy which animates it is extinguished. Science has analyzed and knows every bit of the physical man; yet it is unable to make a man by synthesizing all those elemental scientific knowledge the span of human life has on the whole decreased instead of increasing.

The writer holds there has been something fundamentally wrong with the concepts of health and disease. No purely materialistic theory or outlook will ever solve the problem of human sickness. To serve sick humanity on a satisfactory, rational basis,medical science must rise from a purely physical to a metaphysical and dynamic plane,and HOMOEOPATHY DOES IT. It is not a system of treatment with a bright future in the service of ailing humanity? DEHRA DUN, U.P., INDIA.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India