Hpathy Needs Your Help!


I think the doctors pointing out the need for these people resting,as well as the medicine , is a very good point of preventive medicine.

DR.WILBUR K.BOND[Greensfork, Ind.]: Some of the remedies that are of utmost importance in coronary disease are based upon symptomatology, naturally. I have found that if the pain foes to the left arm,. Practically every time it is Latrodectus mactans; if to the right,it is Lilium tigrinum,. If they get a severe oppressive constriction in the chest, which is a terrible angina congestion,worse than any with hypertension, as suggested by Garth Boerickes Secale, there are a few other remedies.

Here is one case where I think you have to reason from particulars to the general. If the generals agree, all right, stop, but if they dont agree and they dont have any generals,m the locals are far in preponderance, forget the other part of the history and go right the heart.,.

Other such remedies could be included as Phosphorus, a grand remedy, in my work, for coronary; also Rhus tox Those are a few of the main ones I can think of.

DR.ELIZABETH WRIGHT HUBBARD[New York, N.Y.]: I must say we cant talk about coronary without mentioning Crotalus,and Cenchris,and Naja. I find Crotalus magnificent when they complain of the feeling as though something were going to burst under the sternum particularly if they say, ” It feels so full there”, that they dare not move. Crotalus relieves that extraordinarily.

DR.WHITMONT:Rather than Lachesis?.

DR.HUBBARD:In my experience, yes.

DR.ROYAL E.S.HAYES [Waterbury, Conn]: I might mention a man with dreadful anxiety, pacing the floor, with oppression of the chest,craving air,and with cold sweat. What did I give him? I have him Stannum and waited a short time and found the pains came gradually,and then I found they decreased. You know the remedy. Two doses-one dose and he was asleep in twenty minutes, and another dose during the convalescence made him feel better.

DR.NEISWANDER[closing]: I have nothing more to add. I want to thank you for listening and for your discussion.

H A Neiswander