Fibrous Tissue. Chronic congestion around the joints causes arthritic conditions, usually affecting the phalangeal or knee joint regions.

Skin. It is here that the outstanding action of the Bacillus Morgan group of organisms is to be found. Morgan (Bach) is the nosode indicated where there is congestion of the skin with itching eruption, worse from heat. The type of eruption which characterizes this can be ascertained from a study of the “provings” of well known skin remedies found among the list of remedies associated with the Bacillus Morgan, e.g. Sulphur, Graphites, Petroleum and Psorinum. There are few eczemas of the infant at the teething stage or later life, which do not require a dose of this nosode Morgan (Bach). It was found possible to isolate two subtypes of Bacillus Morgan and to observe the clinical indications for the use of the respective nosodes.

1. MORGAN-PURE (Paterson) is indicated where there is a marked symptom of skin eruption or disturbance of the liver; bilious headache, or actual presence of gall-stones.

2. MORGAN-GAERTNER (Paterson) is also indicated in skin and liver conditions, but it is likely to be more useful where there is evidence of acute inflammatory attack, such as that found in cholecystitis.

The sub-type Morgan-Gaertner (Paterson) has often been found in the stool of patients suffering from renal colic and where X- ray has demonstrated the presence of renal calculus. The nosode Morgan-Gaertner (Paterson) should therefore be considered as a possible remedy in cases of renal colic. It is also likely to be of value in treatment in any case which has a 4-8 p.m. modality which is also a characteristic of the group prototype remedy – Lycopodium. for its prototype. Morgan-Pure (Paterson) has Sulphur and within the main group represented by Morgan (Bach) you will find the well known trio of remedies mentioned by Kent as working in a cycle of Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica and Lycopodium.


It is difficult to offer you a single word with which to explain the pathogenesis of the B.Proteus, but it will be useful at the outset to suggest to you that the nosode Proteus (Bach) will seldom have any therapeutic action unless there are outstanding symptoms in the case relative to the central or peripheral nervous systems and symptoms which appear with a degree of suddenness.

Mentals. Mental symptoms are prominent in the clinical proving and “Brain Storm” might be taken as the keynote to indicate this sudden and violent upset of the nervous system.

Outburst of violent temper, especially if opposed in any way; will throw any missile which is at hand; kick or strike; the child objecting to parental control will lie on the floor and kick and scream.

Emotional hysteria, suggestive of the remedy Ignatia is also found in the proving of this B. Proteus preparation and convulsive and epileptiform seizures and meningismus in children during febrile attacks often responds to the action of the nosode Proteus (Bach). Further indication for the use of this nosode is disturbance of the peripheral nervous system, evidenced by spasm of the peripheral circulation, e.g. “dead fingers”; intermittent claudication in the circulation of the lower limbs; anginal attacks due to spasm of the coronary capillaries.

There are two well-known diseases associated with capillary spasm where the nosode Proteus (Bach) has been found useful in treatment- Raynauds Disease, where there is spasm of the capillary circulation of the extremities, and Menieres Disease where spasm of the brain circulation results in vertigo attacks.

Digestive system. It is important to note that any of the symptoms manifest in the digestive system are secondary to the action of the central nervous system. It is now being realized that prolonged nerve strain is a factor in the production of duodenal ulcer, and in the Proteus proving, this is also to be found. The type of case is that where there are no prodromal symptoms in the digestive system and the first sign is that of a haematemesis or melaena. These ulcers have a tendency to perforate, probably due to the innervation and interference with capillary circulation in that area.

As part of the scientific discussion at this meeting, a study is to be made of the remedy Natrum muriaticum and you will note that this is given in my list as the outstanding member of the list of remedies I associate with the Proteus nosode, and I may have the opportunity of further discussing with you the significance of the disturbed chloride metabolism associated with this intestinal organism.

Neuro-muscular System. As one might expect from the foregoing indications, cramp of muscles is a characteristic symptom and Cuprum metallicum is also found among the list of remedies.

Skin. Angio-neurotic oedema, which one associates with the remedy Apis mellifica is found in the proving of the B.Proteus preparation and also a tendency for the production of herpetic eruption at the muco-cutaneous margins.

There is marked sensitivity to exposure to ultra-violet light.

Before leaving this “proving” of Proteus (Bach), it may be of interest to you to know that in Great Britain since the war years, there has been a marked increase in the frequency with which one has been able to isolate B.Proteus and this I associate with long continued “nerve strain” -a factor of considerable importance in the pathogenesis of this type of bowel organism.

BACILLUS NO. “7” (Paterson).

This is so named because it was the 7th non-lactose fermenting type of bacillus to be observed in the laboratory, and as it did not conform to any of the previously known groups, it was given the numeral “7”.

As a keynote for the use of this nosode I suggest “Mental and Physical Fatigue.” The “proving” of Bacillus No.”7″ is not unlike that of Proteus (Bach) as it has similar relationship; Proteus (Bach) is related to Chlorine whereas Bacillus No. “7” seems to have a closer relationship to the two halogens, Bromine and Iodine, often in combination with Potassium.

Mentals. The outstanding symptom is mental fatigue, a feeling of unfitness for any mental effort, which produces a sense of extreme physical exhaustion.

Digestive System. All the symptoms can be related to general lack of nerve and muscle tone; a sense of fullness after food; flatulence and distension of the stomach; enteroptosis.

Genito-Urinary System. Feeble urinary flow; loss of sexual function; premature senility.

Respiratory System. Asthma; bronchial catarrh; tough sticky mucus, difficult to raise.

(compare the symptom picture of Kali carb, which is one of the associated remedies.).

Circulation. Slow pulse rate, often with lowered blood pressure; myocardial weakness.

(Potassium has a specific action on cardiac muscle.).

Neuro-muscular System. Relaxed fibrous tissue, with tendency to the formation of “rheumatic nodules”; backache, cannot stand long without feeling of faintness; tendency to syncope after sudden exertion.

Skin. Nothing outstanding; sensitive to cold, to draughts and cold damp air.


The keynote for this nosode is “malnutrition” and as this would imply, it is the nosode applicable to the treatment of many diseases of childhood, but it is also found to be of value in the other extreme of life associated with malignancy. Marked emaciation may be taken as an indication for the use of the Gaertner nosode.

Mentals. Mostly observed in the child; hypersensitive to all impressions, psychical or physical; overactive brain with undernourished body.

Digestion. It is in the digestive tract that the B.Gaertner has its greatest action, and this often manifests itself about the age of 6 months at the time when the infant is put on to artificial feeding.

The inability to digest fat-Coeliac disease; ketosis; “intestinal infantilism” – are all disease complexes found under the “proving” of the B.Gaertner preparations; also chronic gastro-enteritis; tabes mesenterica; thread worms. The clearing of thread worms is difficult and usually requires prolonged treatment.

If you combine the clinical picture of three well known remedies with which you are familiar, phosphorus, Silica, Mercurius, you will have before you a very good clinical picture of the “proving” of Gaertner (Bach).


This is the nosode prepared from B.Dysenteriae and the keynote for its use is nervous tension of a peculiar type and best described as “anticipatory” since it is that sense of nerve tension which a student might feel immediately before facing his examiners, or a business man before attending an important engagement.

Mentals. Nervous tension, mental uneasiness in anticipation of some event; hypersensitive to criticism; shyness and uneasiness among strangers; mental uneasiness shows itself by physical restlessness, cannot keep still, fidgets; choreic movements of facial muscles, or limbs. Headache, frontal over the eyes, or in vertex, brought on by excitement; often occurs at regular time periods of 7 or 14 days cycle.

Digestive System. B.Dysenteriae has been shown to have selected action on the pylorus causing spasm and retention of digested contents; dilation of the stomach; wakened at 12 midnight to 1 a.m. with acute pain in stomach, relieved by vomiting of a large quantity of mucous material.

John Paterson
John Paterson 1890 – 1954 was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. John Paterson was a Microbiologist, who was married to Elizabeth Paterson, also a Microbiologist. They both worked at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
John Paterson was President of International Homeopathic Medical League in 1939.
John Paterson wrote The Bowel Nosodes, and he was responsible for introducing them into British homeopathy n the 1920s.