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EDITORIAL. More usual remedies are Arsenicum album, to be given when weakness, restlessness, fever, thirst for small amounts of water at frequent intervals and after midnight aggravation are present; Rhus tox. when aching pains in the body and limbs, with momentary relief from a change of position, thirst for cold water, coated tongue with a red tip, general aggravation at night, are all marked.


NATRUM SULPHURICUM. When the hayfever and asthmatic suffers start phoning that they are having an attack and it is a damp, wet, chilly day, or a hot humid day, one begins to investigate the homoeopathic Dr.Dixon first led me to see the benefits of Natrum Sulphuricum in this situation. Kent lists eight-seven remedies in the Repertory under Generalities, Wet weather, aggravation from. Eleven are given in the highest rating.


A SERIES OF SCIATICAS. Soreness of right sciatic nerve for eighteen months. Onset from a strain playing gold. Cold natured.
Aggravated standing. Aggravated lying on the affected side. Ameliorated warmth. Excruciating pain of the nerves about the rectum off the coccygeal plexus. Osteopathic treatment, salicylate saturation and morphine failed to give relief.


SOME OBSERVATIONS OF HEART CONDITIONS. The heart is enclosed in a serous sac, the pericardium. It has four chambers, viz., a right and left ventricle and a right and left auricle. A partition of fibrous tissue, the septum, separates the right and left chambers. So well regulated is the heart that each chamber functions independently to a certain extent. Between the auricles and ventricles are valves or doors composed of strong membrane, the left side having two doors while the right has three.


BELLIS PERENNIS. Several years ago Dr.Royal E.S. Hayes read an intensely interesting paper on Bellis and I take the liberty of quoting a few sentences from it. “Acute obstruction, intense pain, throbbing, soreness, spells of unbearable shooting, the patient frantic and sometimes dancing about and screaming, aggravated by heat and relief by cold-this complex in various localities has been instantly relieved.


IS MATERIA MEDICA BASED ON MODERN PHYSICS. Every medicinal substance, whether it be vegetable or animal, having its own fundamental resonant frequency, is only of value in its application to disease when its frequency is identical to that of the disease for which it is applied. Modern physics demonstrates that a remedy becomes curative when its frequency is 180 degree out of phase to the disease frequency and directly applied.