I know that my colleagues in Monterrey are facing more or less the same problem. fortunately, after those bad few years, 41, 42 and 43, the trouble stopped, and I cannot tell you why,m but since 43 I have resolved every case of malaria that has come to hands with pure homoeopathy, even sometimes after an exhaustive work.

I remember and I know your literature about the intermittent fever in this country, and you have splendid book. Allen has a splendid book, but I don;t know if it is the kind of malaria, or whether it is different from the kind of malaria, that we have in my country.

DR. SUTHERLAND: It probably is.

DR. HUBBARD: Certainly!.

DR. GARCIA: That is my experience. I know an Italian physician wrote recently a book, and the tale, the story, was funny. He said that the mosquito has nothing to do with malaria. I know there are very good experiences about that problem and I dont believe him, but he says that the occurrence of malaria depends more on the conditions of the soil, and of the weather, temperature and altitude, and he puts the mosquito aside.

Well, when you have a case of malaria, I suppose many of you have not in many years had to face a case of malaria-perhaps you are in front of another type of disease which in tropical countries is different.

I know that Hering-and, of course, every homoeopathy knows it- lived for years in Brazil and Brazil is a very malarial country. I wanted to know the experience of Hering. When the feverish accesses are very intense and the remedies have failed he does not hesitate to give quinine “but there must be in mind the fear for the future in the development of secondary sickness” he adds judiciously; and for the pernicious form he advises: “One gram of quinine sulphate and 9 grams of lactose. Triturate for an hour. Give in doses of 0.50 ct grms., one each two hours.”.

Jose G. Garcia