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Then pains < by heat, soreness inside chest keeping her bent forward, oppressed as from heat, renewed soreness in left breast. Pulsatilla 10M. removed all pain and she felt so well she did not report for five months.

Then found the left tumor gone, the right and original one remained. It was irregular in shape and had a long root at the axilla extremity. Kali mur. 1M. relieved the pains, but three months later size was found to be the same. Psorinum 50M. Three months later no trace remained.

Mrs. A., 46, found a lump in the left breast two months previous. It was loose, of firm density, lobulated and tender, about 2 2 X 1 2 inches. It was said to have been soft and large a month before and grew sore as it grew smaller and harder. An enlarged, tender gland was found in the axilla. Menstruation had skipped a few times; hot flashes ascending to head; bearing down and dragging first day of period. Poor appetite in summer, faint stomach before dinner; coldness of back and feet; weeping without apparent cause. Suspicious complexion and general dragged out appearance. Sepia 1M.

Three weeks later general appearance improving and gland not palpable. A little later “flu” and Gelsemium. Two weeks later found her still debilitated. She kept about but had to sit down often. Tired and sleepy, being worse in that respect toward evening. No appetite, bundling up because of coldness, but easy perspiration; aggravation by every change of weather. Tumor softer and flatter. Psorinum 50M.

Two and one-half months later the tumor was pronounced missing, no return to date, twenty-two years.

The next case is not reported as a tumor, merely as a suspicion. A woman of 50, but appearing 20 years older, had a fiery burning in the face five years since cocaine had been used for extraction. There were intense fiery burning spells as from burning needles, beginning regularly at 4 a.m., and continuing in paroxysms throughout the day. The tongue always felt scalded. There was spray of burning fluid from the salivary glands whenever she opened the mouth.

Cold relieved, food, drink and everything had to be cold, and was worse with heat of any kind. Apis 1M.

The first night was worse, then improvement began and continued five weeks. Then an ulcer appeared, forming on the side and ulcer the tongue, extending rapidly in depth and circumference, with grayish-blue, ragged edges and irregular areola of purple color, varicosity of adjacent veins. Dr. Woodbury saw it and his comment was “suspicious”. I had seen a sore just like it a few years previous and in a few weeks the old lady who had it was dead. However, the subjective symptoms were decidedly improving, so nothing was given but Sac. lac. Six weeks later all symptoms were gone except the scar and continues so to date, five years.

Woman of 76 had an epitheliomatous looking sore on the right cheek two years, then it spread rapidly and the entire anterior portion of the cheek became inflamed, a hard lump forming in the center and crusts spreading as the inflamed area advanced. The sensations were of pricking and smarting, < at night, as if inside the cheek, a creeping feeling as if something were alive in it.

Sulphur 10M., two doses, and 50 M., one dose, three in all during fourteen months, at the end of which time only a trace was visible. Then it began to spread again with sharp stinging pains. Arsenicum 40 M. cleared it up absolutely and there was no trace, objective or subjective, until now, at ninety-six, the skin on the cheek has taken on a suspicious appearance. WATERBURY, CONN.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.