July 30, about three months later, found the patients health much improved but the tumor had become distinctly warty, about the size of a large mulberry, with a black, hard top; and a pellicle could now be distinctly seen. Occasional stitching pains. August 21, the wart had dropped but leaving a foul, suppurating base on which could be seen a new growth of spongy tissue pushing upward. A dreadful odor filled the room. S.L.

Sept. 14. The growth had decreased. S.L.

October 3. Frontal headache in the morning on waking, shifting to the back of the head, throbbing, unable to …. hold head up, > by cold application. Sepia 50M. Skinner.

Nov.7. Reported having had one headache. Papilloma growing. Here occurred one of those aberrations to which some prescribers are liable. kali mur. was given because of the hard black shell which had reformed over the top of the growth.

Nov.25. The shell had been shed but the situation had not improved. The patient was much upset by financial affairs as well as by her condition. Arterial tension 210/110 with constant pulsation in the head. Sepia CM. Sk., d.u.

Jan.14, 1933. The growth had been checked until it had been accidentally hit when it took on a faster pace. Sepia CM. Sk., d.u.

Jan.27. Patient feeling fine, growth developing rapidly. S.L.

Feb.9. Another crust cast off leaving an easily bleeding stem which felt full (subjectively) as if it would bleed at any time. S.L.

March 7. Growth decreasing.

March 31. Skin normal. Patient much better.

This report speaks so eloquently for homoeopathic procedure that I will leave it without further comment except to note the courage of a lady carrying a repulsive, foul smelling growth on the front of her face, able to persist and resist amid the dire predictions and importunities of friends and relative to “do something.”.


Mrs. M., 50, gave a history of severe malarial attacks in this country and England at the age of 10. Three months before consulting me she had discovered a small, hard kernel in the lower segment of the left breast. The breast had become much fuller and felt hot but the contour was normal. Both nipples were retracted. The breasts were sore before menstruation, the latter being always normal. She was subject to herpes labialis; rather sensitive to heat; easy perspiration; rheumatic pains in arms.

Weeping telling symptoms. Very anxious about the lump. Suffering from an attack (her second) of haemorrhoids which she attributed to eating plums. Stinging, burning, ……scalded pain from heat of bed, cushions, etc., tearing during stool, most severe a half hour afterward. She thinks eating cranberries relieves the haemorrhoids. Had a haemorrhage from the rectum (without stool) of bright blood; the faeces soft. Kali carb. 1000, d.u.

In two weeks the lump was gone. A few months later a prescription of Kali carb. 30, then of Psorinum 10M. Sk. finished her troubles.

COMMENT: Probably it was just a “lump” that “Would have gone away anyhow.” But if lumps go away like that why so much determination toward prompt extirpation? Tumors and even cancers have been known to disappear “spontaneously”. Subtracting from these the number that were accidental cures, that is, resulting from unwitting good medication, what is the percentage of true spontaneous recoveries? The answer would be interesting.


This condition is not reported as being a tumor, rather a mastitis, for the mother was nursing and the tumefactions were scattered throughout the breast. But it was already of three months duration and provided a foundation for more serious changes in the future. The left breast of a nursing mother; soreness comes and goes; sharp pains, burning while nursing. Had a similar experience ten years previously. Her milk is too rich; a yellow crust on the nipple precedes the spells of soreness; sensitive to cold and takes cold easily, Tremulous anxiety about the condition; touchy, irritable. Phytolacca was given without benefit but Magnesium phos. 900 (Fincke) cleared the condition. Magnesium phos. has cleared up fibroids for me.


Miss. F., 37. Ovate tumor, probably a fibroadenoma in the upper segment of the left breast having a firm, granular feel to the touch; about two by one inches.

Symptoms: Breasts sore before menstruation, the left worse, which is full and lower than the other. Menstruation early one month, late the next. Sensitive to cold, but feels generally worse during hot weather. Evidently suffering from the dread of her discovery. Kali mur. 12, q.i.d…. for two weeks, started in June. By the middle of November no tumefaction was perceptible.

Kali mur. has served me well in other cases. It has a decided affinity for the breasts. And its “soreness of breasts before menstruation” belongs, in my opinion, to the highest rank.


Miss W., 21, lump in outer segment of the left breast about two by two inches, movable, hard. Familiar constitutional symptoms of Sulphur which were improved three and a half months; no change in the mass. Kali phos. 1000 was then given for cumulative effects of trying office work. A month later reported scanty menstruation, feeling exhausted at evening, dizzy headaches. Sepia 10M. Fincke, d.u. Slow diminution continued nine months during the first three of which she was annoyed by an aggravated nasal catarrh with bloody discharges and cough.

But I was after the tumor so let the patient struggle along on S.L. At the end of the nine months the tumor had become quite hard and was not decreasing. Because of the reputation for hardness and no other symptoms to be found Phytolacca 900 was tried, then the 10M., but without effect. Sepia 50M. Sk., no change. After a strain from lifting the tumor now enlarged rapidly, accompanied with a constant drawing sensation. Calcarea fluorica 6 for a month did nothing. Psorinum 50M. the same. By that time the lump had become quite nodular like a butternut. Breasts had developed soreness before menstruation. Kali mur. 12 q.i.d. four weeks and the growth was wiped out entirely in a few more weeks.


Boy of 16, round, hard, tender lump the size of a pea in the left breast near the nipple. Granulated lids, the only other symptom. Kali mur. 6 improved the lids; no effect on the lump. Psorinum 50M. seemed to arouse daily afternoon headaches. Lycopodium 1M. Sk. improved. Then the lid condition became acute. Afternoon frontal dizziness and exhausted feeling beginning at 11 a.m. Rapidly falling hair. lycopodium 50M. improved two months, then a general slump, sluggish even at play, absolutely lazy. Syphilinum 1000 was given, prescribed on..

the fact that various members of the family had needed Mercury and the Iodides several times in the past. Three months later the general vitality had improved and the lump had almost gone when a new one appeared in the other breast, both sore and growing rapidly. kali mur. 100, then the 6th, now improved the lumps and produced a good general reaction. Then both breasts became so tender that the boy shrank from any approach to touch them.

There was no history of traumatism. Arnica 200 improved steadily two months, at the end of which time no lumps remained. Constitutional treatment was still needed, however, and continued four years before the young man attained to a healthy condition. Notable during this latter treatment was the effect of Syphilinum 45M. and Carcinosin 200. The family had a complication of inherited miasms with many outbreaks of acute illness. Appendicitis of rapid pace seemed to be a family trait. Carcinosin has been used to the decided benefit of several members of the family.


Miss H., 73, had a sore called lupus by her local doctor, but which at the time I saw it made me certain it was an epithelioma. It was on the left temple and had been healed by radiation a year before. Complained of being tired. The skin had always been sensitive, to adhesive plaster, for instance; easily affected. Constant nausea. Fond of sweets. Coldness and cold feet. Much worried. Sulphur 1M. Sk. started a reaction ceased, perhaps because of the intense anxiety, perhaps because Sulphur may not have been the best remedy. Coldness had also increased. Sleepless after midnight. Sudden attacks of weariness. Thirstless. Arsenicum 200, d.u. In six weeks the skin was normal and the patient fine.

A number of epithelioma have been cured with these two remedies in complementary sequence, with Arsenicum, I think, taking the lead.

XIV. Man of 49. rodent ulcer (basal cell carcinoma) on center of forehead ten years. The patient being of melancholic temperament, always pessimistic as to the future, …… had declined to have treatment except once in a while for some passing condition. Finally, the ulcer began to suppurate faster and to enlarge so that he was driven to it. The sore was about the size of a dime with raised fibrous edges on which were small black crusts; bleeding easily; punched out appearance. He was subject to catarrh, expectorating a thick, sticky mucus at night.

The first prescription of Kali bi. acted about five months, a second six weeks, then all progress ceased. The margin was now becoming elevated again; itching at times. It was recalled that the ulcer began in an old chickenpox scar. Psorinum 50M. Sk., d.u. Seven weeks followed with little change but at the end of that time Kali bi. 10M. SK. acted three months. Then the rim became more active, red, full, felt numb; blackish crusts, base suppurating and enlarging. Graphites 10M. Sk. reacted seven weeks.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.