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Thuja: Sycotic tendency with the well-known symptoms. Open cancer. Secretion more nights than days. In melanotic cancer it is the main remedy. Veins almost blue-black over tumor and around it. Thyroidea: For obese patients of the Graphites and Calcarea fluorica type, sixth to eighth decimal potency as supporting agency; also very active when mixed with Cuprum oxydatum, 6th potency.


It is not that our polychrests Sul., Lyc., Calc., Sil., Nat. mur., etc. are insufficient 90 percent of all cases coming into our hands (these are the pure gold of medical therapy) that we are today presenting for your consideration a unique remedy, Sanicula, which partakes of each of the above and a few others. It has occupied a definite field for masters of healing who have preceded us and is brought to attention because for a number of years our literature has had slight mention of it. M. Tyler says of it, “An invaluable remedy WHERE IT CORRESPONDS, in the treatment of unflourishing children.”.


The remedy, Thuja, is made from the arbor vitae, the tree of life. Its common name is the white cedar and it belongs to the Coniferae closely related to the Euphorbiaceae. The other members of its tribe which are used, up to date, in Homoeopathy, are Sabina Juniperus, Abies of two varieties, Pinus Sylvestris and Pix Liquida and Terebinthina. Taxus Baccata, the yew, is a close ally.


In Primary Amenorrhoea the menstruation has never occurred and puberty is delayed. The cause must be carefully sought for. It may result from absence or under development of the internal genital organs; or from some constitutional disorders like anemia, tuberculosis, rickets, chlorosis or malnutrition.


This incident should be of interest to all homoeopaths as substantiating in some measure our contention that there are inherent dangers in vaccination. One wonders exactly what happened to little Margaret Ann to deprive her of her sight. One thinks first of meningitis or a meningo-encephalitis as being the most likely condition producing unconsciousness in a child of one year five days following vaccination.


Nitric acid covers a wide field and is a frequently indicated polychrest. It is antipsoric, antisyphilitic and antisycotic. Tuberculous subjects who for years have been forced to consume excessive amounts of milk often require this remedy.