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Thuja: Sycotic tendency with the well-known symptoms. Open cancer. Secretion more nights than days. In melanotic cancer it is the main remedy. Veins almost blue-black over tumor and around it. Thyroidea: For obese patients of the Graphites and Calcarea fluorica type, sixth to eighth decimal potency as supporting agency; also very active when mixed with Cuprum oxydatum, 6th potency.

Acidum fluoricum: Especially indicated in postoperative recurrences. Cheloidal degeneration of scar, intensely red and itching; pressure on scar very painful.

Arsenicum album: Severe burning pain in tumor and great irritability. Open cancer, fetid odor, greasy, gangrenous in parts.

Arsenicum iodatum: Hard mammary carcinoma in emaciated patients with hard glandular swelling; accompanying affection of lung apices. Burning pain in lymph vessels.

Asterias rubens: Much pain especially in left breast with retracted nipple and ovarian irritation. It is the most eminent remedy in painful breast cancer.

Calcarea fluorica: Hard, voluminous mammary carcinoma. Veins much dilated and prominent. In fat patients of Graphites or Calcarea habitus. Right side.

Carbo animalis: Hard mammary carcinoma in patients who are inclined to acne rosacea. Axillary glands stony hard with burning pain. Lymph vessels are hard strands.

Carborundum: Very hard breast cancer in emaciated patients of Silicea habitus. Patient is always chilly, has flatulence with weak digestion.

Cuprum metallicum and oxydatum: Hard mammary carcinoma in anemic, fat patients. Taste slimy, metallic. Pains in breast before menstruation. Mammary carcinoma with weak heart.

Ferro-silicum: For spare-built, very nervous patients with red face. This remedy stands between Arsenicum, Lachesis and Silicea. Upper part of body feels hot while the lower is cold. Very sensitive to temperature extremes, especially cold.

Graphites: Voluminous breast cancer especially in corpulent persons. Right side mostly affected. Severe burning pain in lymph-vessels and lymph-glands.

Causticum: Elderly persons with rheumatic constitution and of dark complexion. Facial warts. Lower lip border slightly purple. Breast cancer usually leftsided.

Lachesis: Breast cancer with prominent bluish veins over tumor; pain in tumor before menstruation, better after menses start. Inclination to bleeding from open cancer. Cadaverous odor. Very sensitive when dressings are changed.

Murex: Ovarian affection with mammary cancer. Pain especially during menstruation, from left ovary to right breast or vice versa.

Petroleum: Rheumatic constitution with constipation. Lips brownish and cyanotic. Skin around tumor characteristic; brown and yellow spots; slow healing; small fissures and eruption.

Psorinum: Quickly growing mammary cancer in young people. Very fetid discharge from fungus ulcerations. Tendency to haemorrhages.

Radium bromatum: Cases of cancer aggravated by Roentgen rays. Gangrenous ulcers, easily bleeding; very painful. This remedy clears up dirty ulcers and stops bleeding.

Sulphur iodatum: Indicated where healing advances, but resorption is slow.

Thuja: Sycotic tendency with the well-known symptoms. Open cancer. Secretion more nights than days. In melanotic cancer it is the main remedy. Veins almost blue-black over tumor and around it.

Thyroidea: For obese patients of the Graphites and Calcarea fluorica type, sixth to eighth decimal potency as supporting agency; also very active when mixed with Cuprum oxydatum, 6th potency.

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