They even admit of an “Ulcer diathesis” and “Ulcer constitution”, and if you read Hursts book on peptic ulcers you will find a legion of theories from Konjetznys thrombus block and Muellers and Bergmanns vaso-neurosis as causes, none of them offering a road to cure. We have the Sigauds classification of typhus Sthenicus, Atheleticus and Abdominalis; Sheldon changes it to Ectodermal (Sthenicus), Endodermal (Atheleticus) and Mesodermal (Abdominalis). For our purpose Grauvogls Hydrogenoid, Oxygenoid and Carbo-Nitrogenoid types, practically identical with the modern ones, are far more guiding for therapy. For instance Sheldons description of the peptic type as robust and reserved, is almost equal to our Ignatia type and we know ignatia works in peptic ulcers, given the type.


A further bombshell for our allopathic brethren who practice 99.9 p.c. on the “Organic tradition in Medicine” is the admission that the human constitution plays an important role in clinical medicine, that no two human beings are like, and still less equal to cats and mice on which our learned pharmacologists experiment for drugs suitable for human ailments. Which Homoeopath worth his name did not know of it? Which ancient Ayurveda vaid or Unani hakim did not work on it? And here in the 20th century Draper quotes the Charaka Samhita, Chapter XX, that:

“One who does not enter, with lamp of know ledge, the very innermost parts of the patients in order to arrive at a proper diagnosis, can never treat the disease properly.”

And THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION in Clinical Medicine is put up as a brand new discovery!

The tale of woe is not yet complete. It was discovered that cardio-vascular comprise a major group and that the age little is dangerously falling for them. Formerly, a heart case at 35 was a rarity; today Flanders Dunbar9 says heart cases between 15-30 years of age are the major problem. Fahrenkamp10 Wants physicians to study the personality of the patient, especially in chronic cases, the change in the personality and individuality of the patient in heart disease. But which allopath has been taught what the personality of the patient is? No doubt, Krauss has written two difficult volumes on the “Clinic of Personality11, which no average allopath is in a position to understand and much less apply.

As a trained allopath, I must confess that the present position is disastrously confusing, and embarassing. Till now the heart meant digitalis, Coramin, Cardiazol; Rheumatism, salicylates; Malaria, quinine, atabrine, Plasmochin; Peptic ulcers, Sippy and Alkalis and Aluminium silicate; Syphilis, Arsenic and Bismuth; and for everything else we did not know, Sulfdiazine and Pennicilin, with a generous dose of Vit. B., Liver extract, and perhaps, Calcium; and if nothing else occurs to us, Glucose injections intra-venous.

Everything was so delightfully simple, and deep rays and Radium so impressive. If, as Rowntree admits. “despite all progress that medicine has made in principles and practice, sickness prevails and trumpets its challenge anew to each and every generation of physician”-with progress has come complexity. Modern Medicine is exceedingly complex as are human beings with whom it deals”…I cannot help feeling that there is something wrong with a science that builds a mountain of isolated facts and cannot synthesise them; on account of the tree it cannot see the forest. Where is the average allopath ready to see anew and how?

Still more misery is in store for us. There is a brand new speciality still to be served up to a stomach already surfeited: GERIATRICS, the science of old age, From it it appears that the treatment of the aged by the allopaths has been wrong all along till now; for, Thewlis12 says “a large proportion of the medical profession is still ignorant of the peculiarities of the senescent organism”, and then goes on to floor 99.9 p.c. of our allopathic breatheren with the statement:

“The goal of pre-clinical medicine is the study and inter- pretation of pre-clinical states, disease “soils”, pre-disease, tendencies. Through a study of pre-clinical states, a synthetic diagnosis is obtained, and analysis of disease tendencies and probabilities weighed. Pre-clinical therapy attacks disease “soil” long before the symptom stage is reached. Unfortunately, when Roentgenographic studies and blood test show up disease, it is often too late for successful intervention.”

Still more disaster. Thewlis writers further: “In the pre- disease period, there are no specific symptoms except a feeling of ill-health, weariness and inexplicable fatigue, and sometimes not even that. This consciousness of ill-health is the only pre- clinical sign given by the patient. Each alone achieves its significance only in relation to the whole. The data obtained after a thorough study provide a synthetic pattern which is enlightening. It is the organism as a whole that must be studied.” (P.14)

Shades of Paracelsus and Hahnemann!. Have the allopaths arrived at the stages that both our masters taught for 200 years?-” the totality of the disease picture,” “The patient and not the disease,” “Disease Soil”!. Which average allopath understands myself and I can frankly state that to the majority it is Greek.

Enlightening to whom?. To the allopath trained in the “organic tradition of medicine”, with his palpation of the liver and spleen his auscultation of the damaged and irreparable lung and heart?. Can he understand how to evaluate no specific symptoms and sometimes not even that”?. Exactly those every indeterminate symptoms that are a veritable feast to the discerning Homoeopath who knows the value of the peculiar and the general and the mental states that individualise the patient and his constitution.


When all is said and done what of that? The pscho-somatists have needed as much as 29 months to “talk” a patient out of his disease. They have arrived at a knowledge of facts long since known to homoeopaths. I admit we were not so learned in explaining (?) things, but we knew them all the same. Their treatment lags behind as compared to ours. As a rather innocent young man, Oh! so many years ago, I took enthusiastically to psychoanalysis and tried to explain its principles to an American lady student who sat next to me during Bergmanns lectures.

“Hey” exclaimed this young lady, “are you trying to deduce me?” As in Parliament “No answer was given.” Psycho-analysis is wearisome, time-robbing and expensive; dieting and hygiene a question of economics; and today, in Homoeopathy, Kent and Knerr have hundreds of pages full of drugs dealing with the disordered psyche, Narcolepsy with Sodium Pentothal, Amital, or shock therapy with Cardiazol are too drastic and dangerous and unnecessary when we have safer, surer and gentler means with our dynamic drugs and the similie.

THE CONCLUSIONS WE CAN DRAW from a study of modern allopathic medicine is this: Nothing justifies more and more the teachings of Hahnemann than the results of modern medical research. And while their present knowledge has been the common workable basis of the homoeopathic for a century and more, we have one additional advantage-a positive and effective therapy for psycho-somatic diseases and effective therapy for psycho- somatic diseases and Geriatrics based on a proven law of cure-the similie and the constitution of the patient, which the allopathic do not possess; and if they do, too cumbersome and expensive as compared to ours. One single glance into our repertories should convince anyone of that.

Further, our daily experience and success show that given the proper analysis and synthesis the disease and drug picture, a cure is inevitable. Here is a Psycho-somatic case out of my practice, a most common type of case in every homoeopaths practice. Young woman of 23, married 6 years, complete amenorrhoea for 6 years since marriage. Progynon, Ovocyclin and Stilboestrol, total failure. Physically normal, no infantile uterus. Said to be happily married. What then was the cause?. It turned out that the boys parents objected to the match because she was a poor girl. Both very attached to each other. Yes, boys parents wanted the boy to marry again because the girl! was barren and childless. I argued that there must be some deeper emotional factor, failing all traces of organic deficiency.

A girl happily married does not suffer from menstrual troubles unless organically deficient. Here, there was none. Looking into her palm I saw a circle on her head and life line at about twelve. Bluntly I asked her whether at the age of twelve any man tried to rape her. No, it was not at twelve but at fourteen; and how could I have known it? I looked omniscient and learned. That psychic trauma was the base of her psychosomatic disease-amenorrhoea.

Each time she submitted to the sex act, even with the man she loved, the psychic trauma acted as a shock. Pulsatilla, M, i dose cured her. She has a strapping baby and is a confident young woman now. The diagnosis may have been unorthodox and even unhomoeopathic. But the etiology was correctly found inside of half an hour where psycho-analysis would have needed six months to break known “resistance”; the treatment was homoeopathically correct, constitutionally correct, and the result was fortunately correct.

N M Jaisoorya