Generally speaking, no remedy in the materia medica has been used so frequently for infant and child as Aconite napellus. It is vibrant with the new fresh, sturdy, vigorous, energetic young being. It is a remedy for the beginning of things featured by the sudden tensiveness. This goes with all perverted functions mentally and physically. The emotions respond unreservedly to impulses whether from fright, shock, noise, pain or extreme thermal influences, viz., cold winds or hot weather.
In brain diseases with fear and agonized restlessness. In convulsions while teething; skin hot, dry; jerks and twitchings of single muscles; gnaws its fists, frets and screams.
In simple fevers; great heat, thirsty; sleeplessness is present or the sleep is restless with sudden starting and jumping out of sleep followed by anguish, crying.
Great fear on going to bed. Expression of fear with rash on skin. Restlessness before and during measles.
After exposure to dry cold winds awaking in first sleep with croup (Spongia). The child grasps its throat with every fit of coughing.
Children of tuberculous parents who are subject to frequent attacks of croup calls for deeper acting remedy than Aconite.
Watery diarrhoea with crying and complaining very much, biting its fists and is sleepless. Should diarrhoea continue after child is quiet, continue giving the Aconite. Gnaws at its fists when stools are hard and difficult. Bowel troubles from intense summer heat.
Screaming with scanty red hot urine arising from taking cold. Appears to be in great pain.
From shock at birth, retained or difficult urination (Apis), breathlessness (Ant. tart., Arn., Bell.); asphyxia very hot; ophthalmia; skin purplish or yellow. Some authorities give Aconite after birth routinely.
Effects from anger of the wet nurse or of the nursing mother (through the milk) (Opium).
Pneumonia, wild fearful expression, glistening eyes with excitement, fear of those about him and impossible to console, one cheek red, the other is pale; perspiration of the head on the pillow side while the uppermost side is dry and hot; hard cough, sputum may be bloody, cough ameliorated lying on its back; (Bell.); (Ferr. phos. in the weak anaemic type of child).
Relations: followed by Arn., Bell., Ipec., Bry., especially by Sulphur.
This symptom sketch is compiled from Hering, Allen, Kent, Jahr, and Yingling.