Homoeopathic treatment of sterility in the female has been successful but not phenomenal in its average of results. On the other hand a most encouraging record has been made in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and goitre and many brilliant cures of these conditions are due entirely to careful homoeopathic medication. When we come to thyroid deficiency, however, there is seldom much about which to boast. Quite obviously it is easier to pull down an endocrine excess than to build up an inadequate gland structure sufficiently to permit of anything even approximating normal function.
The relationship between endocrine imbalance and sterility has long been recognized but except in occasional individual cases the problem is still far from satisfactory solution.
The following case will illustrate the part played respectively by homoeopathy and glandular therapy in what for a time appeared to be an almost hopeless case of sterility resulting from thyroid deficiency.
The patient, twenty-three years of age, had been married four years but never pregnant, although children were sincerely desired by both husband and wife. This young woman was tall (5 feet 10 inches) and not at all well proportioned, relatively slender above and extremely large in the lower extremities. Her weight was 246 pounds. In spite of these objective symptoms her general appearance was pleasing and she had a host of friends, all of whom apparently liked her society and held her in high esteem.
This patient’s chief complaint besides sterility was a rather persistent ache in the small of the back which was only relieved by lying or pressing the back against some hard object such as a book or balsam pillow. Ever since adolescence her back had caused more or less annoyance, and was apparently slowly but surely getting worse.
According to her parents nothing unusual was observed until after a severe attack of pneumonia with kidney complications at about six years of age.
Following this illness the lower part of the body began to increase in size out of proportion as noted above.
Other symptoms elicited were as follows:.
Very sensitive to hot weather and especially to the direct rays of the sun. Must have head protected from the sun. Menses late, scanty and of short duration. General aggravation before menses. Subject to cold sores and fever blisters with every cold or digestive upset. Worst time of day apt to be along in the middle of the forenoon. If she feels particularly well one day is almost certain to feel badly the next. Very fond of meat, milk and sweets. Rather averse to coffee. Wants foods well seasoned, especially as regards salt. These were about all the symptoms of selective value. The others listed were merely common particulars of a nondescript nature.
It was not difficult to select Natrum mur. and this remedy
was prescribed in the 30th centesimal potency with good results. The backache was definitely relieved but unfortunately not cured. There was the feeling of more energy, strength and ambition. Felt much lighter on her feet although without any actual loss of weight. The premenstrual aggravation was less pronounced.
After a year and a half on Natrum mur. the potency had been stepped up first to the 200th and finally to the 1M., but the results, most encouraging at first, began to taper off. Still no evidence of pregnancy. A slow but persistent tendency toward gain in weight finally decided us to temporarily switch to thyroid extract.
This was given once a day in one grain tablets. The improvement under this glandular product was even more striking than was the original reaction to Natrum mur. At the end of the first month there was a loss of three and one-half pounds in weight. Another three pounds the second month. The menses appeared twice following the use of the thyroid extract. The third period was missed and a presumptive diagnosis of pregnancy was made on the usual symptoms. In due course the diagnosis was confirmed and ten days late according to count a perfectly normal seven pound girl baby was born.
The infant is now a month old and both mother and child are doing as well as could possibly be desired. After an initial loss of half a pound the baby was gained consistently. So far the only addition to the breast feedings (at four-hour intervals) has been orange juice once a day. The use of thyroid extract was progressively reduced during pregnancy, first to every second day, later to every third day and finally to one grain once every week until the patient went to the hospital.
How much credit goes to the Natrum mur. and how much to the thyroid extract? We are inclined to the idea that without the thyroid preparation pregnancy would probably not have occurred.
We are now standing by and giving absolutely nothing in the way of medication.
Would potentized thyroid extract or Thyroidinum have done as well? That is a question which, so far at least, we are unable to answer.
Fortunately there is nothing to prevent even a one-track minded Hahnemannian from branching out a little if and when something besides his little medicated pellets are really indicated.
A girl of ten years, brown haired, nervous temperament, had scarlatina a year ago and has not been strong since then.
Epistaxis nearly every day for several weeks, sometimes several attacks in one day, usually with flushed face, when with heat and pain in the forehead, which are relieved by the nose bleed.
Easy perspiration, which is apt to be offensive, especially upon the feet.
Bufo CM. Fincke, one powder.
Cured at once. Her health improved wonderfully.–Clinical Experiences, ERASTUS E. CASE.