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The four outstanding remedies, according to Kent, are Cocculus, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla and Sepia. The aggravations are only under Lycopodium, which was chosen. Consulting Timothy Field Allens Handbook the following data was found, which justified the selection of Lycopodium.

Mr. M. complains of a condition diagnosed as Malta fever. For repertorial analysis I had this :.

Generally weak and tired, especially in legs. Intermittent fever from noon till all night. Perspiration before fever. Thirst intense. Hands and feet cold (worse at noon). Ear noises. Bruised pain in liver region. Aggravation in humid weather and from drafts. Sensitive to noise. Weeps easily. Irritable, < at beginning of fever. Is easily offended and discouraged. Aggravation of all symptoms when alone. Thinking is difficult. Forgetful.

The four outstanding remedies, according to Kent, are Cocculus, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla and Sepia. The aggravations are only under Lycopodium, which was chosen.

Consulting Timothy Field Allens Handbook the following data was found, which justified the selection of Lycopodium. Page 673:.

Intermittent fever, slight heat in evening (the 6th day), the violent, long lasting heat, weariness with pains in limbs ; in the evening at 6, starting from back, with feeling as if water were spurting upon back (7th day) ; at same hour (8th day) again chilliness over whole body ; at same hour chilliness with stupefying sleep, then uneasy sleep interrupted by heavy dreams (9th day), at same hour chilliness for two hours with stupefaction of head, sleepiness, tearing in limbs, no thirst, no sweat (10th day), -in our case little sweat-moisture.

On the 11th day similar attacks at 4 p.m. with yawning, nausea, shivering, starting from back and extending over whole body with coldness of hands and feet ; no sweat, no thirst, but heat in face ; the chill lasted two hours and a half and ended with weakness and bruised feeling in feet ; sleep well and woke well next morning.

Allen does not mention the ear noises, but Kent does on page 299 of his Repertory. This symptom is only of secondary importance because probably due to the quinine taken.

The bruised feeling in the liver region Allen mentions in bold face type on page 665 : Hypochondria : Bruised pain in right hypochondrium < from touch and breathing.

The general fatigue, especially in the limbs, is characteristic of Lycopodium. Aggravation from drafts Lycopodium has in second rank (Kents Repertory, page 1344). Sensitive to noises, Kent lists as second rank, page 79. Weeping easily, he gives in bold face type, page 92, and Irritability on page 57 ; Offended easily, page 69 ; Discouraged, page 37 second rank. Difficulty in thinking, page 48, also is a top-notch rank.

Lycopodium 60 cent. (Ehrhart and Karl) was given in one dose, and when a weak later the condition remained the same, it was given in the 200 cent., which brought on an aggravation of all symptoms for a short time. Mistrustingly Mercurius solubilis and Iodum 6 were given. Fortunately these low potencies did not interrupt the work of Lycopodium and the latter was given. Fortunately these low potencies did not interrupt the work of Lycopodium and the latter was given in the 1 M. potency and cured radically.

Eulalio Dario Flores