She came back in a year with that eruption all over both hands and over both arms. I said, “I thought the doctor had cured that for you in two days.” “He didnt but he is going to cure it this time”.

For three months he worked on that and finally got it pushed in again. I said, “You come back in another year and let me see that eruption.” She said, “I surely will”.

Here is the climax. She came back in a year with that eruption all over her body. When she pulled her linen away from her legs, the blood just ran down there I said, “What are you going to do?” “I have come back.” “You dont expect me to cure that in a month.” “I dont give a damn it is takes a life-time. You stick to it”.

DR. CAMPBELL : It seemed to me the essayist did not go quite far enough. He did not say anything about testing out for vaccination. I remember old Dr. Allen said, “You will never find a case of cancer except you will find vaccination back of it”.

A few years ago I went to Park Davis and got three tubes of their vaccine. I tested that our on Abrams machine. I found there were five units each of inflammation, tuberculosis and syphilis in the vaccination for small-pox. That put me to thinking.

I have cured a very bad case of eczema with nothing but Malandrinum. I was called unexpectedly to an obstetrical case. When the child was three days old, its head stuck to the pillow, it was so broken out. I questioned the mother, “Were you vaccinated before this child was born ?” She replied that she was, while carrying the child. She had been vaccinated several times before. I gave that child Malandrinum and cured the eczema.

DR. UNDERHILL : I agree with Dr. Miller in regard to milk, and I disagree with Dr. roberts. Hahnemann said, “Remove first the obstacles to recovery and then prescribe the remedy.” I am sure Dr. Roberts would not prescribe the remedy without discontinuing digitalis and a host of other devilish drugs which would be interfering with recovery.

I agree with the point on Ayrshire milk being the most digestible cows milk. I have been fortunate in having two patients, one of whom was head of the laboratory of one of the large milk concerns in philadelphia, and the other chairman of the New Jersey Milk Control Board. I have found it possible to get equivalent of a college education from ones clientele and at the same time be paid for taking the course.

One of these men told me that if the public really knew the inside facts about milk, they would not consume much of it at all. In the first place, there is hardly any herd in the eastern United States that is free from mastitis. Therefore, practically all milk contains pus in greater or lesser quantities-not a very encouraging proposition.

All cows in commercial herds are being forced. they have been made into milk producing machines, and that is unnatural. Patients with eczema and those suffering from the other allergies, including asthma, will do a thousand times better if you once and for all discontinue milk.

Dr. Kaplowe said a question was asked in regard to what I use in place of milk, since I did not prescribe milk for anybody. That is not the case. I do allow some patients to have milk. I am very much against the processed milks, and even pasteurized milk. I prescribe raw, unpasteurized milk. Sometimes I use goats milk, which is slightly on the alkaline side, whereas cows milk is slightly on the acid side. Milk is not an essential food for anybody who is more than two years old.

DR. SUTHERLAND : I am in a quandary as to how to close the discussion. I dont think I can answer each point brought out.

I was glad to hear Dr. Miller mention the things he did about cows milk and advocate breast feeling, which, of course, is the natural food for babies. Unfortunately, mothers nowadays are to lazy, in many instances, to bring up the children properly. Many times, according to their viewpoint, pregnancy is forced upon them, and they are not going to have any more of it than they can help. While their consciences wont let them interrupt the pregnancy, they go through with it, but they certainly are not going to nurse the babies. We are faced with the proposition of letting the child starve or feeding it cows milk, because the mother is not having anything to do with it.

Then, too, if a mother is forced to nurse her baby when she does not want to, the milk probably will not agree very well with the baby. So we would still be in a predicament. Dr. Millers observation about cows milk often producing allergy and being a spark, so to speak, that excites the eczema is very true. But my contention is that a person who is cured of the constitutional difficulties can then with impunity eat the substance to which he or she is allergic.

I did not mention in this paper that my patient was allergic to white flour. She also has had an aggravation of her eczema after eating anything made with white flour, but she can now eat white flour with impunity. It never causes any disturbance at all. She is cured. She has not been desensitized to white flour but has been cured, which is a different thing altogether.

When Dr. Waffensmith spoke of Sepia I recalled another point I had not mentioned, and that is, it is an interesting observation often that we find family remedies as well as family tendencies. This girls remedy was Sepia. Her father needs Sepia. Her fathers brother, who is part of the picture there, needs, Sepia, and one of her own brothers needs Sepia. This is interesting. I think that sort of relationship will be shown often if one takes the trouble to look for it.

I recall an article by Dr. Margaret Tyler in the Recorder some years ago, somewhat along the same lines, referring to Natrum mur. as an example.

I have had no experience with cadmium sulfate. I dont know anything about it. I am glad to hear it spoken of, and will try to learn more about it.

Dr. Pulford is right in stating constitutional treatment is the only cure for eczema. All eczema cases have a constitutional basis.

Dr. Campbell asked whether I had made any inquiry concerning vaccination. I make inquiries concerning vaccination where the inquiry seems to be pertinent, and that is in every case. This particular individual had developed her eczema long before she was ever vaccinated. That is, when she was four months old she was eczematous. She was vaccinated later on, before she started school, probably in the neighborhood of six years old. I presume the mother was vaccinated, although I did not question her particularly. My feeling is that in this case vaccination had no particular bearing.

While it may be true that electronic examination of vaccine shows tuberculosis and syphilis, that knowledge is not necessary to the management of the case because the family history indicates exactly the same thing. It does not matter whether the vaccine gives them a little bit more. They still have it. If you are able to recognize, you can ignore the vaccination.

It is true that where specific difficulties arise directly, as a result of vaccination, Malandrinum, Thuja and other remedies are extremely useful in peeling off that particular layer. But there are many other layers that have to be taken care of, and one does not always get a cure with a remedy which would take off the vaccination layer, so to speak. It goes deeper than that.

I do not think an eczema patient, certainly not in my experience, can be cured with a single remedy. I mean, for instance, Sulphur or Tuberculinum or Sepia. One often has to go to other remedies. This case that I cited to you, for instance, had, through my error, many remedies. We will skip that. It is a black blot on my escutcheon. At any rate, Tuberculinum was a remedy that peeled off the first layer, and then the next layer was ready for attention, and Sepia was the remedy which took care of that.

We have not had to go to any other remedy except for an acute condition once in a while, such as mild catarrh, cold or something of that sort. But, strangely enough, when the eczema cleared up under Sepia and had mostly gone, the girl began to have warts. There is the sycotic element, but it was hidden. I judged, since Sepia was working so well, we should not interfere, we would forget about the warts. It is much better to have warts than eczema, or asthma. why interfere if the remedy is working ? We simply left it alone, and the warts went away, because Sepia was still taking care of it.

Her sister had a very severe eczema, Graphites being the remedy. It cured the eczema. When the eczema got well, the warts began to come out. There was another layer. Probably she is going to need another remedy. I find Graphites does not hold her quite as long as it did. When we do give her another remedy the warts are going to be taken into consideration as indicating a sycotic manifestation. That is the next layer to be taken care of.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.