The physician does not have to search in books fro that which is alone to be found in the vital dynamic whose extreme mutability conveys to us the idea of a living kaleidoscope, which at every moment and in every individual exhibits to us different images such as never again are repeated in identical form.

The aggregate of human life is a triangle whose vertex is the spirit and which is composed of adapted matter, of an immanent dynamic principle and of a form that radiated in intelligence and in conscious activity, constituting the individuality.

Homoeopathy not only takes matte and the dynamism into consideration, but also the spirit which conforms and deforms matter. But how is the spirit of be acted upon? We can exercise action upon the spirit in many ways. The similia solves the problem. The mutual influence existing between the organization and the spirit given us the key.

If behooves us to penetrate into the sanctuary of thought and externalize in beneficent reactions its potency and mobility. If the very same medicaments are capable of modifying the spiritual manifestations, they are likewise capable of curing them. Who can deny the action of Stramonium, of Ignatia and Platinum upon mental and moral states?.

Homoeopathy, with the immense resources it has at its command, is in a position to solve whatever physiological and psychopathological problems may be presented. The mens sana in corpore sano can be transmuted into animam noxia corpora tardant as freely translated by me: equanimity is a transmutation of health; disease is a debility of the spirit.

There is nothing more scientific nor more human than the act of the physician who with the clairvoyant vision of genius, the perspicacity of the savant, and the suggestion of the thaumaturgus, officiates in the arcanum of Nature until he finds the golden fleece of health.

It is said that homoeopaths are strictly symptomatic practitioners in the indications.

This aggravation is true and at the same time erroneous, because all of us utilize the symptoms for the purpose of giving a name to diseases or for that of discovering the similia. We do not utilize the symptoms for the purpose of suppressing them but in order to be able to work in the same direction as their efforts. The old school is indeed a strictly symptomatic one because it attacks symptoms by means strictly symptomatic one because it attacks symptoms by means of its antipyretic, antiphlogistic and analgesic substances, etc.

No clinic is more complete than the homoeopathic clinic because it is initiated from the moment of the education of the sense of the physician up to the time of the selection of the means or individual remedy in each case. And the most remarkable part of it all is that we are positively in a position to utilize the excellency of the morbid individuality and take into consideration the spiritual modifications which are never absent in the morbid states and over which the medicament has action when it is analogously applied.

The medical therapeusis, the most important of all owing to the majority of cases it covers as well as in view of the results obtained even in cases where surgery unduly substitutes it, constitutes the most ample and complete one existing, for it contains several thousand medicaments among which can be found the analogous one in every singular case. Its pathogeny and pathogenesy clasp hands.

All the so-called diseases consist of symptoms of the vital process and in the perturbations of the organ or tissue where the lesion or organic modification exists. Thus, for example, in pneumonia we have symptoms of the process erroneously called inflammation, which we should really call the process of renovation; and symptoms of the pulmonary function. The first ones mentioned are constituted by pain, fever or the thermic process, the supposed histologic alteration and the tumefaction; and the second ones, by dyspnoea, cough, muco-fibrinous hypersecretions, etc. Besides these symptoms we have the concomitants, that is, those which result from the contiguity, continuity or relation of functions between the organs. Moreover, there are taken into account the idiosyncrasic symptoms and mental symptoms that not unfrequently predominate in the pathologic scene.

With this equipment of data and of suspected lesions, we search among our medicaments for the one that on account of its electivity will affect this organ and develop symptoms analogous to those manifested by the patient.

Every medicament awakens in the memory the idea of an organ or tissue, as, for example, Bryonia reminds us of the serous tissues, Pulsatilla of the mucous tissues, Phosphorus of the bones, Sabal serr. of the prostate, etc., etc. Once the similitude is found in the organ, it becomes necessary to look for it in the process or way if affects the organ or tissue. The process of reaction is very different from the process of regression as that of gangrene, tuberculosis, etc.

There can be a predominance of the concomitant symptoms such as may indicate to use derivation or deviation of the process and then it is necessary to attend to the predominant symptoms in order to find their analogy. The instinctive strategy of the organism that defends itself is more subtle and perspicacious than that of any military genius, for neither that of Napoleon can equal the strategy of the deranged organism in its defensive measures taken to combat the cause of same and its labor to realize the organic restoration.

Here, the memory, the investigations, comparisons and deductions lead us to the end of our objective; but there yet remains to be determined the most interesting point: the physiognomy of the patient and the physiognomy of the medicament, which should be as much alike as a person and his image reflected in a mirror.

The physiognomy of the medicament should be like the physiognomy of the person. It is constituted by that summary of data which characterizes a being or person in such a manner that makes it impossible for him to be taken for another. The experienced physician from the moment he views the sick person conceives the thought of some analogous medicament which is confirmed according as information continues to be gathered and an examination made of the patient. The clinical eye must needs be like that of the knowing physiognomist who after seeing a person only once retains his complete image engraved on the sensorium, and is capable of recognizing him again anywhere even after a long period of time.

Many times a medicament has been forgotten such s the selfsame patient naturally suggests to the physician owing to the fact that his very physiognomy and all the symptoms are the portrait of the said medicament.

Instead of studying the pathology we should give the preference to the pathogenesy, for just as the symptoms transformed into signs indicate to us where the lesion is, likewise the symptoms of the pathogenesy show us the organic lesions or modifications. Moreover, the pathology arrived at on a treatment basis dies not constitute the faithful portrait of the real malady: they are manifestations of the ailment and of the action of the drugs administered in massive doses.

When the pathology is studied on an expectation basis during the treatment of the sick, only then will we have natural sketches of what the disease is. The experiments that have been made on healthy organisms have enabled us to become positively familiar with the action of the medicaments; and the study and observation of the sick on simply an expectation basis, that is, on the basis of simple hygiene and special dietetics, will provide us with the true image of what the disease is. After the administering of purgatives and injections, of tonics and the like, the symptoms of the patient are ataxic states which instead of guiding, confuse us and make it more difficult for us to arrive at a better indication.

But going back to what has been previously treated of herein, we repeat that the perfect knowledge of the action of the medicaments in general and of their analogies, of their syndromes, and of their character and physiognomy, will provide us with the elements necessary for achieving the object pursued by us, which consists in restoring health to the sick in a rapid, mild and permanent manner, just as we have been instructed to do by the master of masters in medicine.

The true homoeopath, the orthodox one, he who does not waver in his convictions because science and experience have given him the proper tact with which to successfully treat his patients, is he who adjusts his indications in conformity with the principles of truth. This firmness of convictions is not dogmatism, but science; it is not faith, but conviction.

The scholars and philosophers who have gone deep into the doctrine of Hahnemann, as copious in knowledge as it is profound in conceptions of high principles, have not wearied in admiring more and more the marvelous complete system of medicine ever known on the imperishable foundation of the similia: Adhuc immota haec Lex in aeternum perstabit.

Higinio G. Perez