Carbo animalis, like Natrum mur., may be required when the patient has suffered previously from the abuse of quinine. CArbo an. is complementary to Calc. phos.

Calcarea phos., a most useful double salt, is very chronic in its manifestations. The patient is practically well in summer but the pains return when cold weather comes on. Lachesis symptoms may return annually, also usually in the spring. Colchicum symptoms return spring and fall. Dulcamara attacks annually in the autumn, or when the hot days and cold nights bring their variation in temperatures and consequent atmospheric changes.

Calcarea fluorica resembles Rhus tox., showing once more the relationship between Rhus tox. and the Calcareas; but too often Rhus tox. is used when Calcarea fluorica is indicated. The difference in the two is marked by the bony deposits of Calc. fl.

Colchicum is useful in recurring attacks, particularly with eye involvement; but when Colchicum, although seemingly well indicated, fails to reach down far enough, consider Benzoic acid, especially where there are concretions in the joints.

Eye troubles are very frequent concomitants of these arthritic troubles, and we may find any of the following remedies useful: Ant. t., Apis, Bell., Bry., Cact., Chel., Chin.m.,, Colch., Coloc., Como., Euphr., Form., Graph., Ign., Kali bi., Kalm., Lac c., Led., Lyc., Merc., Merl.p., Mez., Phyt., Psor., Puls., Rhus t.,, Spig., Staph., Sulph., Tereb.

Heart symptoms may be induced by mismanagement of arthritic cases in any stage, or they may be concomitant to such conditions. Certain remedies have developed, through their provings, definite progression of symptoms to included those of the heart. In such cases we may find the following remedies valuable: Anac., Ant. t., Apoc., Arn., Ars., ARt., Aspar., Aur., Benz. ac., Ant. t., Apoc., Arn., Ars., ARt., Aspar., Aur. Benz. ac., Cact., Calc. c., Cham., Chel., Cimic., Cocc., Colch., Cupr., Dig., Dios., Glon., Iod., Kali c., Kali n., Kalm., Lac c., Lach., Laur., Lith., Lob. i., Lyc., Lycopus, Mag.m., Mag. p., Med., Merl. p., Merc., Merc. i.f., Naja, Nat.m., Nat.p., Nit.a., Nux v., Ox. ac., phos., Psor., Ran. s., Rhus t., Rumx., Spig., Stict., Sumb., Tarent., Verat. c., Zinc.

The spine is the point of attack in many arthritic conditions; of the many remedies having this relationship, Agaricus, Daphne, Dioscorea, Formica and Nux v. are among the few is which the spinal cord itself is involved. In Nux v. this is usually the result of alcoholism.

Perhaps symptoms related to the coccyx are among the most difficult with which we have to deal, because of the balance and pressure which changes continually as the patient changes position. Graphites has much pain in the coccyx while urinating. Hypericum is often required for pain in the coccyx after confinement. Other remedies having special affinity for the coccyx in arthritic conditions, whether the coccyx itself or its attachments are involved, are: Agar., Agn., Aloes, Am.c., Am.m., Ant.c., Apis, Arg.n., Ars., Bell., Calc.c., Calc.p., Cann.s., Canth.,, Carb.v., Cic., Cist., Coloc., Dros., Fl. ac., Gamb., Iod., Kali bi., Kali c., LAch., Ruta, Syph.

In the concomitance of gastric symptoms with arthritis, we find: Ant. c., Ant. t., Colch., Dros., Euphorb., Ipecac, Iris v., Kreos. Alternation of gastric symptoms and acute attacks of arthritis is a strong indication for Kali bi.

We seldom think of haemorrhoids as a concomitant of arthritic conditions, but the provings have demonstrated that Aesculus and Aloes have this peculiar relationship.

With chronic liver conditions consider Aesc., Chel., Hydr., Meph.

Arthritis induced by eating sweets often calls for Medorrhinum or Osmium.

These conditions coming on from washing: Lachn., Phos., Sep.; from scrubbing floors, Merc. i.r.

If your patient has the concomitant of a wry neck and is exceedingly loquacious, remember Lachnanthes. Lachesis has an equal loquacity, but the peculiar characteristics of LAchesis mark the differentiation.

In acute arthritic conditions with exanthemata consider Apis and Apocyanum, and perhaps Juglans cinerea. Also consider them after erythematous or exanthematous conditions, and also Elaterium, Lycopodium and Zinc. Eruptions occurring with the arthritis, especially over the affected parts, indicate consideration of Viola tricolor. After suppressed eruptions we have a number of remedies; consider among them Pulsatilla, perhaps Sulphur, surely Psorinum, and if there are nervous manifestations, Zinc.

Arthritic conditions with chorea may require Cuprum; there may be spinal ankylosis; touching the spinous processes is intolerable and causes severe pains in the limbs.

Caulophyllum or Cimicifuga are rarely indicated in men; they are the feminine counterparts of Actea spicata. Whenever any of these remedies are indicated there is apt to be sexual derangement. Arthritic conditions developing at the climacteric often calls for Graphites. In pregnant women, Cocculus or Dioscorea may be needed. When a patient has a diarrhoea only with the menstrual flow, consider Bovista, although it is not often indicated in arthritic conditions otherwise.

Among the remedies indicated in arthritis deformans we find: Am. phos., Benz. acid, Calc.c., f., Caust., Graph., Laur., Lith. carb., Ledum, Thuja.

If your patient has wandering pains, consider: Camph., Carb.s., Chin.s., Jambos eug., Kali c., Lac. c., Lycopus, Mang., Natrum ars., Palladium, plectranthus, puls., Sal. acid.

If the arthritic conditions developed after living in damp cold locations, your patient any need: Colch., Lyc., Natrum s., Oleum

If the arthritic attacks alternate with urticaria, never occurring simultaneously, consider Urtica urens. If the arthritic pains alternate with pains which change from throat to ear, to trachea or bronchi to teeth, and if the pains are markedly < from sunset to sunrise, Syphilinum is probably indicated, especially if the patient dreads the night because of the suffering and the subsequent weakness.

If the arthritic condition alternates with or follows tonsil affections, consider Guaiacum, Merc. i.f., Lac c. If the pains in the legs and toes alternate with heart pains, Natrum phos. Where the pains alternate between the shoulder and neck and the heel, where they are most severe, Rhus v. Arthritic pains moving from joint to joint: Kali s., Kreos. From side to side: Lac. From upper to lower parts: Kalm. From lower to upper parts: Lac.c.

In anaemic young girls with too early and scanty menses, or in boys during puberty, consider Manganum.

Kali bi. and Oxalic acid pains may be exceedingly severe, but they occur in small areas only. If arthritic pains are < as the moon waxes, it is wise to consider Silica; if as the moon wanes, Daphne. If arthritic conditions appear concomitantly with palsy, consider Crotalus hor.

The value of concomitance in finding the similimum for the patient with arthritic manifestations has been stressed here by mentioning a few such relationships. There is hardly a remedy in our materia medica which does not have its peculiar indications delineated through the provings if we will take the time to study them out.

The title selected for this paper by those whom compiled the program was Remedies Used in Treating Arthritis and Why. The answer of any homoeopathic veteran must be because they are indicated.

However, to put it clearly, let us state that the remedies mentioned here, and too many more to mention here, are clearly indicated, first, because they have been proven, through their administration to a sufficient number of healthy persons, to develop symptoms of artificial disease so closely simulating the arthritic conditions under consideration that only the most delicate instruments of precision could detect the difference; secondly, that the data derived from such provings has been compared with the clinical findings of such remedies in cases of true disease as like as possible (although more chronic and with more pathology) to the original provings; and thirdly, that experience having justified the confidence we place upon the Law of Similars as the only true and uniform law of healing, we have justified the confidence we place upon the Law of Similars as the only true and uniform law of healing, we have justified by our results the continued use of the homoeopathic remedy in potency, for these conditions.

This means that there has been a careful case taking and careful comparison of the symptoms to those developed by careful experimentation or provings and long usage, so that we may be sure that the remedy was truly and closely indicated, that is, homoeopathic to the case.


H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.