This particular person who had pyelitis was bettered by the use of small doses of gin. On taking a small quantity of gin, the patient would feel very good. I found that in gin there was anise, caraway and juniper, and the Juniper hit the symptomatology perfectly.

DR. SHERWOOD: Is this a gin-drinking child you are talking about?.

DR. GOBAR: No. this was an adult.

DR. GRIMMER: IT is true there are some remedies that seem more specific by their symptoms. We can mention quite a number of remedies that might be needed along with what the doctor has suggested. Sabal serrulata is one that could be thought of in some of those cases, and is frequently a very useful remedy.

The doctor didnt mention Cantharides, which is a remedy that will very often be needed and is very often indicated.

He mentioned Mercury, but MErc. corr. is more specific than the Mercury itself.

DR. Gobars mention of the remedy Juniper in connection with gin drinkers might be a valuable thing for some of us. We come in contact with those people, and are glad to hear that point. We will investigate that.

DR. SMITH: I think Berberis is quite frequently indicated. The other remedy, Vesicaria, I havent had any experience with, so dont know.

A. Dwight Smith
Dr A. Dwight SMITH (1885-1980), M. D.
Secretary-Trasurer, I.H.A.
Business Manager, The Homoeopathic Recorder.
Author of The Home Prescriber Domestic Guide.
Dr. A. Dwight Smith was born in Monticello, Iowa, in 1885. He graduated with an M.D. degree from Hahnemann Medical College in Chicago in 1912, and in 1921 moved to Glendale, California. After spending a period in the Army Medical Corps he did a residency at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia specializing in pediatrics. During his many years of practice he was president for one year and secretary-treasurer for thirteen years of the International Hahnemannian Association. He also served as editor of the Homeopathic Recorder, for thirteen years. Dr. Smith also held the position of editor of the Pacific Coast Homeopathic Bulletin for over forty years.