HOMOEOPATHY IN PEDIATRICS. We read of the wonderful advancements and discoveries of modern medicine for most of the ailments of the human body from birth to old age with their inoculations, sulfas, antibiotics, sedations, antiseptics, anti-histamines, cortisone, ACTH–all kinds of miraculous discoveries to relieve sick and suffering individuals.


THE UNIQUE CONTRIBUTION OF HOMOEOPATHY. Most people who know very little about homoeopathy, and even many regular physicians, will admit that homoeopathy is good for children. it certainly is good for babies and children, but it is just as good for them in adult life and even in old age.


AURUM METALLICUM. Metallic Gold has had a checkered medical history. It was esteemed by the Arabian physicians and the ancients. Later it was scorned, condemned and rejected because of its insolubility and its indestructibility. Hahnemann revealed its mighty power for good and evil by his methods of trituration, potentization and provings. at first Hahnemann used low triturations but later had his best results from the higher potencies.


This remedy is often of value in ulceration found with cancer of the uterus. In some of these cases there is severe burning in the pelvis, as of red-hot coals, with discharges of clots of foul- smelling blood. Great weakness and prostration. Generally better from warmth. Many symptoms are worse in open air, from getting cold and in cold weather; from washing or bathing with cold water. Aggravated from rest, especially when lying. Kreosote is followed well by Arsenicum, Phosphorus, and Sulphur in cancer and diseases of a malignant tendency.


HOMOEOPATHY IN OBSTETRICS. The nausea of pregnancy is relieved better through homoeopathic prescribing than in any other way. It may take one to four weeks to accomplish this in severe cases, but the health of the patient is improved at the same time which is more than can be said about many of the preparations that are being used by the obstetricians for this purpose.


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. Good homoeopathic prescribing alone can rid the body of the harmful effects of these new drugs that are so popular today. Our only worry is that we do not have enough homoeopathic physician to supply the demand. Homoeopathy is a specialty in medicine. We need more and better facilities for post-graduate study in Homoeopathy.


ASTHMA IN CHILDREN. Has Homoeopathic anything to offer in these cases? The members of this Society know, and I know, that Homoeopathy is probably the only system that does really cure these patients and prevents them from having a life of half invalidism and suffering.


OUR LITTLE PATIENTS. Parents often tell you that their children are afraid of the doctor or anyone with a white coat or gown on ever since a certain doctor included them against diphtheria, etc. The mildness, gentleness and pleasantness of homoeopathy makes it particularly applicable to little children and should make it at a real joy administering to them. If your approach and method of handing them.


The common form appears as a primary infection. It may be found in the course of any disease and frequent follows acute disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, especially diarrhoea. Pyelitis is more common in infancy than in childhood and is much more common in girls than in boys.


In many homes with little ones, parents and children are engaged in constant battles at meal times in which the children are usually victorious. As a result of this we find many undernourished children who have developed marked behavior disturbances, and many worried, anxious and worn mothers and nurses; as well as indignant fathers.