Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Prostatic cases are so often referred to the surgeon because the doctor has failed to sufficiently relieve the patient with his remedies, and in cases of gonorrhoea they resort to injections and other drastic measures rather than depend on their potentized remedy. Surgery today is not so uniformly bad as it was in the day when the whole gland was removed.

What I have to say on this subject is rather more of an appeal to the profession not to forget their homoeopathic training.

Prostatic cases are so often referred to the surgeon because the doctor has failed to sufficiently relieve the patient with his remedies, and in cases of gonorrhoea they resort to injections and other drastic measures rather than depend on their potentized remedy. Surgery today is not so uniformly bad as it was in the day when the whole gland was removed. Yet I am convinced that ninety percent of the surgery of today can be eliminated by our carefully selected homoeopathic remedy.

Ordinarily the prostate gland will function normally clear to the end of life if the man has never had a Neisser infection and no traumatic causes.

My success with the potencies has been good enough to warrant a review of some case reports with the remedies and their potencies.

Back in 1921 Mr. B., aged 78, came to me with an enlarged and painful prostate. He had been under the care of our best G.U. man who had massaged the prostate daily or weekly, depending upon the amount of discomfort present, and had ordered diet, rest in bed, bladder irrigation, all to no avail; operation was insisted on as the only thing left to do. The patient would not submit to this and finally came to me.

I had doctored other members of his family for years but he always insisted that my sugar pills would not be strong enough to benefit him. I gave him a powder of Sabal serrulata 1M., following it with placebo. Improvement was immediate and there was never any severe trouble after that. An occasional repetition of the remedy kept him comfortable and he died of other causes at the ripe old age of 86.

This remedy has helped me out of many tight places; it is, as you know, the Saw Palmetto, an advertised remedy for prostatitis, gonorrhoea, stricture, etc. Too bad that the allopaths do not know how valuable it is in the potencies. I used it from the 1M. up to the CM. The remedy is not well proven, the little we know about it is from clinical findings. It deserves your careful study. I should hate to be deprived of its use. Its principal sphere of action is on the prostate; it is particularly a remedy for the old profligates who have had repeated gonorrhoea, with wasting of the testes and the loss of sexual power.

J.W. (back in 1930 he was 74), like Mr. B., scorned homoeopathy although it had saved his wifes mind. He had been under allopathic care for four years with violent attacks of strangury; he had catheterized himself daily for two years. When I was called he was in agony, unable to pass his catheter and frantic with pain. He expected me to pass a catheter and was angry when I insisted it was unnecessary. Yet a dose of Arnica 2c. relieved him before I left the house; a dose of Med. 10M. one week later followed in forty days by Med. 50M. in August 1930 kept him free until an attack in May 1931. His trouble now was his frequent desire to urinate. He had not used his catheter since his dose of Arnica. I now gave him Thuja 2c. and sixty days later Thuja. 10M. I have not visited him at his home since but have sent him Causticum in 1932 and once in 1933. I see him occasionally on the street and he is going good at 79.

Now for a recent case in a younger man; he is not well yet, but I have watched these recoveries so many times that I know that I am going to cure him. Again it is a Mr. B., 46 years old, with a history of gonorrhoea twenty-four years ago. He had been in very poor health for two years past, under allopathic treatment which included an observation period in Crile Clinic and 75.00 dollars for x- ray pictures. A history of rectal haemorrhage every three months for the past two years, difficulty in voiding urine, prostate quite large and very tender. He had Arnica 2C. on May 6, 1934, and four days later was able to resume his business. Later, May 15, he was given Med. 10M. There was one more haemorrhage from the bowels, not so severe, in January 1935, after which he was given Thuja 1M., which apparently cleared up the urinary trouble completely.

There are other remedies that work just as nicely as these I have mentioned, depending on their homoeopathic indication. The point I wish to stress is that the unhampered potentized remedy will do better than any polypharmacy prescription or operative procedure, and that the background of all of these cases is a suppressed Neisser infection.

Gonorrhoea does not have to be suppressed; there again our homoeopathy is capable of curing where no other measures can do anything but suppress. It is a deplorable fact that the younger men in our school are not using any homoeopathic medication in treating this disease. So far as my personal investigations go, and I will say further that there is the best of reasons for this being so, they are not being taught in our homoeopathic colleges how to do it with the potentized remedy, so why blame them? The trouble lies with our colleges.

I feel sure that success comes only when all injections are dispensed with for the remedy has to have a clear track. The same principle applies to physic, etc. I use my remedy from the 2C. up, but wont quarrel with the low potency man if he will prescribe the single remedy and eliminate all adjuvants. He will do good work and finally will raise the potencies as I have.

If you see your case early, before other measures have been undertaken and while the inflammation is confined to the anterior part of the urethra you are lucky; then your remedy may be petros. The indications are: troublesome itching inside the urethra with constant desire to urinate. Aconite is another remedy that is useful in the inflammatory stage. Remember you must have an Aconite patient, with restlessness, anxiety, fear he will die. Just forget the gonorrhoea and doctor the patient. I am not going down the list of remedies with a few indications for each; that is not impressive enough to excite your interest. What I want to do is outline the repertorial way of selecting the remedy for any case that may come to you. It will not take much of your time to run a chart on your particulars.

Chordee has been developed in the proving of thirty-six remedies, bloody urethral discharges in twenty-one remedies, pain during urination in thirty-one remedies, gonorrhoeal discharge in seventy-eight remedies. Pain in urination has been further differentiated as burning, drawing, itching, tearing, etc. So you see how closely you can cross-section your case often down to the single remedy. In the subacute, chronic or gleet type the repertory is just as useful as well as with the other complications such as chancroids, balanitis, fig warts, orchitis, etc.

The points I wish to stress are that homoeopathy – good homoeopathy – will not fail you in treating gonorrhoea and its sequelae; that it is the only treatment which completely eradicates the disease; that it is not suppressive; that this condition is not being treated homoeopathically by the younger men among our graduates; and that our only existing colleges are not teaching the students the right way.



DR. CAMPBELL: There occurs to me one case, not of acute gonorrhoea, but the appearance of so-called venereal warts, verrucae acuminata, and the glands of a young man with absolutely no history of gonorrhoea. I gave him Thuja, and later Staphisagria, and later Radium bromide 30, which very rapidly and completely removed it and there has been no recurrence.

DR. ALFRED PULFORD: I want to thank Dr. Dixon for an excellent paper and I think what he is trying to bring out in that paper is that it is no disgrace to be ignorant but the disgrace lies in the preference to remain so. (Applause).

DR.GRIMMER: The remedy Sabal is by no means confined to the male prostate. It is just as useful to the troublesome female, especially with uterine conditions, and they have just as useful to the troublesome female, especially with uterine conditions, and they have just as much of the severe pains and trials and tribulations in their urinary symptoms as the male has.

There is another remedy to compare with that in the prostatic hypertrophy of the aged, and that is Hydrangea, which will very frequently relieve some of the most stubborn cases of suppression, suppressed urinary conditions because of enlarged prostate.

Many years ago in Hahnemann College there was a doctor who had his aged father in for an operation. They were preparing him for the operation; he was under morphine part of the time and, of course, catheterized until they couldnt catheterized him any more. The young doctor wanted to know what to give him, and he came to my office. He was not a potency man at all, and at Hahnemann College they werent potency men. The surgeon in charge was opposed to it.

I suggested that he get tincture of Hydrangea and give him a few drops of that in a half glass of water every few hours, and he did, with amazing results. The old man went home without an operation. (Applause).

Charles A. Dixon
Dr Charles A. DIXON (1870-1959), M.D.
Akron, Ohio
President, I.H.A.