Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Among the list of patients sent was a very case of eczema, especially marked on the hands. The hands were a disgusting sight, cracked and oozing profusely a sticky gluey fluid. He was a printer by trade, also book binder, and his hands were blue with ink most of the time. Under Graphites 1M. he made a splendid recovery.

Several years ago I was called to see a very severe and malignant case of erysipelas that had all the earmarks of Lachesis. The response to that drug was so prompt and gratifying that the patient has never forgotten it. He has been a firm and consistent exponent of homoeopathy ever since, and has sent us a number of patients.

Among the list of patients sent was a very case of eczema, especially marked on the hands. The hands were a disgusting sight, cracked and oozing profusely a sticky gluey fluid. He was a printer by trade, also book binder, and his hands were blue with ink most of the time. Under Graphites 1M. he made a splendid recovery.

It was after that cure was completed that he apologetically asked if he might bring his young son at some time for an examination. Said he, “My boy was born with a double cataract, and we discovered later that he was blind. I have had him to some very fine specialists, but none of them was able to do a thing for him, not even by an operation. Not only have I heard of some of the remarkable things with homoeopathy when others had failed, but I know exactly what you did for me under like circumstances, and, while I dare hope for nothing, I wish you would test out homoeopathy on the boy, no matter how long it takes”.

I had the father bring his wife and the boy to the office, and here is what we learned and found: A weak, ill-nourished boy, mentally and physically dwarfed, timid, bashful, inclined to imbecility, averse to and shunning strangers and unfamiliar faces, imagining he was being laughed at and made fun of, forgetful, taking cold easily and subject to quinsy, childish,. chilly, glands enlarged, expression stupid and vacant, feet sweaty and offensive, abdomen hard and tense, etc. With the left eye he could barely distinguish a very bright light from utter darkness.

In going over our key to the materia medica, now under construction, I found the above symptom complex embraced the grand characteristic of the drug, together with its primary essential group. On the strength of that, 30 months ago, the young lad received a single dose of Baryta carbonica 10M. That dose was not repeated for 6 months. At the end of that period the young man could distinguish, with the better eye, type 2 inches tall, and with the poorer eye, he could distinguish a strong light from utter darkness. A second dose of the 10M was given, with another 6 months wait. At the expiration of the second 6 months the lad had begun to develop both mentally and physically, and could distinguish 2-inch type with the poorer eye, and one and a half inch type with the better eye.

Again, at the expiration of the first year he was given a third dose of the 10M. with another 6 months lapse. At the end of that time he could read inch type with both eyes. Another dose of the 10M. At the end of another 6 months he was able to real half-inch type easily. He is now on his fifth dose of the 10M. and is reading type smaller than a quarter-inch. He is mentally alert and physically strong, and in contrast to his former dwarfed appearance, he is a fine good looking boy, of whom any one could be proud.

This case shows just what homoeopathy can do, if the drug is positively indicated and the system given time to react to the drug; not only in cataract, but in cancer, tuberculosis, etc. Out intentions are perhaps good in advocating the treating of the patient and ignoring the pathological state, but in practice I am afraid we forget our own advice. That strict homoeopathy, in all curable cases, and nothing else will cure an incurable case, will restore to normal patients suffering from cancer, tuberculosis, tumor, syphilis, diphtheria, etc., is a well proven FACT. Of that I have had sufficient proof in my own practice. Our office practices strict homoeopathy and after 50 years, and all through the depression, we are still several jumps ahead of the sheriff and still going strong. It was wisely said, “What Homoeopaths need most is an introduction to HOMOEOPATHY”.



DR. MOORE: We do take care of congenital cataracts surgically and they get so they can see, but as far as developing them, surgery does nothing of that. Of course, I am not able to clear cataracts by homoeopathy. I dont know enough homoeopathy yet, but I will say to Dr. Pulford, give me forty years, and I will be just as good as he is.

DR. PULFORD: And even better!.

DR. CAMPBELL: If any of us ever waver in our faith (and I am sure I do at times when I get depressed and have a series of cases that dont seem to get well properly) the memory of this will sustain us, and not only that, but this is the type of case that we can present to our allopathic friends; and if we dont convince them, at least we make them think.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.