Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Thus we build up a mental picture of the indicated remedy, fitting it to the story just related; thus we reasonably hope for success, if we have weighed carefully the close relationship between the remedy and the patient; hope is born again in the physician and from him radiates a health giving tonic, peace and comfort to the frayed nerves or lacerated tissue, or whatever the case many be.

When friends are in need, we aid them; when the disabled ship sends out its S.O.S., we hasten succor, So, too, with the diseased body, we hart its cry for help when pain-racked and sore distressed.

Listening intelligently to the symptoms voiced by the patient, observing each little detail, especially the mental attitude, the position in bed if in the sick room, the posture if patient is up-or if in your office. Thus we build up a mental picture of the indicated remedy, fitting it to the story just related; thus we reasonably hope for success, if we have weighed carefully the close relationship between the remedy and the patient; hope is born again in the physician and from him radiates a health giving tonic, peace and comfort to the frayed nerves or lacerated tissue, or whatever the case many be.

Should the case be incurable we possess the remedy to carry that vanishing soul peacefully and calmly through the majestic portals of death into the loving arms of its Creator.

Oh! what a heritage is ours; we possess a truly great gift, how we should cherish it,remembering or mission when ministering to the sick, and give of our best.

Many of you have had like results, but bear with me and permit me to report when the indicated remedy worked a miracle. A lady living fifty miles from San Francisco was suffering from what four doctors diagnosed as a tumor in the retina. Arrangements were in progress to call in the surgeon to remove the eye. As the family were friends of mine, and I happened to be on a visit to that city, I was asked to examine the eye and pass judgment. The trouble was paralysis and not a tumor; marked ptosis, diplopia were in evidence. Gels, came to mind; the only potency available was 77M. Having been requested to take the case I prescribed the above remedy with happy results. In two weeks motion appeared first in the lid then the eye moved from side to side; in about a month or six weeks order was restored.

One and only one powder of Gels. 77M. was given. This was 25 years ago. Three years ago this same patient foolishly dried her hair in the sun; a stiff wind was blowing at the time, the other eye became paralyzed, with this difference, no ptosis- no diplopia-the 6th nerve was involved; Senega CC. one dose cured.

Sabina. Case of miscarriage, adherent placenta-one dose expelled the mass. The characteristic modalities of Sabina were present.

Symphytum. In fractures this has proved a wonderful friend. A lady 65 fractured her hip slipping on a highly polished floor. The injured member healed beautifully after the setting, despite the “gloomy Gas” attitude of one of the attending surgeons. Another case of fractured patella; the union was found perfect after the splints were removed.

Sil.CC. in a case of an imbedded needle in an ankle. After repeated attempts by doctors and surgeons without success, one dose of Sil. brought it to the surface-and the tweezers completed the task.

Puls. A lad of 14, suffering from rheumatism; at first the case was masked, Rhus seemed indicated but without success, until visiting him a second time, I found him sitting on the edge of the bed weeping pitifully. Asking a few questions I found the modalities of saucy Puls. The CC. banished pain and tears. In skin eruptions I find the remedy must be repeated at intervals and the potency raised.

Asthma frequently is the aftermath of suppressed eruptions; usually it has its seat in that and that alone. Have had a number of the little folks suffering from this distressing complaint as a result of suppressed skin affections.

Ignoring the asthma as what may appear to be some respiratory disturbance you often find on close examination the history of an eruption suppressed by lotions, salves, etc. When the mother is told what caused the present affliction she is quite surprised, “But, doctor, it healed beautifully.” “Yes,” I replay, “and now you see the result. Sometimes this is accepted and again not. However, the indicated remedy sulph. Calms the troubled waters. Infants respond quickly when not tempered with.

Here is the beginning of a little story, but a wonderful one: an interesting chap of 52 years. Asthma developed as a result of the intelligent (?) treatment at the hands of fifteen doctors, the usual procedure-local treatments-forgetting that the outward manifestation pictured an internal upheaval. As I am the sixteenth and if allowed to retain the case I shall cure the little chap, a fine type. The baby brother of this lad, 7 weeks old, is also a victim of eczema; he is responding nicely to Sulph. Grandfather and father of these children both have the disease; with the aid of the indicated remedy this scourge will be stamped out.

A left-sided throat involvement did not respond to Merc. rub., Lach. nor Rhus, although the modalities appeared to point to each in turn. The bright red appearance of throat, dilated pupils, thirstlessness, severe aggravations on swallowing forced me to give Bell. with almost instant relief. When the other remedies seemed indicated but failed, Bell. being predominantly right sided, I hesitated giving it. What would you have done?.

As far as this little paper is concerned-When tells its story about the action of the indicated remedy, bows to the patient audience and retires. Thank you. SAN FRANCISCO,CALIF.

Rosalie De La Hautiere