Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Early in the morning patient has a kind of asthmatic fit with oppression of the chest, a whistling respiration and a dry cough followed by heavy perspiration of he upper part of the body. There is nothing of importance to record in the examination of he patient except a number of nasal polypi, especially on the right side, about the size of a pea, and a fetid yellow secretion.

CASE NO. I. Miss N.H.,71 years of age, came to see me in July, 1933. She had suffered for eight years from a prosopalgia of the left side of the head and face. The redness of the face turns to a dark purple during attacks and is pronounced on the left side. Her suffering were constant but at times the attack reached a climax during which she was unable to move a muscle of her face; unable to eat, drink, speak or weep. At such times she was in a state of desperation for two or three days.

After having tried various palliatives without relief, she developed live and digestive troubles. She went to a homoeopathic physician who gave her some low potencies which afforded her a measure of relief. After some years the remedies seemed to lose their efficiency and she became worse.

At the time she came to see me she was hardly able to speak and had been fasting for five days; the left cheek was hot, dark read, and slightly swollen. The hands and feet were cold. The head symptoms were < by any motion, by north wind, by warm applications, by warm stuffy air, by touch. In addition to the above symptoms she complained of pains in the left shoulder and oppression of the heart when lying down. Between the neuralgia attacks she feels a violent tingling of the face. Blood-pressure is high (80-220).

The main corresponding remedies are: Lach., Bell., Spig., Verb. I gave Lach. 10M., one dose.

Returning a week later she thanked me with a smile for the wonderful improvements; she was able the next day to eat again and to sleep well, but she had no stool during the whole week. The tingling of the face is the only discomfort remaining., Placebo.

A fortnight later she reported an eruption on the left side of the body (chest and limbs) which she had had for three days and which was probably of an urticarian type. She stated that she had suffered from a similar eruption some years ago.

So that this was a return of an old symptom. Face is better; no attack. Blood pressure lower (70-185). Placebo.

A month later she was perfectly well and has not complained since.

CASE NO.2. Mr.A.B., a highly nervous and lean man. 56 years old. He came to see me July 6, 1933. suffering from a skin affection of the face which has disfigured him for more than six years. He said that he had decided to try the homoeopathic method as a last hope, as he has already spent a fortune in painful treatments but without any relief. The skin specialist (a professor at the University of Berne) diagnosed it as an “unusual lupus.”.

In spite of the one hundred and eighty-five stitches of golds salts, an arsenicals, of x-and violent ray irradiations and the application of many sorts of ointments, the eruptions continued. Beginning on the nose they spread to the cheek, lips and chin, around the ears and even in the mouth. All the treatments had modified the skin aspect in such a way that an exact diagnosis was impossible. The dermatitis is of an erythematous, dry and circinal type; it is very painful and inches badly at times, It is aggravated by cold and ameliorated by warm applications.

The state of he general health was bad. He was nervous and uncomfortable at night, never went in bed before midnight and could not sleep before 3 a.m. and then only for a few hours. He could hardly get out of his bed in the morning and was always tired and exhausted.

For the past few months he had taken each night as a tonic, two glasses of red wine saturated with garlic (a nice cocktail indeed). Examination of the urine shows the presence of acetone, sugar, albumin, granulated cylinders and small calculi.

The indicated remedies are: Sep., Hep., Sul., Nit.ac., Ars., Calc., Nat.m., Tub. On july 6 I prescribed Sul. 200. Three doses two hours apart, as an antidote to all the other remedies and tonic and to clear the symptoms-of course-and to use pure plain butter instead.

July 12: no difference. A deep crack in the middle of the lower lip. Sep. 10M., one dose.

July 26: Real improvement, general and local. Pains in the shoulder and lumbar region. Jerking in the lower limbs, Placebo.

Aug. 23: Much better, but for the past three days patient complained of a violent itching of the wrists and feet at night when in bed-a symptom he remembers having had before his facial eruption. Examination of the urine shows everything normal.

Sept. 13: A slight recrudescence around the left ear. General condition weight. No relapse from that time on.

CASE NO.3. Mr.U.C., a large stout man, 36 years old. He came to see me Oct.26,1933, and was suffering from nasal polypi and asthma for which he had been under treatment for twelve years. The nasal tumors have been taken out several times, but are always recurring. Loss of the sense of smell has been absolute for the past ten years.

Early in the morning patient has a kind of asthmatic fit with oppression of the chest, a whistling respiration and a dry cough followed by heavy perspiration of he upper part of the body. There is nothing of importance to record in the examination of he patient except a number of nasal polypi, especially on the right side, about the size of a pea, and a fetid yellow secretion.

I began with sul. 200, one dose as an antidote to the numerous remedies he had been taking every day.

Nov.8: Patient sleeps better; no more asthmatic attacks. The nasal condition is unchanged. Dryness of the throat. Sang 200, one dose, and a dose of the sixth every other night.

Dec. 6: Patient much better. The sense of smell is returning; the nasal polypi have disappeared and there is no more secretion., Placebo.

Feb. 27, 1934: Patient had a cold for a week; nasal secretion yellow on the right side and albuminous on the left. Sang. 10M., one dose.

I saw his wife lately and she tells me that patient has never been so well.


Roger Schmidt