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Fluoroscopic science in the pulmonary area corroborates the miasmatic diagnosis of tuberculosis made by the early Homoeopaths from a constitutional study of the disease without the laboratory accessories we possess today. The concrete evidence of drug provings and true homoeopathic treatment actuated an abstract sense which was fine in simplicity and comprehensive in understanding.

Homoeopathy harmonizes with all branches of science. It recognizes the value of constructive surgery, that it has an important place in the expanding realm of medicine. The dividing line between beneficial and suppressive surgery frequently is difficult to distinguish. In our revered philosophy of disease and treatment we persistently accept the individual characteristics to be the final court of decision. The advance in the study of medicine records the conclusion that deep-seated habit states of disease manifest themselves long before structural changes make diagnosis self-evident.

Fluoroscopic science in the pulmonary area corroborates the miasmatic diagnosis of tuberculosis made by the early Homoeopaths from a constitutional study of the disease without the laboratory accessories we possess today. The concrete evidence of drug provings and true homoeopathic treatment actuated an abstract sense which was fine in simplicity and comprehensive in understanding. It represented and included the highest type of prophylaxis in therapeutics.

Surgical neurosis have their origin in the miasms, inherited and acquired, often complicated with suppression due to improper surgical procedure. Traumatism or destruction of nerve tissue, disarrangement of sensory and motor channels, and resultant shock to the cerebro-spinal centers open the way to a functional and ultimate structural degeneration of the nerve impulse.

Functional and organic alteration in the nerve tissue may be caused by any form of injury. Whether the exciting cause is an accident or faulty surgical technique may be only a matter of degree. Fear enters largely in the element of nerve shock, causing temporary or permanent effect. In fact the neurosis connected with surgical trauma of any kind or degree are a complex form and difficult to classify. There no doubt are miasmatic changes which correspond to the functional in the cellular entity and which physical diagnostic science fails to recognize.

In many of these cases the prior nerve reserve has been below par. There may have been severe mental conflicts which were gradually undermining the morale. Excessive eliminatory processes have drained the physical forces of metabolism. The balance of the organism, through a long process of adjustment, may temporarily have established itself with some foci of cellular degeneration. The vital force may have been maintained at the expense of some particular organ. Nothing but the careful study of the individual case in the light of all subjective and objective symptoms will suffice. Hysteria, neurasthenia and malingering assume an important role in this relation. Viewed as symptoms their value is measured by the concomitant peculiarities in each case, which lead us to correct remedy selection. With the power of potentization we are assured of an agency which is capable, when wisely handled, of modifying abnormal psycho-mental phenomena.

The outstanding value of homoeopathy is the stability of our materia medica. Notwithstanding opinions to the contrary, it has stood the test of time. To many it stands complete in times of stress. Arnica is generally known as one of the important remedies for the effects of injury. It would never have been assigned the position it occupies if only used locally as a dressing. The activity of this valuable substance lies in the potencies, in the proven power to correct the effects of shock and the re-establishment of normal nerve balance from center to circumference. There is incorporated in the pathogenesis all the excitement and depressing effect connected with functional and organic results following trauma. Calcarea carb. comes in later when the symptoms point to one or more of the miasms. There is anxiety, fear and despair, and a tendency to upper spinal and cerebral involvement.

Obstinacy and persistent foolish thoughts. Like Silicea there is an attitude of inferiority. The reaction from the shock state has been delayed to chronicity and asthenia is in the foreground. Hypericum is indicated in injury to spinal tissue, to nerves with great pain, person walks the floor in agony, in injury to nerve endings. Consequences of fright and the effects of shock. Rhus tox. is complementary to Calcarea carb. Sensitiveness to cold although enjoys the open air. There is a soreness, stiffness, a weariness to muscles and joints, a tired sensation of the extremities, often called rheumatoid. It is one of the early symptoms of nerve involvement and impairment of function. Amelioration is from motion, and after a time marked aggravation, Ruta, Staphisagria, Sulphuric acid and many others come into use.


J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer