Irregular pulse; weak feeling about heart; very weak pulse. Metastasis of rheumatism to heart.

Chest: Rheumatic pains in chest, spasmodic, cramp-like. Dyspnoea; asthma.

Neck and Back: Rheumatic pains in nape of neck, shoulders and arms. Pain in sacrum, from lifting, or from rheumatism; lumbago.

Limbs: Rheumatic pains in right arm and shoulder; worse at night, on turning in bed; cannot raise arm. Pain in top of right shoulder. Burning in soles of feet, worse in bed. Rheumatism in all joints as well as muscles, with stiffness; acute inflammatory and arthritis affections.

Nerves: Neuritis, particularly of right arm, with lameness. Lassitude, torpor, languor, worse in damp weather.

Fever: Flushes of heat; qualmish feeling, lassitude. Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering; afternoon fever with circumscribed red cheeks; burning of palms of hands and soles of feet. Cold sweat, copious. Fevers with pulmonary, hepatic or gastric inflammation; nervous fevers; marsh, hectic or scarlet fevers, after Belladonna.

Relations: It antidotes Opium, the dynamic effects. Precedes or follows well Belladonna, particularly in scarletina. Similar to Iris versicolor, Belladonna, Paullinia and Melilotus in headaches. Compare Ant. tart., Chel., Phos., Sulph. and Veratrum viride in pneumonia.

Constantine Hering