Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The general makeup of the journal has been maintained on a high plane and we have striven to hold our position without rancor, believing that homoeopathy is such a tremendous and vital subject that by teaching its truths in a positive and constructive way we can best show the value of our art of healing, avoiding criticism of those who differ from us.

The Editor and Business Manager submits the following report on The Homoeopathic Recorder for the year ending May 31, 1932.

This report covers the period completing four and one-half years since the international Hahnemannian Association took over the ownership and control of The Recorder. Our journal has steadily increased in power and influence in the homoeopathic world. It is looked upon by a very large percentage of Hahnemannian as the best teaching journal published, holding the highest rank of any homoeopathic periodical in the English language. We have received many congratulatory letters on its standing.

In The Recorder columns may be found many important and valuable contributions to homoeopathic literature. The Additions to Kents Repertory by Dr. C.M. Boger; the complete and carefully developed articles on materia medica by Dr. Margaret Burgess-Webster; the work on the repertories and repertory analysis; original papers on research and cancer treatment; besides many other articles of practical value, the Pointers, Carriwitchets, reviews of homoeopathic journals of the world and the many helpful editorials, make altogether a very great contribution to homoeopathic literature.

The general makeup of the journal has been maintained on a high plane and we have striven to hold our position without rancor, believing that homoeopathy is such a tremendous and vital subject that by teaching its truths in a positive and constructive way we can best show the value of our art of healing, avoiding criticism of those who differ from us. There is no room in our publication for anything save constructive homoeopathy.

Regarding advertisements, we have endeavored to obtain advertising that would be acceptable to the I.H.A. membership and the vote of the Association, instructing us to accept only such advertisements as were homoeopathic has been carefully followed. It has been rather difficult to obtain such advertising, because of the limited circulation of the journal, for those who are interested in advertising desire a wider field. We have recently added one full page of advertising matter through the medium of an advertising agency at the request of the client. Through this agency we hope to get other advertisements of acceptable products.

Last year the Business Manager called attention to the ideal journal which we hope some day to publish. We look forward of publishing The Homoeopathic Recorder as a medium for homoeopathic literature and the propagation of the healing art without any advertising whatever thus placing our publication in a unique position. This recommendation met with the hearty approval of the Executive Committee and the Board of Editors.

At the present time, if The Homoeopathic Recorder is to survive at all, we must accept all the financial aid we may from any and all sources.

We have continued to carry out the contract with Boericke and Tafel, having now completed four and one-half years of their advertising, and his leaves but six months more to fulfil this contract. At the expiration of that time we will be under no obligation to carry any advertising except as we may contract for at satisfactory rates, and we hope to make arrangements with this firm for considerable space. Boericke and Tafel have been generous with us having contributed last year and the year before toward our current expense fund. This year they deem that financial conditions do not warrant their contributions.

At present we are printing 1,400 journals, of which 225 are saved unbound until the expiration of the year. Last year we bound volumes for members who desired them. These volumes contain the papers presented at the convention and printed in The recorder together with other material including the transactions of the business sessions and the directory of the members.

We have again refrained from printing the index because of lack of funds. This is an exceedingly valuable work, for it is a review of current homoeopathic literature. This is not only an index of the articles printed in our journal, but an index of the articles printed in our journal, but an index of the homoeopathic journals of the world as reviewed in The Recorder with a cross index as well. This work was carried out by Dr. Lyle, and embraces the equivalent of about two full numbers of The Recorder each year. If there could be a way provided for continuing this work, it would be a very valuable contribution to homoeopathic literature.

the Homoeopathic Recorder continued to be listed in the American medical index, which lists all things medical in the united States that is considered worthy of recognition. This is one of the two homoeopathic journals so reviewed.

The increase in the I.H.A. dues to ten dollars, dividing this amount so that The Recorder receives three dollars as subscription to the official journal adds a few more to our list of subscribers. We have been able able to receive some financial help from the I.H.A. during the past year aside from this transfer of subscriptions. In spite of this, however, the subscriptions in general have fallen off considerably during the year, due to the depression. This is especially true of those where foreign exchange is involved, because of the unequal exchange rates.

We have now 1,005 subscribers, of whom 632 are in the United States. It is interesting to note that in India alone there are 190 subscribers. At this time there are about forty-nine countries represented on The Recorder subscription list. The missionary character on The Recorder subscription list. The missionary character of the journal cannot be overestimated. Because of its wide distribution and the character of its articles it is an invaluable aid to those in more or less undeveloped countries. The files of the Business Managers office bear testimony to the fact that this journal continues to act as a stimulus to true homoeopathic practice throughout the world.

Questions regarding every angle of homoeopathy continue to pour in to the Business Managers office, not only from our subscribers, but from those who have chanced to see copies of The Homoeopathic Recorder. It is significant the copies if our journal reach a far wider circle than the subscription list indicates, for we frequently receive letters from people who borrow the journal from friends. This correspondence adds considerably to the expenditure of time, energy and postage, but it is fulfiling the aim of the Association which is to perpetuate homoeopathy in the most effective way and by every possible means. Because of the necessarily high expenditure for postage, during the past year no receipts have been sent to subscribers unless these were requested, (except to those who enclosed currency to cover their subscription). This has materially cut down the cost of postage.

The homoeopathic journals of the world continue to manifest their appreciation of The Recorders high standard of homoeopathy by numerous quotations and reprints. This we welcome as an admission by others that our efforts are worthy of further dissemination, and we may well be glad that our work is not limited by copyright.

Last year we presented an estimate that 5,500.00 was required to publish The Homoeopathic Recorder for a period of twelve months. This was based on actual figures of the previous year, and did not include dollar 1,000 that was voted for Dr. Lyles work not did it include provision for the previous indebtedness. During the past year we actually collected 1,176.30 less than we did the previous year, and 1,100 less than the amount set as a conservative estimate of our actual needs. Notwithstanding contributions, we did not cover within Dollar 766.84 the indebtedness previously incurred.

The amount of indebtedness reported at the 1931 convention was 2,299.04. The contributions, including those made directly to The Recorder and those paid to the I.H. A. on the Memorial Fund, amounted to Dollar 1,532.20. Of this amount. 1,257.20 was paid directly to the I. H.A. fund, and Dollar 275 to The Recorder. Dollar 1,500 was transferred from the I.H.A. account in addition to those subscriptions varied in amount from Dollar 1.50 to Dollar 150, and the donors were as follows: Drs. Grimmer, A. and D. T. Pulford, Brown, Yingling, Dunlevy, Howland, Hayes, Bracken, Heimbach, Webster, Dienst, Hubbard, Klinetop, Rowland, Coleman, Green, Hutchinson, Waffensmith, Sloan, Hussey, Stanton, Stearns, Miller, Krichbaum, Compston, Gordon, Skiles, Overpeck, Baker, Griggs, Porter, Stevens, Roberts, Boger, Blackman, Boger- Shattuck, Hess, McCormick, W.W.Wilson, Underhill, Jr. K.A. McLaren and Lewis.

At this time we owe the Emerson Bros., Inc., Dollar 3,011 for publishing The Homoeopathic Recorder. We owe Dr. Lyle Dollar 800 as salary that was voted by the Association at the 1931 meeting, only Dollar 200 of which we have been able to pay; for books Dollar 6.00; the total indebtedness at this time being Dollar 3,817.00.

Your Business Manager has assured the Emerson Bros., Inc., that at this meeting some definite steps would be taken to liquidate the old indebtedness and to carry on for the coming year; thus a definite action must be taken by the Association. It is for you to determine what steps shall be taken to cancel the debts of the Association and to place The Homoeopathic Recorder on a firm basis; to direct as to the publication of the index; to determine the number of issues of The Homoeopathic Recorder to be published annually; to raise sufficient money to assist the editors in their work.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.