The power of Iodin to absorb serious and endocardial affections makes it a prominent remedy in conditions of th heart following rheumatism. The great characteristic of the remedy in rheumatic conditions is the pain without swelling in the different parts, where the pains suddenly leaves those parts and through metastasis attacks the heart.

There is a great deal of palpitation on the least exertion, and with the palpitation,inclination to faint; great praecordial anxiety so much so that it compels the patient to chance position frequently. There is constant pressive pain in the region of the heart, and a sensation as if the heart were being squeezed by an iron hand.

In the mental sphere, always bear in mind the great anxiety and fear that always run through the remedy.

In these conditions it is usually a mitral insufficiency due to the inflammation and thickening of the cords, and it is here that the action of Iodin will often serve in a very beneficial way. This is not a remedy frequently used,m but it is of inestimable value when it is indicated.

In hearts which show marked valvular murmurs, deathly pallor of the face and anguish; where the patient complaints of suffocation and insists upon the bands about the neck being loosened, complaining of a sensation of constriction all through the chest; with sticking, stitching pains, we may well think of Lachesis.

These patients are much worse in the spring of the year, and after sleep. They will often have a surcharge of blood t the head when in a close room. These valvular conditions will be greatly;u helped and the patients be made fit to do their share in the work of the world buy the proper administration of Lachesis.

In Spigelia we have a remedy that is very applicable in acute conditions of rheumatic fever,as well as in the metastasis after it has done serious damage to the heart.

In the acute manifestations there is marked dyspnoea, a shortness of breath when giving in bed, especially when raising the arms;. frequent suffocative spells,with a distinct bruit in the value sounds. There is the characteristic stitching pain, aggravated by the least movement,even the movement of breathing.

In the chronic conditions we find the stitching pains,which synchronize with the pulse; anxiety and oppressions, in endocardial troubles. The violent action of the heart throb is noticeable even through the clothing of the patient. There is a peculiar purring sound which does not occur in relation to the pulse beat. Usually the sounds of the heart are blowing and heard at the systole.

The palpitation is very violent;often when bending forward. This palpitation comes in waves. There is a sensation of weight on the chest. Almost as all the heart symptoms occur ion the day time, when the sun is bright, sand toward night the patient begins to feet easier.

A peculiar things in these chronic Spigelia conditions is that they are almost always associated with constipation.

Many serious valvular troubles will greatly improve, and the patient will become a useful member of society, under the administration of Spigelia.

These are but a few of the more prominent remedies to be thought of. Other remedies that may be mentioned by name only in this paper,among the numerous remedies we may require, are such as the various members of the Rhus family, Fluoric acid, Lycopodium, Sanguinaria and Spongia. While these few remedies are those that I have found in my work to the the most frequently indicated in these conditions, I cannot but stress the fact that almost any remedy in our materia medica, if it be indicated will serve you well.

The great trouble in pointing out remedies for certain disease conditions is the tendency to confine ourselves to these remedies, only ,whereas the indications presenting themselves,will call unmistakably for the remedy that will accomplish the most for these children; therefore let us keep our minds open to the possibilities of finding the similimum for each individual case.

Many of these chronic conditions have been very greatly mitigated under our care, and these children have been able to on in life with a freedom and buoyancy that is almost beyond our fondest expectations.



DR.R.E.S.HAYES. While the doctor was reading the symptoms of Fagopyrum,he was describing exactly a case of false angina.

The use of medicines in large quantities (as prescribed today) in due course will lead to further vitiation of the constitution. This is not an opinion; it is a solemn and serious fact which can be proved by any healthy man taking drugs in the doses recommended by the British Pharmacopoeia,and watching the results. Take, for instance,the simple sodium bicarbonate, and see how long it is before you get an unpleasant indigestion. Such men cannot test the facts because they attribute unpleasant drug symptoms to their disease,and not to the medicines they consume-FRASER MACKENZIE,C.E.I.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.