Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The homoeopathic school contends that cancer is not a local, but a systemic condition, and there are certain general symptoms which suggest the presence of, or tendency toward the disease. In addition to these, it has been discovered by electronic physicians that the blood of the cancer patient has a changed polarity. Here, then, we have the means for making an early diagnosis.

“The cure of cancer depends on early discovery and proper treatment. Delay is always dangerous. Secure competent medical advice. From the American Society for Control of Cancer.”.

This announcement confronts the public in trains and trolley-cars. The advice is good. The only difficulty is in following it. If, as the dominant school contends cancer is at first a local thing, it cannot be discovered until there is some visible or palpable sign of it. It is then, as the world knows to its sorrow, often too late for anything in the way of cure. Although the ordinary physician considers the knife or radium to be the proper treatment, their use is too often followed by a return of the growth, or by manifestations of the disease in other parts of the body. Evidently there has been too long delay; the medical advice was not competent. Is there no better way?.

The homoeopathic school contends that cancer is not a local, but a systemic condition, and there are certain general symptoms which suggest the presence of, or tendency toward the disease. In addition to these, it has been discovered by electronic physicians that the blood of the cancer patient has a changed polarity. Here, then, we have the means for making an early diagnosis. A specimen of the patient s blood, carefully taken on a blotter, may be sent to a physician who uses the electronic method and them normal, or abnormal polarity may thus be discovered. In the same way, the correct homoeopathic remedy may be found, if the attending physician is not sure what is indicated.

One of the benefits of the early diagnosis is the opportunity it gives for the removal of irritants in the way of food and drink. A fruit and vegetable diet is the thing agreed upon by a number of physicians who have attacked the cancer problem from different angles and the earlier this diet is begun, the better the results.

Two cases which have been much helped are here reported. Both had had for many years the prescribing of very skillful homoeopathic physicians.


Miss M. H., age 70, has had for thirty or forty years a chronic diarrhoea, held in abeyance at times by the remedies prescribed, but recurring in case of much walking, or any excitement, or any acute attack, as, for example, tonsillitis. Of late there has been much weakness, marked emaciation and very trying attacks of vertigo. A specimen of the blood was sent to Dr. A. H. Grimmer, who prescribed Cad. met. 30, and a fruit and vegetable diet. The Cadmium was repeated in a month and later followed by other remedies at intervals of two or three months, Iodine, Silica, Gels. and Silica atlantis. Inside six months the diarrhoea was so much improved that the patient could walk easily without any aggravation and the vertigo had disappeared. During the past months she has said, “I feel better than I can ever remember feeling.” The blood tests also have showed marked improvement.


Miss M. E. T., age 53. Never strong, but has done much hard work in spite of pains. For last two years has had recurrent attacks of very severe pain in the gall bladder region, with constant soreness. Otherwise symptoms are mostly left-sided. There has been marked loss of weight. A blood-test sent to Dr. Grimmer brought a prescription of Cad. met. 30, and a diagnosis of incipient cancer of spleen, intestine, uterus and bladder. The remedy was given October 20, 1930. On December 12, after another blood test, the prescription was changed to Mag. mur. 10M, which relieved the attacks of pain and the soreness of the gall bladder region. This remedy was repeated January 7 and February 8, with continued improvement. On February 26, the blood test showed very great improvement and a change of polarity. The prescription was then Aurum iodide 10M. On April 14 the patient reported an advance in weight of 17 pounds and marked gain in strength and comfort. She has gone a long way toward attaining a normal state of health.

When a physician is not sure of his diagnosis or treatment, he is wise to call in counsel. Let us not neglect the blood- test as a means of early diagnosis and an aid to choice of proper treatment.


Grace Stevens