Hpathy Needs Your Help!


When a baby (or a kitten) presents the symptoms that little Wilmarys kitten did, see what the same remedy will do. Fits; flat worms; vomits everything it eats; heavy, drowsy, exhausted, especially after vomiting; loose or watery, green, faecal discharges; cries as if hurt whenever picked up. AEthusa cynapium 10M (Fincke), one powder, cured.


Homoeopathy does not, and will not, lend itself to the spectacular, hence does not appeal to the ignorant. And, as has been stated, 90 percent of the people are ignorant, it is going to be a man sized job to educate them. Especially is this so when our own members openly declare they are “tired of hearing about pure homoeopathy”, while others think the doctors could be educated in a proper environ.


Remedy, Belladonna CC in water, teaspoonful doses every 15 minutes during pain. No pain, no medicine. She improved and dropped asleep in a couple of hours. Pain resumed about 2 p.m. and lasted for about an hour when it suddenly ceased. Monday morning she passed a monster stone which measured two and seven-eights inches in circumference.


Surely it must have something more substantial than some fanciful conception; and if we are real teachers, we must be able to give a student better advice than “watch all people” in order to acquire this knowledge. If we can do no more then we are but “sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal”. For it to have true scientific value we must be able to discover the facts on which it rests, and analyze and classify them.


Malandrinum and Variolinum are used widely as prophylactics for smallpox. In India, and especially northern India, we always face the epidemic mostly at the end of the winter season and to some extent after the rains at the approach of winter. This is especially true on the plains. Malandrinum has proved very useful in localities which are damp, due to excessive winter rains, or where the summer rains are short.


They were selected, not with an eye to numbers, but from two viewpoints, first the practical clinical one, on the basis of patients showing unusual mental ability whose symptomatology had called for these remedies, and secondly from a theoretical standpoint by running through the mental pathogenesis of our frequently used remedies


We think the above remedies are brought out sufficiently clear to avoid confusion, and if not given too often or too low, should reduce both complications and deaths to a minimum. The whole science and art of homoeopathic prescribing lies not alone in ones knowledge of the various remedies and how to distinguish between them, but in knowing to elicit the proper indications for the remedy from the patient.


The relationships of remedies according to their chemical constituents is a highly interesting and all too undeveloped subject. It illuminates relationships, as for instance, Pulsatilla contains Kali sulph., and Bell. has much Mag. phos., Allium cepa and Lyc. contains Sulph. Quantitative chemical analyses should be done on all our vegetable remedies.


Easy relapses. General stiffness. Paralysis; of tongue; of upper or lower limbs. Blueness. Pains; pressive, < touch; as of blows, being broken, like lightning, etc. Acute senses. Nervous. Uneasy; moves about. Impulsive. Stammers. Says what is not intended. Mimicry. Fears; sudden; death; shrinks from everyone (Bar. c.). Piercing shrieks; howls or mutters. Bites; strikes attendant. Mania. Delirium; loquacious. Confusion. Malicious jesting or gloating. Sullen; tricky ; alternately yielding and headstrong.


The merit of that which follows, if any, belongs to the pharmacist Oswald de Menezes and to Dr. Licinio Cardoso, eminent homoeopathists, not only for the love they dedicated to homoeopathy, but also because of the competency they revealed. Both, unfortunately, are dead, but they will always be remembered in the annals of Brazilian homoeopathy.