Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The tumor was of a typical sycotic nature, fibrous in consistency, and possessing the concomitant symptom complex of the great constitutional miasm. The patient possessed a remarkable degree of physical health, there being a lack of objective symptoms except the growth which made her life unpleasant, and, as a matter of materialistic reasoning extirpation was the only reasonable conclusion.

On July 19, 1929, a married woman, age 27 years, consulted me for a right sided enlargement of the thyroid which she said moved up and down on swallowing and talking. It was aggravated two days to one week before the menses and ameliorated by raising the head with a pillow when lying. She had consulted several physicians who, without hesitation, had advised an operation. She was fearful of operation, yet the discomfort was of such a nature that she felt it imperative to have something done. Under these conditions I was requested to treat the case with the internal remedy.

We are apt, in our keen desire, to seek in the newer field of remedies for our selection, instead of searching among the well known and time tested group which- has been thoroughly proven by the early masters and found reliable in clinical tests.

The tumor was of a typical sycotic nature, fibrous in consistency, and possessing the concomitant symptom complex of the great constitutional miasm. The patient possessed a remarkable degree of physical health, there being a lack of objective symptoms except the growth which made her life unpleasant, and, as a matter of materialistic reasoning extirpation was the only reasonable conclusion.

It is here that the value of the genius of Hahnemann is appreciated, namely to add miasmatic interpretation of mental symptoms in a study of the unified whole. The simplicity of the procedure shows the value of the principle underlying the process of reasoning. It presents the advanced position homoeopathy occupies in medicine within the realm of constitutional diagnosis and remedy selection.

The mental symptoms have disappeared and with them the tumor. Homoeopathy has won another ardent friend and the doctor has added confidence in the potential possibilities of the indicated remedy properly selected and handled in potency.

The following symptoms were obtained on taking the case:.


Irritable, aggravating before menses.

Fear of thunderstorm.


Oversensitive and easily offended; had to give up her occupation on account of same.

Aversion to children.

Confusion of mind; fumbles for words.

Forgot names of persons and places.

Misplaces things.

Fear of solitude.

Easily frightened.

Fear of man behind her (caused her to give up occupation).


Sensitive to cold air; to draft; wants open air and head uncovered, although away from window; sensitive to cold on back of neck.

Irritation to clear larynx, aggravated talking.

History of suppurative tonsillitis.

Fear cold as ice.

Sacral backache, aggravated first day of menses.

Dates beginning of all trouble to shock from automobile accident. Hoarseness, aggravated before menses and continued walking Miscarriage five years ago; no pregnancies since; sexual frigidity (sycosis).

Menses irregular; too soon; watery in color; fishy odor (sycosis). Rhus tox. 30 (B. & T.)

September 5, 1929. Aching pain in lumbar region, aggravated before and after menses and p.m. Ameliorated by heat.

November 2, 1929. Nausea; eructations taste of food; faintness aggravated 10 p.m.; hoarseness ameliorated; fishy odor of menses disappeared; leucorrhoea thick and yellow, aggravated p.m. ; irritability improved; confusion of mind and fumbling for words better. Rhus. tox. 500 ( B and T.).

December 22, 1929. Return of throat symptoms. Tumor smaller in size. Rhus tox. 1M (B and T.).

June 2, 1930. Desire for sweets; increase in weight; dull, aching pain in sacrum aggravated first day of menses, ameliorated from heat; perspiration in axilla; easily frightened with internal trembling which begins in feet and passes to chest and throat with inclination to swallow. Rhus tox 50M (Skinner). NEW HAVEN, CONN.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer