Homoeopathy is the method of treating disease according to the formula similia similibus curantur. Homoeopathy is the only distinctive curative system of medicine, based upon a fundamental law. The exercise and practice of homoeopathy is an art based upon the scientific principles of the law of cure. The practice of all art is based upon science; it is not the science itself, but it is the method of making use of scientific principles, and becomes a fascinating and intensely deep study of art. The study of architecture is an art in itself, but it is based upon scientific laws, the law of stress.
So with the art of homoeopathy : he is the best prescriber who knows best the principles upon which his art is based. This presupposes a thorough knowledge of the law of similars; a thorough knowledge of drug action as proven on the healthy human being; a thorough knowledge of the totality of the symptoms of the patient, and a thorough knowledge of the totality of the symptoms of the drug; the use of the similar remedy; a knowledge of what constitutes the minimum dose. When one is possessed of these qualifications, he is in a position to exercise the art of healing, for with this equipment he has gained an insight into the extent of the curative effect of drugs and he is better able to know where remedies are applicable.
It was Hahnemann who advocated most strongly the removal of hindrances to the cure, even advocating surgery in special cases, not as a cure in itself, but as placing the patient in a position where cure could be made. At no place did he point out the value of any other curative method, with the possible exception of mesmerism.
The most valuable part of Hahnemanns work as shown in his writings was his keen insight into the forces of disease and the sources of life. His recognition of the vital energy of the concept of the power of being given to the cell to develop its own individuality, is almost on a par with his discovery of the law of similars. In weighing the value of Hahnemanns work we must remember the gross materialism present in his day; but with his deep insight into the sources of life, he realized that this vital energy is the power that makes for health, and that this life-giving stream, when it becomes deranged, is likewise the cause of the disease manifestation.
Probably no greater mind has ever appeared during the whole history of medicine. It was Hahnemann who first pointed out the necessity for diet regulation; the necessity for control of epidemic diseases by segregation; and the first to blaze the way for immunization, for he foreshadowed in his research work the basic law of immunity, by the protection of the individual against epidemics by the use of the epidemic remedy as indicated by the law of similars. It was Hahnemann who first took recognition of mental derangements and their proper hygienic care and cure. It was he who first recognized that it is the mental symptoms that are the most important for the consideration of the individual, as well as of the individual drug.
Hahnemann died in 1843. During his life he proved seventy- four remedies on healthy human beings. It has not been possible to improve on these except as more modern instruments of precision have been perfected since his day.
The question now arises as to the further development of our knowledge of the healing art. Has it progressed since Hahnemanns time?.
The immediate followers of Hahnemann proved many remedies that have been incorporated in our knowledge of drugs. Since the 90s, due to the insistence of many materialistic minds, much of the finer work in proving has been discontinued. There is, however, a spirit abroad fostering this same careful investigation with new remedies, like the recent provings of Radium in potency; a very thorough proving a few years ago of Kali phosphoricum by the I.H.A.; the proving last summer of Huang nan; the proving of some of our metals, like Cadmium. These provings must be continued if progress is to be maintained.
Millikan has said that we can define progress as increased control over environments. Applying this to medicine, Hahnemanns concept of acute diseases is t hat they are self- curative or self-limiting in their action.This is true, but many an acute disease would prove fatal were it not for the application of the law of similars to assist Nature in the cure. Progress has been distinctive along this line since Hahnemanns time, as our knowledge of remedies has been developed.
Just think how imperfectly we would practise medicine without Baptisia, Gelsemium, Lachesis, and many other remedies whose action was unknown to Hahnemann! To make the materia medica comprehensive, the followers of Hahnemann must insist that the provings be made on human beings, and that the results be recorded in the vernacular. In this way we can carry on the development of new remedies and the fuller development of the older ones, with more accurate instruments of precision, both physical and chemical.
Furthermore, the facilities in the use of this materia medica have been greatly enhanced by the repertorial works which have been provided by the indefatigable work of some of our leaders, which render the seeking out a choice of remedies much more quickly and accurately accomplished.
We are fortunate that we have the system of classification and schema that Hahnemann devised, for we can the more readily make use of this vast storehouse of knowledge.
Hahnemann has given us the most masterly piece of work extent on chronic diseases and their cure in his book, Chronic Diseases. His concept, which has been proved true many times and is still true today, was that chronic diseases never cure themselves; but we have made distinct progress since his time in t he cure of these chronic ailments, many of them considered incurable by ordinary physicians, because of our greater knowledge of remedies. What physician who has practised successfully according to the law of similars over a period of twenty years has not seen unquestionable cures, (not a suppression of conditions), in individuals who have suffered from such conditions as cancer, fibromata, nephritis, pyelitis, tuberculosis, asthma, hay fever, cardio-vascular conditions; even pernicious anaemia, tic douloureux, chronic arthritis, the many sinus troubles, and so on almost indefinitely?.
No what is to be done to further this progress? The American Foundation for Homoeopathy has answered this question by adopting the following program of work for a period of ten years, which will put the knowledge and practice of homoeopathy on a much firmer basis, and a basis of vastly more usefulness, because more students will get a clearer concept of the healing art and the laws that govern it.
1. Permanent Headquarters to be maintained in Washington in keeping with the scope of the national organization; to act as a general clearing house for the Foundation.
2. Post-Graduate College:
The center around which the Foundation plan develops.
To be open in sessions of such length as may be required, and as many sessions during the year as may be required.
To be equipped with.
Library. General classrooms.
To have connected with it.
Outpatient clinics.
Home and hospital for miasmatic children.
Research department.
(a) The hospital should be thoroughly equipped to obtain a high rating. There should be laboratories and all proper equipment to provide the best possible service as well as to provide material for the students and the research bureau.
(b) Outpatient department will act as a feeder to the hospital, and will provide clinical material for the school as will ……
[c] The home for miasmatic children; this will clearly demonstrate the work of homoeopathy in resorting to future health and usefulness these little ones.
[d] The research department will keep in touch with all these departments, as well as carrying on provings and reprovings, and research into the collateral sciences and their relation to homoeopathy.
[e] The dormitories will provide accommodations for students in the atmosphere of the school and hospital.
3. The publication department will have charge of the republication of valuable out-of-print material; an occasional bulletin pertaining to the development of all research and information relative to homoeopathy and the Foundation, both for the laity and for the medical profession.
4. Suitable publicity work of homoeopathic progress and work throughout the world.
5. The creation of an endowment sufficient to carry on this work.
1. A full time secretary:
[a] A man of strong character and personality; a physician by preference; grounded in the philosophy and art of homoeopathy.
[b] To have general supervision of the Foundation work under the Board of Trustees.
[c] Who should have under his direction:.
1. An assistant.
2. Librarian.