I have never had a case of placenta praevia and hence know nothing of it by personal experience. If there are marked symptoms I would give the indicated remedy and deliver as soon as possible. I should be governed by circumstances and act and so as seemed best at the time. I used to dread having such a case and feared every case might be other one. But I have always been thankful to have had none.

In some cases symptoms are complex and it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to select one remedy to cover the totality and relieve the case of suffering.,In these cases the administration of two or three remedies will do no harm, it will not spoil the case. Each remedy will accomplish its mission satisfactorily to the physician and patient. Of course,e I do not mean that these remedies are to be given altogether or haphazard. When on the frontier I was called to a labor case about eight miles from my home. We did not have automobiles in those days. The woman was fairly large and somewhat nervous, anoint and dull. All first she complained for her hack, crying out, “Oh, by back, my back”. I get no other symptoms at the time and no progress was made. One dose of Kali carb. relieved the suffering and she quieted down, but still there was no progress.

After awhile I noticed her shrinking back at every pain. On questioning she replied that with every pain there was a great leasing to urinate, annoying and quite painful. One dose of Nux vom. very soon been relieved this and the abnormal condition was removed, but still there was no progress. On close watching and questioning I finally discovered a sense of a lump in the throat the annoyed finally discovered a sense of a lump in the throat that annoyed her much. I thought of Lobelia, but could not verify the choice and was too far from home to return to the office. While Lobelia is note great remedy for labor and seemed far fetched, one dose put beer right to business, brought in strong pains of the right character, relieved her of all suffering of mind and body, and in just twenty minutes by the watch the child was born.

All three symptoms re not present at the same time, but followed each symptoms were not present at the same time, but followed each other, or she did not realize they were all present, but saw only the most distressing. As I drove home I kept thinking. I was convinced a small book on labor, one that would give the essentials at the bed side, was sadly needed. The Accoucheurs Emergency Manual was the outcome.

Of puerperal or child-bed fever Dr.H.N. Guernsey remarks; “Scarcely and disorder which the physician is called upon to treat is more insidious or more dangerous; certainly there is none which is more insidious or more dangerous; certainly there is none which runs a more rapid course or which many prove more suddenly fatal.” It is a fearful stage, but amenable to true homoeopathy. With true homoeopathic practitioners this is a very rare condition. But there are more cases in lying-in epidemics of cases and many fatal ones.

The elite,city dwellers,the personally clean in body and environments, seem to be more subject to this calamity than the rural dwellers and the poor. The former class environments and by the best physicians. the latter class are not so situated nor are they financially able to have such help and are frequently waited upon by kind neighbors or midwives.

The Uterus is not an absorbing organ, but a discharging one. Nature tries to free itself of he poisoning elements by the vaginal discharge,the lochia, and in the most cases in successful, if not hindered by the ignorant and meddlesome attendant. When medicated douches and packs are used the discharge is pushed back into the uterus or dammed up, some what sepsis can get in its fearful results. If these douches do wash out the discharges and temporarily cleanse the uterus and vagina it will be but a few moments till they are again contaminated by the continuous flow. Of course if the parts are torn in labor there is greatest absorption of the discharge,which must be duly considered,. In my humble opinion it is not that which it outside that contaminates and causes trouble, but that which is inside or the douches or packing.

I have attended labor cases in sod-dugouts,the floor of which was common earth. Pools of dish water or leakage through the sod roof formed puddles about the one room. In some of these cases the bed clothing was so filthy I avoided coming in contact with it. And yet I fever knew of a single case of puerperal fever.; The mother and child did well and had no trouble whatever.

I never had a child-bed fever case among may own patients, but had some where the midwife or neighbors had waited on the case. Of these I lost only one case. This woman did very well for some days when one very cold night, it was in February,the fire went out and the home became very cold. the woman got all to build a fire and caught cold. I was called in when she was past help. She died within thirty-six hours.

I had another case while a woman physician from Tool;do,Ohio, was visiting us and I took her along to see the patient. After an examination and consultation the doctor said nothing could help the woman,that she must die. My selection was Mercurius. the nest day the doctor would not go along, saying she did not like to see the dead. When I returned home she was great did not lie to see the dead. When I returned home she was greatly surprised when I reported the sick woman much better. the patient made a quick recovery. thE doctor said that it was marvelous and very unusual. She was a low potency practitioner and did not fully comprehend the law of cure.

In another case, the woman was waited on by neighboring women. Early in the morning a little arm protruded and the attendant could to nothing., i was sent for, but was out on the prairies and could not be reached. Along about dusk they caught up with me and I at once repaired to the home, some six miles away. After an examination I pushed back the arm, turned the child and speedily delivered it. As soon as the child was born the woman went into a complete collapse, shook like an aspen leaf was very cold over and looked as if the end was very near. I quickly gave all over the looked as if the need was very near. I quickly gave her Aconite with prompt relief, she made an uneventful recovery, but the child was still-born, having been in that position for about twelve hours.


W. Yingling
William A. Yingling, MD, author of "Accoucheur's Emergency Manual". Born: 12-01-1851 - Died : 03-04-1933
YINGLING, lived and practiced in Emporia, KS from 1896 until his death. He was educated for medical missionary work, but after receiving his appointment to go to Bombay, India he became ill and could not carry out that mission. He filled the pulpit at Findlay, OH for seven years, and then moved to Dodge City where he engaged in the cattle business. He named the Ness county town of Nonchalanta in 1886. He reluctantly returned to the practice of medicine to relieve the suffering in the area north of Dodge City. His practice became extensive, extending to the neighboring states. He was quite religious and missed Methodist church services just once in 32 years.