
Dr.Kent mentions dropsical conditions almost any place. Under Arg. I had one woman, large, fat and chilly with amenorrhoea, who was much benefited by Arg.nit., but most of the others were slender, some even marasmic.

Argentum has many pains, especially nerve pains, facial and sciatic predominating,also left ovary and right testis, which Dr.Kent has so well brought out. He also says, “Arg. is useful in locomotor ataxia”. He probably means for the sharp pains; and again syphilitics are notoriously sexual. Feels he is forsaken, and feels he is despised are very prominent silver symptoms; is afraid to walk on the street and pass corners; hurry,m cannot do things fast enough, walks,eats,drinks, talks fast; impatient time passes too fast; weak larynx; weak chest : hacking cough;expectorates little lumps like boiled starch. It runs parallel to Sternum in weak chest, and throat very sensitive to tobacco smoke. It is useful in epilepsy and in fibroid tuberculosis with great rightness at bifurcation of teaches.

Aggravation at noon is an important symptom.

Fermentation, much gas nausea, very annoying, > from motion, < from looking at moving substance, are symptoms which suggest that it might be considered for sea-sickness. Early morning colic, > by heat, comes on about 5:00 a.m.; colitis with stool like sand:> lying on right side; suspicious, morose, disinclined to work. One troublesome symptom it cured for me was an itching,moist anus.

It desires sugar has glycosuria, but its must important action is its soothing effect in sex Erethism.

The study of our materia medica is very tiresome and difficult, and so are many points in our philosophy, and the law of healing is not by any means as simple as our slogan might indicate, yet they dovetail at every point. I have mixed practice, philosophy and materia medica in this paper,. own order to bring out the rationality of some of the disconnected silver symptoms that have been developed by the proving and appear so queer and irrational.

If we are fortunate enough to have the full confidence of the patient and they allow us to look into their inner life, and we obtain one or two of these extraordinary symptom,s then almost any novice can select the curative remedy,. But we are many times thrown on our own resource4s and on our ability to read between the lines and for this reason we will mention a few more of the main futures of silver.

When pathology affects the cartilages,either in joints,m eyes, ears or larynx, silver is the first remedy to come to our minds, just as Phyt. comes to our minds, if the seat of trouble is at the place where tendons are attached to the bones. Tuberculosis of the larynx in a patient who uses his voice as great deal, with consequent hoarseness, especially if associated with haste, apprehension and neurasthenia indicates silver as the probable curative agency. Invariably they have a dry jacking cough.

In venereal disease,where the discharge remains yellow,thick and tenacious foreman weeks, has been suppressed and thrown to internal structure,s and the tubes and ovaries have become infected, or an epididymitis or orchitis has been established, a few doses of Arg.nit. will help to reestablish the discharge and eliminate the poison.

The silver patient is a notoriously poor “yes, sir but he is famous when it comes to saying “no” I once heard a high-powered salesman say, “if I meet one of those moon-faced people, who looks like a full moon with an almost flat dished in frame, I turn right around and walk away,for he is sure to say no, and stick to it like a mule”. If such a one happens to come to our office, think of silver.

I once had a patient who was an invalid for many years. I sized him up and could see nothing but gonorrhoea. In spite of his most emphatic denials I prescribed a sycotic remedy, which, in the course of 2 or 3 days, established a born petechial eruption al over his abdomen and things.

This disappeared in about a week and finally ended in the complete cure of that patient. This denial is another form of the condition we labelled deceit in the beginning of this paper; it is characteristic of people,e who 2ill not do things in a direct way,but who think it a sign of superior intelligence to mix in any moment of non-important side issues.

I sometimes wonder in what degree, if any, it differs from the symptoms called “liar”. In the Repertory only two remedies are mentioned under that heading, namely, op. and Verat. I think Arg.nit. should be added. Dr.Kent moonshined a case that describes this point very nicely. A nursing baby had a greenish diarrhea, Merc., Ars. and Cham. had made no impression. He asked the mother if she was found of sweets. She said, “Oh no” but the husband said, “Oh yes you are, I bring you a pound of candy every day”. That baby did not get well until it got Arg. nit.

This innocent looking “oh no”, should be in heavy type, for it is quite characteristic of this remedy. We find it repertorized under the designation “contrary” were it is registered in italics.

Dr.Kent, in describing silver, says, :”it affects the brain in a very profound manner, bringing about changes of a gradual softening”. Again he says, “a strange feature is that it singles out the intellectual faculty,which is disturbed increasingly to imbecility. It scarcely affects the affections”

Not many surpassed Dr.Kent in the knowledge of our philosophy, in the scope of remedies she had at his command, or in the remarkable cures he effected, and Dr.Kent was not the type of person who could have left the regular school of medicine to join the ranks of Homoeopathy unless he was fully convinced expression of silver selecting the intelligent is not well put, in that he stresses a negative feature instead of a positive fact.

If we divide man into intellectual, emotional and physiological: materialistic,religious and philosophic; or, sacral group and the effect on the brain is due to the robbing of the brain, by drawing the blood supply to the lower center, depriving the brain of sufficient nourishment, and not because it effects the intellectual sphere.

If we have a patient who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, several features must be taken into consideration.

First they overwork the brain and tire it out. Second,they do not sleep enough. Third, the worry and eat every irregularity Then they table recourse to stimulants, coffee,whisky, cigars, and sedatives to make them sleep mights, and aspirin for pain,completely demoralizing the physiological mechanism but not by any manner or means affecting the intellect per se.

Argentum nitrate is one of the best remedies for nervous breakdown. Argentum nitrate and Nux vomica.

H C Schmidt