Hpathy Needs Your Help!


There was a pain, stiffness and numbness, worse before and during wet weather, rest, beginning motion, cold draft and lying on the painful side. Long-lasting constipation. She got very little rest or sleep. Her bowels had not moved naturally for months. She was fat, with a dry skin, could not sweat, good natured and cheerful. Very restless at night. Was much worse generally, and as regards her arthritis, during menstruation.

In April, 1925, I saw a woman of fifty-three, who complained of arthritis of all the extremities. There was a pain, stiffness and numbness, worse before and during wet weather, rest, beginning motion, cold draft and lying on the painful side. Long-lasting constipation. She got very little rest or sleep. Her bowels had not moved naturally for months. She was fat, with a dry skin, could not sweat, good natured and cheerful. Very restless at night. Was much worse generally, and as regards her arthritis, during menstruation.

She was given Sil. and Puls. with little benefit. In May, reports that her eyes focus differently, and an itching eruption has appeared between the fingers. Pulse high. Rhus. and Caul. were of no help.

In June, in addition to the double vision, she began to talk very slowly (scanning speech) and ataxia of the lower limbs became increasingly evident. I suspect multiple sclerosis, and this diagnosis was confirmed by a leading diagnostician after the usual laboratory procedure had been done and a bad prognosis was given by him and by myself.

After two poor prescription, Phos. cm. one dose was given August 20th. In a week she showed improvement, which has continued. She had several remedies for intercurrents troubles from time to time.

Phos. cm. was repeated October 4th. Ars. 40 m. October 28th, as she could not sleep and had other symptoms indicating that remedy.

November 16th Sulph. cm. was given with no result. November 22d. Nat. m. cm. cleared up the following symptoms: constriction of the throat on swallowing solids, trembling of hands, numbness in fingers and heels, jerking of limbs during sleep, trembling internally, double vision and marked irritability.

January 3d, there was some return of the ataxic gait, difficulty in swallowing, scanning speech and double vision, and some ataxia of the hands developed.

Nat. m., cm. greatly improved these conditions. January 24th she was given Caust. cm. for constriction of the palmar tendons, which had been gradually developing.

February 8th Tuberc. cm. April 4th Psor. cm., and May 24th Phos. cm. greatly helped.

Since September, 1925, she has been free form her ataxic symptoms with the exception of a short time in January. Her arthritis is practically gone. There remains contraction of the palmar tendons (Dupuytrens contraction). She sleeps well. Her bowels move naturally. She goes shopping and to the theatre. Does some housework and leads a fairly normal life.

Thomas G. Sloan