King Canute commanded the waves to recede, but all he got for his trouble was a pair of wet feet, over shoes not having as yet come into use. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still. He might as well have commanded a New York taxicab driver to stand still and give one the right of way. We do not believe in miracles. The changes that occur in the human body with the advance of years, must eventually lead to pathological degenerations from which recovery is impossible. We know that the timely Homoeopathic remedy is capable of retarding this inevitable end, but there comes a time when even that must fail.

Frequently we hear the assertion that the homoeopathic materia medica contains too many unreliable symptoms. Our old friend Dr. Nash wrote:.

“Not all the symptoms so appearing are equally valuable. Indeed, while some are of inestimable value, some are of absolutely no value at all, because they are not the effects of the drug claiming to have been proven.

“This sifting of the genuine from the spurious has occupied the same and painstaking care of the best observers of our school for many years, and the work is still going on, and must continue to go on in the years to come”.

The fanatic, the oppressor, is still with us. Disregarding our beliefs or disbeliefs, all righteous advocates of the principles for which our country stands recoil with humility and chagrin at the injustice imposed upon all members of the medical profession by such measures as the Harrison and Volstead Acts. Some may consider that a narcotic or alcohol are sometimes necessary, some may not.

All, however, believe in freedom. The “red tape” involved in securing alcohol, the limitation of “a pint of whisky to a patient in ten days” and the inability of the general public to procure a small amount of a homoeopathic alcoholic dilution, when we know that certain remedies are more potent in this form, is a frightful example of the violation of personal rights. It seems that the only place where we can procure both “Life” and “Liberty” is the newsdealers. “Give me liberty or give me death” has taken on a new significance.

Many branches make up the great field of therapeutics – electro-hydro-physical therapy (including osteopathy), etc., each has its respective efficiency. Homoeopathy, or Medicinal Therapeutics, the only method of prescribing remedies according to a definite system, should take its proper place as such in modern medicine.

Daniel E S Coleman