Careful examination into the symptomatology of Oslers “curative remedies” reveals the fact that they act homoeopathically. Mercury we have already discussed. Quinine cures [? Ed.] malaria in the same manner that Mercury cures syphilis in large doses by its destructive action on the plasmodium malariae, and in small doses, when the symptoms correspond, by the similarity of the symptoms. The physiological action of Ferrum (iron) is to first increase the number of red blood corpuscles, then to diminish them. It produces anaemia and it cures it. The same is true regarding the salicylates in the treatment of rheumatism. They are capable of producing similar pains in the healthy human body.

No one should dispute the fact that antitoxin has almost conquered [? Ed.] diphtheria, and the world owes von Behring a debt of everlasting gratitude for his great achievement. But what is the modus operandi of serum therapy? Let us see. Anti- toxin consists of the receptors (Ehrlichs Side-chain Theory) produced within the horse by repeated small doses of toxin (antigen). The action is homoeopathic. When we treat a case of diphtheria with a homoeopathic remedy we are endeavoring to produce the formation of antitoxin. The injection of the already formed antitoxin is exactly the same in principle. It possesses the advantage of having immediate curative properties; we do not have to wait for autogenous receptor development. Italics by the editor.

The homoeopathicity of the pollen extracts comes to mind as we approach the hay fever season.

Why, if all we have said be true, is not homoeopathy recognized and universally taught as part of the great science of medicine?.

Endocrinology, the efficiency of which is too often grossly exaggerated today, was practiced in the time of Confucius, who was born 500 B.C. Concoctions of toads, spiders, lizards and frogs were prescribed. According to Dr. Garretson they contained the hormones of these insects and animals cutaneous suprarenals. We as homoeopaths have used such remedies for years.

Dr. Sajous, in “The Internal Secretions and the Principles of Medicine,” says:.

“Aconite has been used considerably for the arrest of colds. Its value in this connection is accounted for from the fact that it dilates the peripheral arterioles, and thus allows a greater volume of blood to penetrate the capillaries and to exercise more effectively the antitoxic action. It is also beneficial in neuralgia and migraine when the blood pressure is elevated, thus driving the blood into the diseased nerves”.

“Aconite has been used in sthenic pneumonia, etc.,” and “in fevers of various kinds.” Is this not homoeopathy, Dr. Sajous?.

X-ray can produce epithelioma and can cure the same. Radium aggravates cancer in small doses and destroys it in large.

The size of the dose has probably caused more ill feeling than any other factor connected with Homoeopathy. Let us repeat. It is not the actual size, but the smallest dose that will cure.

Here are a few examples, taken from “old school” literature, showing the power of dilution. The Journal of the American MEdical Association says: “A milligram (15/1000 grains) of thyroxin produces a 2 percent rise in basal metabolism in a man weighing 70 kilograms (154 lbs.).” Speaking of botulinus the following appears: “In such a reaction (speaking of botulinus) the fatal dose is diminished to. 000,000,000,000,000,000,003 cc”.

Three sextillionths of a gram. Some dilution for the Journal of the American Medical Association to admit, we say. A therapeutic dose of 1/50,000 mg. of tuberculin is recommended, “future treatment being based on the reaction.” Observe the word “reaction”.

Dr. Brams in his article on Exophthalmic Goiter says that 1 mg. (15/1000) of a grain of thyroxin will produce symptoms.

Lieb stimulated the uterine contractions of a guinea pig with 1/100,000 quinine solution.

Dr. Ringer, speaking of amyl nitrite, began treatment with a minim dose, but found it too strong and was obliged to reduce it to one-third of a minim. He continues: “The tenth, nay, even the thirtieth, of a minim will in some cases counteract the flushing”.

Claude Bernard said: “Every substance which in large doses abolishes the property of an organic element stimulates it when given in small ones”.

Christiansen, of Harvard, writes: “The effective therapeutic dose should be far below the toxic dose”.

The extraordinarily distinct radiographs taken of the 60 trituration of Radium brom. by Boericke & Tafel some years ago, “knocked into a cocked hat” the old threadbare claim that “there is no medicine in the 30th potency”.

Why, if all we have said be true, is not homoeopathy recognized and universally taught as part of the great science of medicine?.

Constructive development has always been hampered by one of the most ignoble manifestations of the human mind. Namely, Intolerance. The Greeks, especially in Athens under Pericles, were noted for liberality. Freedom of thought was characteristic. It may seem strange that Christianity, having love and tolerance as its basic teaching, should have produced among its followers such characters as Torquemada, a combination sadist and masochist. This fanatic, through his diabolical persecutions, inflicted a blow upon Spain from which she has never fully recovered. On the other hand it produced the truly saintly Father Damien. This spirit of bigotry was not confined to any one creed. The “legalized” murders of Presbyterians, Puritans and Catholics during the Elizabethan period is familiar history. The Puritans themselves, seeking religious freedom, practiced an inconceivable intolerance.

This failing characterized the early Christians, and they brought much of their persecution on their own heads. This can be explained thus: Intensely strong beliefs, unless possessed by broad characters, are apt to develop bigotry. The pre-Christian beliefs were many but not intense. Everyone chose his own Deity, many of which were in the temples. It is not strange, therefore, that medicine should be contaminated by the same obnoxious influence that has too often dominated the most important subject of religion. When Hahnemann injected the truth of similars into moribund physic, he produced an unforseen reaction. Perverse human nature running true to form rejected the truth of his great discovery.

If tolerance had dominated the majority of medical men of his day, if desire for the truth had inspired their actions, the charge of sectarian medicine would not be made today. But the spirit of intolerance is not yet dead. Sir William Osler, an extremely able man in many ways, was not above his ignoble passion. In his lectures delivered at the Yale University, “The Evolution of Modern Medicine,” the name of Hahnemann is not mentioned. Even the most narrow-minded must admit that he existed, and that he made a lasting impression on the history of medicine.

If Sir William had written a history of music would he have left out the immortal name of Beethoven or Wagner? Would the excuse that he did not like, or understand, Wagnerian music be sufficient excuse for so great an omission> Hahnemann, and the followers of Hahnemann, existed and are existing today. They have no desire for sectarian medicine, all they ask is that homoeopathy be accepted in its true light, and that it receive its just status in the great field of medicine. This will be done when intolerance ceases to exist.

Fairness forces us to admit, however, that all the intolerance is not possessed by the opposition. Unfortunately there are among us those who are not without it. Our object is to cure or relieve the sick. We are scientists seeking the truth in whatever form it may appear. I have heard members of our school rail at the “outrageous practice of injecting the blood of a horse into the body of a child”; that “appendicitis can always be cured with medicine,” etc. Now, the fact is that the action of antitoxin is a demonstration of the law of similars.

What really concerns us is, will antitoxin cure diphtheria? That it does cure diphtheria is an established fact. Again, appendicitis is nearly always a surgical disease. Those who do not regard it as such had better have their death certificate blanks handy. Dr. H.A. Roberts excellent paper on this subject, presented at our last meeting, should be read by everyone.

Exaggerated claims do great harm to any cause. We know that all diseases cannot be cured by any one method of treatment. In our application of the homoeopathic remedy, we may find no remedy corresponding to a given case. This we think is not common, we can usually find a more or less corresponding similimum. If not fully covered, we use complementary remedies. Again, a patients vitality may be so low that no reaction will take place. Lastly, pathological changes may have advanced to such an extent that no regeneration is possible. Dr. Cadman, well known for his method of answering questions “right off the bat,” was asked: “Do you believe in miracles?”

He answered: “I believe in the radio, is not that the greatest of all miracles?” But Dr. Cadman stubbed his toe. The radio is not a miracle, but a scientific fact following natural laws. This never happens. The forces or laws of nature, set in motion by the Divine Intelligence, are unchangeable. A rose bush grows as a rose bush, an oak tree as an oak tree, the water of Niagara flows over the falls, and this ship is propelled upon the ocean. If it should suddenly start to fly, that would be miracle.

Daniel E S Coleman