burning between shoulders. Hard pressure. Heaviness b. menses.

liver. Appendicitis. Pain in Pain, must bend double which

ileo-caecal region; burning; sore >; extending to genitals, to

on jarring, on motion. Sense of testes; in hypogastrium

weakness. paroxysmal; cutting in hypo-

gastrium; dragging d. menses,

through spermatic cords;

pressing d. menses, in hypo-

gastrium downward, toward

genitals, d. menses, outward.

Rumbling evenings. Sensation.

of a stone in.

Rectum: Diarrhea d. typhoid; Rectum: Diarrhea > open

> cold. Polypi. Stool copious; air; a. fruit; a. opium; a.

like a dogs; gray; lienteric; being overheated; a. abuse of

thin, liquid. quinine; < warm room. Tenesmus.

a. stool. Stool changeable; like

chopped eggs.

Urinary: Addisons disease. Urinary:Inflamed bladder.

Urine: Casts with fat drops; white Pain in bladder paroxysmal.

as if mixed with chalk; copious Urging frequent with suppress-

with perspiration; sediment ed menses. Urination frequent

cheesy;white; yellow; sugar. from exposure to cold; spurts,

in swelled prostate, with each.

spurt a cutting pain;.

involuntary d. pregnancy, while

sitting. Pain sore, bruised in

kidney. Inflamed prostate. Pain

in prostate a. urination,

pressing. Contraction of urethra

from suppressed gonorrhea.

Discharge from urethra.

greenish yellow, thick, with

priapism, yellow, chronic

haemorrhage from urethra a.

suppressed gonorrhea.

Pain in urethra a.

urination. Stricture.

Genitalia, Male: Erections Genitalia, Male: Hydrocele

troublesome nights; violent. of boys. Inflamed spermatic

Sexual passion excessive; cords; testes, 1., from

excitement easy; violent, sexual suppressed gonorrhea, epididymis.

mania. Pain in testes while sitting;

aching in testes; burning in.

testes, without swelling;

pressing in testes; sore in

testes, evenings, while sitting;

tearing in testes. Relaxed

scrotum. Ailments from

suppressing the sexual passion.

Swelling of testes, 1.

Female: Cancer of Uterus. Female: Atony of uterus.

Metrorrhagia, active; bright red; Congestion of uterus, d.

from fibroids. Pain stitching. menses. Sexual desire.

increased d. menses. Leucorrhea.

cream-like; gonorrheal; while

lying; from masturbation.

Lochia scanty; suppressed.

Menses daytime only; black;

changeable in appearance;

clotted; dark; suppressed from

getting the feet wet; thick.

Metrorrhagia in paroxysms. Pain

in uterus, d. menses, compels her

to cry out, with suppressed

menses, paroxysmal, wandering;

after-pains; bearing down in

uterus d. menses; cutting in

uterus; labor pains ceasing,

false, irregular, spasmodic,

weak; sore in uterus d. coition.

Prolapsus uteri. d. menses.

E. Prescott Sherrill