Hpathy Needs Your Help!


coldness of hands and when pendent are painful,

burning and itching and stinging here and there,

itching in the evening,

always worse in the evenings.

Thus we see that our remedy fits the case from every homoeopathic viewpoint. I gave the patient one powder of the 200th, of Pulsatilla, and sufficient placebo to take I tablet t.i.d.

Two weeks later, I again saw the patient. He appeared much brighter, was spirited in character, and greeted me appreciatively. I inquired as to how he was, and he told me that at first he felt very poorly, but soon noted remarkable improvement. His dimness of vision, the dizzy spells, his urgency to urinate, all had disappeared. He, however, still complained of the itching sensation, but said that this was not as bad as previously.

Such rapid improvement is remarkable, and I had certain misgivings. Drugs which act rapidly in a chronic case of this character are often palliative and not the true similars. In some cases rapid cures mean only subsequent return of symptoms and at times indicate the incurable definitely pathologic case.

One could easily note objectively that the man seemed markedly improved. I gave him more placebos and asked him to return again in two weeks. He subsequently appeared. I again inquired as to his condition, and he stated that he cannot recall when he felt better. The itching had now practically ceased. He, however, did complain of waterbrash as a result of indulgence in fats.

This case, we can readily see, is due for an ultimate alleviation of symptoms, and, in spite of his diabetic condition, can live a normal life.

The question which next arises is how to give our remedy. I gave the patient one powder of the 200th of Pulsatilla. I did not repeat the drug. Repetition of remedies I deem inutile and often will mix our case. A similar remedy acting dynamically upon the uncanny human system, and once having stimulated that organization to activity in the proper direction for ultimate cure, needs no further giving. Repeated stimulation means fatigue results in symptomatology. Thus, one may say that as long as a remedy is acting, do not repeat your dose. It is well always to bear in mind that repetition is never essential, and need never be hurried in the chronic case.

With this first dose of the 200th, I gave the patient sufficient placebos until the next office visit. Placebos are given merely as a psychologic means of not alone making the patient believe we are giving him medicine, but a constant watchfulness is placed, on the part of the patient, upon himself and enables him to more accurately describe the changes he has noted in his condition.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.