Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The faintest sign should be to him full of meaning. He should seek to interpret a right the first flush of fever, and be on the alert to catch the earliest intelligence of pain. For whether he discriminates nicely or not, the suffering body, with all its countless voices, will certainly speak with discrimination, and will have a new tone and another gesture for every change in its condition, an exact expression for every want.


A woman had been subject for many years to copious menstruation and metrorrhagia of all degrees and at all seasons. She was of the stout, florid type which has low arterial tension. Trillium and Pulsatilla had done most good, but temporarily only. a late marriage was contracted. The condition became so bad that she was confined to bed much of the time.

Editorial Notes And Comments

A subscriber sends us the subjoined clipping from the Therapeutic Digest. The observations made are of much interest, particularly to homoeopathic physician, who depend upon fresh plant tinctures for their therapeutic results, or upon potencies made from such tinctures. Old Mother Nature does some truly wonderful things in her great laboratory, and it behooves us to employ her products much more than many of us do.


Sulphate of Soda or Glaubers Salt is doubtless familiar to you all, occurring as it does, abundantly in nature; but it does not appear in the cells of the human body, only in the inter-cellular fluids. Natrum Sulphuricum aids in excreting from the system superfluous fluid. It has a somewhat irregular action in stimulating the nerves as well as the secretions of the liver, pancreas and intestines.


By proceeding upon the plan thus briefly sketched, I have succeeded in acquiring a little bunch of dividend-paying securities, which give me a monthly income sufficient for any reasonably minded old doctor, who has no absolute assurance of another seventy years on earth, and knows not whether he will ultimately fall asleep on the bosom of Hahnemann or of Beelzebub.


Stone in the kidney may remain quiescent, producing no symptoms for years. A casual inspection of the urine which proves to contain pus, would suggest an inquiry into its source. Such may be the means of detecting a silent stone. Ordinarily, however, pain referred to the involved side is an almost constant symptom, varying from a dull a loin ache to the organizing pains present, when the calculus is lodged in or traversing the ureter.


The impressive series of active, far-advanced and even inoperable cases of cancer successfully treated and in many instances cured, by regulation of diet alone, reported by Dr. L. Duncan Bulkley in his book, “Cancer and Its Non-Surgical Treatment,” and by other workers in the same line, should convince even the most sceptical that a great, practical truth has been brought to light.


Hospitals do not want them; but endeavor to relieve them temporarily, and them record them as “cured.” “It requires study to cure chronic patients,” and Dr. Underhill might have added, “And then you cannot always do it.” The old school are waking up; may be they will realize after a time, that the microscope has only revealed the results of a long pending disease.