Sulphate of Soda or Glaubers Salt is doubtless familiar to you all, occurring as it does, abundantly in nature; but it does not appear in the cells of the human body, only in the inter-cellular fluids. Natrum Sulphuricum aids in excreting from the system superfluous fluid. It has a somewhat irregular action in stimulating the nerves as well as the secretions of the liver, pancreas and intestines.

Read before the Annual Meeting of The International Hahnemannian Association, Atlantic City, N.J., July, 1923.

“A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed”.

I plan to leave to you, here present, the privilege of unfolding and enlarging upon Schuesslers Biochemic theory. Sulphate of Soda or Glaubers Salt is doubtless familiar to you all, occurring as it does, abundantly in nature; but it does not appear in the cells of the human body, only in the inter-cellular fluids. Natrum Sulphuricum aids in excreting from the system superfluous fluid. It has a somewhat irregular action in stimulating the nerves as well as the secretions of the liver, pancreas and intestines.

Natrum Sulphuricum was a kind and helpful friend to me last winter, a great blessing to over one thousand patients entrusted to my care, and for whom I prescribed the remedy, usually in the sixth decimal potency and with most excellent effect.

It is regarding this recent and most comforting experience, that I wish to talk with you today.

In noting the symptoms for which I gave Natrum Sulphuricum, I shall in so far as possible, use the exact expressions of the patients as they related to me their stories and for which I prescribed the remedy.

Mental Symptoms.-“I am so nervous,” “so irritable,” “so cross,” “I cant bear to hear my daughter play on the piano or victoria.” “I am so depressed.” “I am always worse in the morning”.

Head.-“I have been dizzy and have had a throbbing headache ever since I fell on the ice a week ago.” “A severe pulsating pain at the base of the brain.” “My head is thumping, pain goes right up through my head to the top.” “My head feels boggy”.

Eyes.-“I have a bad head cold,” “my eyes burn, and run a stream.” “Eyelids are stuck together in the morning”.

Ears.-“My ears are plugged up and ring almost constantly”. “I am sneezing fifteen to twenty times in succession, and paroxysms come frequently.” “My nose burns and is very sore”. “Much itching of nose.” “My nose is stuffed up and then runs profusely.” ” I have for the past two days been sneezing my head off-almost”.

Face.-” I have severe pain in my cheek bones.” “Severe pain across the forehead.” “I have a sinus cold and have been advised to have an operation, can you help me?” “Inflammation of frontal sinus, with much pain and swelling”.

Mouth.-“Mouth feels slimy and tastes bitter.” “Small vesicles around the mouth.”:

Tongue.-“Tongue red, with blisters on tip.”

Teeth.-“Pain in teeth, relieved by holding cold things in mouth.”

Stomach.-“Bitter, sour, salty taste in mouth.” “Stomach feels distended.”

Abdomen.-“Severe pain all over abdomen.” Bowels sore to touch.” I was told I have abdominal grip.”

Urinary and Sexual Organs.-“Urine contains much bile”.

“Gleet following suppressed gonorrhoea.”

Respiratory Organs.-“Every wet spell we have I have an attack of asthma.” ” I have a bronchial cough worse every morning.”

These are the chief symptoms, in varying combinations, for which I prescribed the remedy.

We hear much talk these days, about organotherapy, immunization, desensitization, but in my opinion, no force has as yet been discovered equal in immunizing power to the vital force of the human body, released by the administration of the indicated, potentized homoeopathic remedy. Natrum Sulphuricum is no exception to this rule, as I can report many cases formerly predisposed to recurrent attacks of different respiratory affections, becoming immune after the administration of a few doses of Natrum Sulphuricum.

My experience last winter, was to me somewhat unique; but I do not claim that we have a specific in the remedy, simply one worthy of thoughtful consideration.

In section eighteen of “The Organon” we are told that “The totality of the symptoms is the sole guide to the choice of the remedy.” The popular theory of the day affirms that the pathology defines the drug.

Is the presence of the germs, discernible only by the microscope, the cause of the condition within the system which the pathologist terms the prima causa?.

Is it this pathological condition, so called, that is, the morbific force which deranges the internal vital force, which in time gives rise to outward signs or symptoms, the interpretation of which enables us to prescribe the curative remedial agent?.

What was the inimical force in our community, the presence of which, caused me from December I, 1922, to April 15, 1923, to administer, according to my interpretation of the totality of the symptoms, the same remedial agent, Natrum Sulphuricum and with uniformly favorable results in ten hundred and eighty-four cases?.

Plumb Brown