Hahnemanns Contribution To Medical Science

4. Fourthly, Hahnemann was the first to emphasise that all sickness affects the mind and the Vital Energy first and the body and the organs afterwards, and he gave the highest importance to mental and moral symptoms. It is only recently, after more than a hundred and fifty years, that the old school of medicine has started recognising the role of the mind as a causative factor in physical ailments, many of which are now recognised to result from mental, normal and emotional causes like anger, worry, grief, excitement etc.

5. Fifthly, Hahnemann gave the science of medicine the method of graduated potentisation of drugs, i.e. a method of releasing the dynamic forces residing in drugs according to a graduated scale of decimal or centesimal measurement. This enables us not only to adjust the power of the remedy to the depth and chronicity of the affection or the plane of the disease, but also to increase the potency of the remedy when after sometime the patient can be kept under the influence of the remedy over a long period till the disease is effectively extinguished.

6. Sixthly, Homoeopathy is able to treat medicinally many conditions assigned by the old school of medicine to realm of surgery.

7. Seventhly, homoeopathy boldly and emphatically asserts the truth that disease and medicines can act on the body only through the medium of the Vital Energy. Accordingly the results of experiments on germ cultures in test-tubes and the results of testing drugs on artificially produced diseased conditions in animals cannot be logically transferred to the phenomena of natural sickness in human beings, which in fact accounts for many of the clinical failures.

8. Eightly, in patients treated with homoeopathy the convalescence is quick as all remedical measures aim at giving the maximum rupport to the struggling Vital Energy. The patient soon begins to feel normal and is soon able to resume his work.

9. Ninthly, Homoeopathy stands for the true democratic spirit and does away with the distinction between the rich and the poor, the king and the clown. The same set of symptoms will always call for the same remedy whether the patient is rich or poor.

10. Tenthly, homoeopathy will save a lot of national wealth from being drained away into foreign countries for importing very expensive medicines which is no small consideration.

11. Eleventhly, homoeopathy reasserts the supremacy of the spirit over matter. It declares in most emphatic terms that as man is something more than his physical frame and the organs, the problem of human sickness can never be solved on a purely materialistic plane, and that to do so satisfactorily, the medical science will have to rise to a metaphysical and dynamic plane, which homoeopathy has practically made possible.

May Hahnemanns spirit continue to guide us in the quest and pursuit of the true and rational art of physical and mental healing so that with healthy minds and bodies we may be enabled to lay the foundations of the new world order of our dreams.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India