See also stomach.


Podophyllum will cover the majority of these cases. Ignatia, Sepia, and Ferrum are the other remedies that may occasionally step in. Calcarea and Podophyllum have prolapsus in association with diarrhoea. For prolapsus before stools think of – Podo. and Ruta. For prolapsus during the stools consider the possibilities of Ign., Podo., Sep. and Calc. For prolapsus after the stool give Podo., Ign., Sep. or Sulph.


Aloe for masses of jellylike mucus.

Graphites for cracks or fissures of anus.

Natrum-mur. when the stool is so hard and large that it tears the anus and causes bleeding.

Petroleum for diarrhoea originated from riding in a car or train.

Ipecac for fermented, foamy and green stools.

Argent-nit. for stools which are of yellow color when passed but green afterwards.

Alumina when the child has to strain hard and long, no matter whether the stools are hard or soft.

When you see the parents anxious and worried standing by the side of a large diarrhoetic stool of a child while the child himself is jovial, playful and smiling you need not feel confused, but remember Phosphoric acid.

B K Goswami