To illustrate this, I mention only two plants. Helleborus Niger: we must take its fresh root, dig up about Christmas its flowering season, and treat it like other fresh plants in making the tincture. Again, with Hyoscyamus Niger we must gather the herb at the beginning of its flowering, in the first days of July, express the juice and treat it like that of all other fresh plants.

The New British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia is now under preparation and the work is progressing speedily. When available. I would impress upon this conference to compare it with The Pharmacopoeia of the American Institute of Homoeopathy (6th ed.) 1941, and to adopt in our country what is found only the best in either. The United Kingdom is making rapid strides towards the advancement of Homoeopathy.

There is no eclectic medicine in Homoeopathy. There is no secret medicine, no secret formula, and no secret method of preparation in Homoeopathic school of medicine.

Our Pharmacy is the exclusive possession of Homoeopathy, discovered, expanded and embellished by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the greatest chemist-physician of all time. Yet, the Homoeopathic Pharmacy is not in conflict with any pharmacy that extends its view beyond the limits of its desperate medley of manifold drugs without attempting to know the finer distinctive virtues of the individual ingredients in its composition acting upon a healthy human being.

The astounding therapeutic success of a single medicine applied in minimum dose based upon the inviolable law of Similia Similibus pursuaded the dominant school of medicine to reduce the doses of many of their phamacopoeia drugs without paying any regard to similia and our principles of potentization hence their disappointment. Take their intravenous injection of “Camphor in oil” in a case of collapse and compare its spare success vis-a-vis the marvellous action of our camphor potentized to the 6,30,200 centesimal degrees; and recall its reaction on mental, constitutional and regional fields of the human being as recorded in our drug pathogenesis.

The prodigious structure of Homoeopathy rests upon an unalterable triangular base the three sides of which are (a) similarity of symptom, (b) single medicine and (c) minimum dose. The two arms of the triangle, viz; single medicine and minimum dose embrace the field of the Homoeopathic pharmacists profession. Hahnemann has given us the botanical signature of drugs of the vegetable kingdom, and the tests of purity of the medicinal substances drawn from the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the imponderabilia including magnetic forces, electricity, sun-force, etc., the nosodes and the sarcodes.

He has given detailed instructions for the collection, storage, and methods of preparing medicines from these substances. The instructions are very important for the pharmacist, the physician and the patient. None the less important are the rules embodied in “Organon” in aphorism 269-270 for the process of dynamization of Homoeopathic medicines, which is done by regularized trituration and succussions.

Materialistic medical school had hitherto remained wilfully incognizant of the great law that THE LESS THE SUBSTANCE GREATER THE FORCE. We have this truth lucidly explained and illustrated in that valuable book. “The Essentials of Hahnemanns Organon of Medicine” by Dr. N.C. Bose, the Editor- in-chief of the Homoeopathic Herald. In our process of attenuating a substance its molecules are divided ad libitum releasing its atomic energy when dynamized according to Hahnemannian method energy that has no physical basis force without substance.

Loyalty to Hahnemanns pharmacopoeia and complete co-operation with Homoeopathic physician must always be the characteristic qualities of the Homoeopathic Pharmacist. Unfortunately, there is to be found a group of pharmacists in Bengal and in some overseas countries whose avarice spurs them to put up for sale medicamenta innominata emanating from their so called Homoeopathic Research House, taking advantage of the peculiar charm with which the word Research captivates the credulous people.

Registered homoeopathic practitioners will surely declare with the loudest fanfare that research in the field of Homoeopathy is absolutely beyond the orbit of the Homoeopathic pharmacist. All and every research in the field of Homoeopathy is only the proving of drugs illimitably distributed by nature in all countries and zones. The physician tries the drug on healthy human being, observes the deviations of health effected thereby, collects these pathogenetic symptoms as they appear, observing its modalities; when this has been done on several persons of both sexes and of all ages, the research is complete, and then the drug becomes entitled to a place on the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. There is no hide and seek about this business.

The name of the drug with its full description, its habitat, its part used, the process of its preparation, the potency or potencies employed in the proving, the authenticated name,age, sex occupation and condition of the general health of each prover should appear on the record of such proving, and then it will be acceptable to the Homoeopathic profession, and again with a further proviso that clinical experience with that drug must ratify the report of the proving.

Failing these specifications, the therapeutic effects attributed to a drug are not to be trusted, it is only a fraud perpetrated upon the profession, upon the public, upon the suffering humanity, for the only purpose of feeding ones capacity. The profession should avoid such infernal nostrums from a great distance for the safety of the patient and for, sake of his own reputation reputation the invaluable asset of the medical practitioner as well as of the pharmacists.

India abounds in medical substances. The Homoeopathic medical fraternity should break its slumber and rise to a man to prove these substances and enrich the worlds medical knowledge, enhance the prestige of our country, uphold the name and fame of our ancient Rishis and recover our glory in the committee of nations.

Yamanendra Bhattacharyya