Remedy Diagnosis In Duodenal Ulcers

The symptoms of pressure in stomach is present, aside from those remedies already mentioned, also in Arsenicum album, Nux vomica, Gratiola, etc.

Lycopodium. Patient feels tight in region of stomach, has bulimia, but is satiated and full after a few bites; clothes feel too tight, especially around the waist. Patient is sleepy after meals; flatulence, better from eructation or from passing of flatus. Acidity and pyrosis increase the subjective symptoms; constipation; worse time 4 to 6 p.m.

Carbo vegetabilis. Has pressure in stomach, like Lycopodium, but the patient is usually run down much more than in Lycopodium; has bulimia, which, if not satisfied, is followed by cramp in stomach; hyper-acidity with pyrosis, sour eructation, retching, worse from fatty food, milk and stimulants; better from eructations. Severe flatulence in upper abdomen (Lycopodium in lower abdomen), worse from cold. (Lycopodium worse from warmth}.

Vomiting as a concomitant symptom can be an aid in the selection of the remedy, often indicating (aside from Nux vomica):

Ipecacuanha. Which has bitter and mucous vomiting from an empty stomach with relief , accompanied by severe nausea; the tongue is absolutely clean; everything disgusts; stomach feels like an empty bag hanging in abdomen.

Lobelia. Deathly nausea with vomiting and salivation, but better from drinking cold water, which also relieves sensation of fullness and lump in stomach.

If full feeling in stomach becomes the leading symptom, then we remember, aside from Nux vomica, Lobelia, Gratiola, Carbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium, also:

Sulphur. Which is full after a few bites, easily satiated in spite of bulimia; nausea, pyrosis, acid stomach, weakness especially at 11 a.m.

Argentum nitricum. Stomach feels full to bursting; shotlike loud eructation which comes hard; meteorism and severe flatulence; stomach pain regularly around midnight, coming and going slowly; the pain is stitching, radiating in every direction better from pressure and doubling up, worse from deep breathing and slight pressure, situated in a small spot between umbilicus and xiphoid process; the upward pressure causes anxiety and dyspnoea, which are relieved in open air; desire for cold things, sweetmeats (especially sugar), which, however, do not agree. All symptoms aggravated by mental excitement.

Acidum nitricum. Is similar to Argentum nitricum; it also has the quickly satisfied appetite; fullness with distress, but it has aversion to sweet things and meat; craves fat food; stomach cramps are especially nights; severe nausea, vomiting of mucus (with retching), bile and blood; much thirst.

Acidum sulphuricum. Has hyperacidity as also: Atropia sulph., Carbo vegetabilis and Animalis, Lycopodium, Phosphor and Sulphur. The stomach is so weak and flabby that cannot keep anything down; spasmic singultus with acid distress; here we may also think of Natrum Phos., Natrum muriaticum Natrum carbonicum.

Natrum carbonicum. Has pressure and distress in abdomen after eating, aside from acidity troubles, eating makes patient sleepy and flatulent with palpitation of heat; vegetables and farinaceous food are poorly tolerated; usually the remedy has lack of appetite, feels better toward end of digestive period.

Natrum muriaticum. Much thirst with acidity and pyrosis nausea and salivation, vomiting of mucus and watery fluid; yet patient craves salt and spices; pressure and fullness of stomach after eating; constipation (dry faeces), emaciation, anorexia; aversion to rye bread.

Natrum phosphoricum. has sour taste, acid eructation, pyrosis, sour diarrhoea; everything connected with this remedy is sour.

Bismuthum. Stomach pain better from bending backward.

Briefly I shall mention the duodenal ulcer with bleeding, evidenced by tarry stools, more than by bloody vomiting. Here are important: Hamamelis and Erigeron canadense generally speaking.

Trillium pendulum. Is valuable when haemorrhage is so severe that collapse and heart weakness threaten.

Arnica. Has bruised feeling, anxiety, restlessness, flatulency with borborygmus.

Mellifolium. Vomiting of blood with stomach cramps and flatulency.

Secale Bleeding which does not cease.

In less severe haemorrhage we must not for get Phosphorus, Arsenicum, the mineral acids, etc. Threatening dangerous conditions may require Arsenicum. Carbo vegetabilis or Veratrum album.

The very variable symptoms of duodenal ulcer are found in a large list of our Materia Medica. It therefore is advisable to separate the cardinal symptoms: hunger pains (better from eating), which include night pains, late pains, early or quick pains, which point to a certain group of remedies. If this does not lead to one remedy, then we must consider as leading symptoms: bulimia, fullness, acidity, vomiting, etc., to bring out the indicated remedy.

Schwarzhaupt Cologne