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In the intervals between the attacks of pain, if the bowels feel not to the touch, a small handkerchief may be so folded as to cover the whole surface of the abdomen and then wrung out quite tight in cold water and laid across the bowels and a thick dry cloth placed over (rather larger then the damp one) and keep in place by a binder round the body.


MERC. Inability to lie on the right side.

KALI C. Can lie only on the right side.

MERC. Moist tongue with great thirst.

PULS. Tongue dry, as if burnt, yet no thirst.

LYCO. One foot hot, the other cold.

PULS. One hand hot, the other cold (Dig., Ip., Mez.)

PODOPH. Sensation of heat in liver.

LEPTANDRA. Sensation of burning in liver.

MERC. Very fetid breath.

PULS. Putrid breath in the morning.

CHINA. Diarrhoea, worse after eating and at night.

FERRUM. Diarrhoea, worse after eating or drinking.

PODOPH. Eructations smelling like rotten eggs.

SEPIA. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs.

(Stann., Sulph., Ant. t., Valer.)

CHELID. Crampy pain in the inner angle of the right scapula

CHENOPOD. Crampy pain in the inner angle of the left scapula.

OX. ACID. Stitches in the liver, relieved by deep inspiration.

BELLAD. Stitches in the liver, worse by deep inspiration.

BRYONIA. Soreness of the liver to pressure.

BELLAD. Soreness of the liver to touch.

PULS. Stools ever varying in their colour.

SULPH. Stools changeable.

BRYO. Yellowish streak down the middle of the tongue.

LEPTAND. Black or yellow streak down the middle to the tongue.

NAT.C. Yellow spots on the face.

SEPIA. Yellow saddle across the bridge of the nose.

DIOSC. Morning diarrhoea, profuse, without relieving the constant twitching pain in the bowels.

COLOCYNTH. Colic is remitting and the stools are not profuse.

DULCAM. From taking cold or traceable to a change of weather from warm to cold.

ACON. From hot days and cool nights.

CHINA. Diarrhoea after meal with flatulence, and the passage of winds does not relieve the colicky pains.

FERRUM. Diarrhoea, while eating or drinking, painless, abdomen distended without flatulency.

GRAPH. The stools are followed by great but transient prostration.

CHINA. Stools are followed by continued debility (Ars.).

GRAT. Choleric attack after drinking excessive quantity of water.

ARSENIC. Choleric attack after drinking ice-water.

N.B. GRATIOLA. Excessive quantity, but in Arsenic the icy- coldness with cause.

KALI BICH. Dark-brown jelly-like gelatinous stools.

COLCH. Transparent jelly-like mucous mingled with skinny substances.

KALI BICH. With urgent pressure to stool, waking one in the morning (Sulph.).

BRYON. Urgent pressure to stool after moving about (Natr. sulph)

LEPT. Profuse black fecal stools with sharp cutting pain between the navel and pit of the stomach; generally in the afternoon and evening.

PODOPH. Profuse, forcible, morning diarrhoea, with dark-green debilitating stool.

NAT. MUR. The patient suffers much from inflammation and suppuration around the nails.

DIOSCO. Has disposition to felons with the colic.

CARBO VEG. Cough excited by going into the cold air or into cooler air.

COCC. CACTI. Cough relieved by going into the cold air.

BELLAD. Gives us a red face with anxious solicitous expression of the face.

HYOS. Has a pale face and cheerful humour or mood.

AETHUSA. Child vomits without nausea, and will go with breast and nurse again immediately afterwards.

PODOPH. Child vomits with nausea, and will not nurse after the vomiting.

RHUS TOX. Cough provoked by cold drinks and relieved by warm drinks (Silica, Alum.).

CAUST. Cough relieved by cold drinks.

PHOS. Cough on going into cold air or from a change of weather.

BRYON. Cough on coming into a warm room or place (Brom., Natrum.)

COCCUS CACTI. Cough in a warm room, better in a cold room.

RUMEX. Cough on changing room.

NUX VOM. Cough when becoming warm in bed (N. mosch.).

KALI CARB. Stitches in lower right lung.

PHOS. Stitches in lower left lung (Puls.).

N.B. Relief in both the remedies by lying on the right side.

BORAX. Stitches into front of right upper lung (Bry.).

MYRT. COM. Stitches in upper left lung, extending through to scapula ( In the evening Pix liq., Therid).

SEPIA. Stitches or dull pain in the middle third of right lung.

SULPH. Stitches in upper left lung (constant cough with aphonia).

KALI CARB. Stitches in sternum and right side of the chest through to back, when breathing.

RHUS RAD. Drawing pain through left chest to scapula.

KALI BICH. Cough with stitches from sternum, darting through to between scapula

KALI HYDRO. Stitches in the middle sternum extending to back.

SULPH. Stitches from left scapula through to front of left lung (also reverse).

MERC SOL. Stitches from right scapula, through to front of right lung (Borax reverse)

BORAX. Stitches through to right scapula.

SULPH. Stitches through to left scapula.

KALI CARB. Stitches in lower right lung.

KALMIA. Stitches in lower part of left scapula.

RUTA. Pain below right scapula (Bry., Chelid).

CHENOPOD. Pain below left scapula (Chinin).

CHELIDON. Pain under right scapula hindering the motion of the arm (Senega).

LOBELIA. Pain under short ribs in back, left side (posterior aspect of the spleen, driving outwards, nearly to the left side.) N.B. It is Lobelia cardinalis.

BRYONIA. Stitches in chest relieved by lying on the painful side.

SPIGELIA. Stitches in chest, aggravated by the least motion.

LIL. TIG. Severe cutting pains in left mammary glands extending through to left scapula.

CINNABARIS. Pain running from ensiform cartilage from 2nd rib on right side diagonally through chest.

ELAPS. COR. Stitches on the upper part of each lung, better when walking.

APIS. m. Cough with soreness in the upper portion of the left chest.

NUX. VOM. Cough worse in the evening or towards morning.

ALL. CEPA. Cough worse towards evening and during the night (Calc. c. Caps.).

EUPHRASIA. Cough worse during the day, and specially with moving.

HYOSC. Cough worse during the night (Ars. Merc.)

HEPAR.S. Cough worse in the evening and before midnight.

LACHESIS. Cough worse at night and during sleep. (Chamo.)

APIS. Cough worse before midnight, after lying down, and after sleeping.

RUMEX. Cough from full respiration.

VERBAS. Cough lessened by full respiration.

PHOSPH. Amelioration after sleeping.

LACH. Aggravation after sleeping.

IPECAC. In fever its prostration is greatest during the chill.

ARS. Its prostration is generally greatest after the host stage.

ACON. Thirst for small quantities of cold water (Ars. Nat. mur., Quinine wants little at a time) but often.

BRYONIA. Great thirst for large quantity of water.

NAT. MUR. Vomiting first of fluids, then of bile.

BRYONIA. Vomiting first of bile, then of fluids.

NITRIC ACID. Bloated around the eyes, in morning.

APIS. Oedematous swelling of the lower lid.


APHONIA produced by loud and prolonged exercise of the voice is greatly benefited by gargles of Arnicated water and by Rhus tox internally.

N.B. Carbo veg. and Sulph. are also of great service.

APHONIA due to paralysis of the vocal cords lasting for 13 weeks cured in 3 days by a spray of Causticum 30th (Aqua z 3 ii and Causticum 30th one dram.).

N.B. The inclination of stimulant vapors, such as Ammonical vapor, Iodin vapor, atomic spray of Silver Nitrate, Sulphate of Copper, Benzoate of Ammonia etc. after often used with benefit by our Allopathic friends.

In chronic laryngitis inhalation of medicated vapors and sprays may be tried. Salt water, Carbonica acid gas. Benzoin, Muriate of ammonia, Carbolic acid, Iodine have been largely recommended.

N.B. Inhalation falling, a direct application of liquids saturated with medicinal substances may be restored to. The Nitric. Silver and Sulphate of Zinc may be used for Catarrhal cases. Tanin for the tuberculous and the acid Nitric, Merc, for the Syphilitic.

IN CROUP. The application of the cold water bandage around the neck, with a dry one over it, exerts a magical influence in arresting & preventing the muscular spasms. Remove it as soon as it dries. The next morning take off the bandage, bathe the neck in cold water and wipe perfectly dry. N.B. The adjunct should be done with the internal application of indicated medicine.

Iodine is better adapted to croup, and Bromine to laryngitis. Iodine suits better for bronchitis, Bromine for pneumonia; Iodine to hoarseness and dyspnoea of congestion and exudation. Bromine to spasm and oedema of the glottis. Iodine has more fever, more thirst, more general irritability. Bromine more intense with local symptoms.

N.B. They should not be used under 2nd. decimal potency.

Kali. Bich. Combines the remedial qualities of Tart. emet and Iodine. In the severest catarrhal form when Tart. em fails it gives prompt relief. In membranous croup it is sour most reliable remedy. Give it in Ist. cent. trituration and repeat often.

N.B. Inhalation of the hot spray of lime and also of Glycerine are reported to have been serviceable. Lactic Acid used in the same way is said to have brought away false membrane.

Frictions of the neck with hot phosphorated oil are recommended.

IN OEDEMA OF THE GLOTTIS. Inhalation of a very strong spray of TANIN or ALUM is of considerable service. Swallowing of small pieces of ice in rapid succession is very beneficial as an adjunct.

N.B. The Homoeopathic medicines offering a prospect of relief in these case are of TWO classes, (1) those which diminish the effusion and (2) those which have reference to great obstruction to respiration. Ars. and Apis are of the former class: Iodine, Chlorum & Causticum are of the latter.

J. M. Maitra