Translated from Medicine Homoeopatica for Dec. 1938 by S. W. Staads, M.D.
One of the more constant phenomena of old age is the diminution or failure of memory, remembering remote events, but forgetting : where did I lay that book ? where are the scissors ? etc.; absence of intellect. Baryta carbonica 30 or 200 is indeed the friend of such old people, especially if they are of the obese type. Other remedies for this condition are: Anacardium, which cannot remember the names of friends; cannot find the adequate word; cannot fix attention; is inclined to hypochondriasis. Glonoinum forgets the streets which he knows so well. Natrum muriaticum weeps because he cannot remember the story he started to tell. Cocculus, Zincum, Kali phosphoricum and others also have this altered memory.
In the aged there appear mental perturbations which require the study of many remedies in order to find the simillimum for each case. Here we sometimes meet a woman who formerly was very particular about everything, who did not allow a piece of furniture to be out of its place, etc.; she had become careless, even indifferent to everything, at times including her feeling toward her family, until Sepia 200 changed the entire picture.
Other patients become irascible, and some turn hypochondriacal or jealous of their friends or neighbors, and embitter life with sad presentiments. Ignatia, Hyoscyamus and Phosphoricum acidum have many times restored the tranquillity of the disturbed internal ego. ASTHMATIC AFFECTIONS.
Asthmatic affections are found in old people and in those who have aged prematurely. One time it is “cardiac asthma” which makes us think of Adonis vernalis, which has irregular action from a weak heart; Digitalis has the very slow pulse; Crataegus is a great heart tonic. Again it may be a “cardio-renal asthma” with uremia, which is relieved by Strophanthus and Apocyanum in low potency.
In many cases we find asthma associated with a bronchitis: humid asthma relieved by much expectoration, where Senega, Tartarus and sometimes Carbo vegetabilis are of much service. Dr. Cartier recommends in alternation Naphthalinum 6 and Grindelia 6 to help the tenacious expectoration, dyspnoea and poor circulation. And in how many cases of senile asthma proper in which dyspnoea is caused by pulmonary arteriosclerosis has Baryta carbonica or muriatica admirably complemented Tartarus in pulmonary paralysis of the aged !.
Arsenicum is indicated in these periodic asthmatic attacks at midnight, or early around 3 oclock Natrum sulphuricum comes in question where attacks are worse when the weather changes from dry to damp, or at the seashore. Dr. Jones of Buffalo recommends in alternation Gelsemium and Sumbul eight drops in a tablespoon- ful of hot water every fifteen minutes, and states this has never failed him when given at the beginning of the attack.
I am not claiming that all such cases can be cured by homoeopathy, but as their evolution can be retarded many times, so also an acceptable improvement is possible. Calcarea fluorica 6, according to Schuessler, is the chief remedy with its marked action on the crystalline tissues. Calcarea carbonica 30 and 200 is for hard cataract in the beginning, the phagosclerosis type, with concentric opacity. Phosphorus has a cloudy film or nucleus, and patients have better vision in dim light. Euphrasia one drop in boiled water for external use, and internally in low potency, is indicated in capsular opacity. Colocynthis is helpful in soft cataract.
Cannabis sativa is of advantage in corneal opacity, and where there is painful pressure in the orbit from front to back. The Causticum patient rubs the eye to relieve the pressure.
Secale is indicated in cataract with fine peripheral filaments, while Natrum muriaticum has irregularly distributed peripheral striae. Magnesia carbonica has cataract with large irregularly distributed striae, thick at the base; can see best in bright daylight.
Cineraria maritima has been much recommended for external application, one or two drops instilled (quite painful), but I have never seen any real cure from it. Nevertheless I believe that in some cases it may aid the action of the internal remedy. The simillimum must be chosen conscientiously, properly individualized, as also applies to Conium, Euphrasia, Naphthalinum, Silica, Sepia, Thiosinaminum and many others which, chosen according to their particular indication, can aid and relieve in many cases.
Another of the old peoples nightmares is the loss of bladder control, when the urine escapes involuntary, and the bladder feels full, not relieved by urination: Gelsemium and Causticum in various potencies and repetitions, and Equisetum hymenale tincture in frequent doses is of advantage in most cases.
Frequent night micturition in the aged, Causticum 30; frequent micturition of small quantities, Kali phosphoricum; if the urine is of strong odor like horse urine, Benzoicum acidum; if of violet odor, Terebinthina; fishy odor, Uranium nitricum. If urine escapes while coughing, walking, or while passing flatus, or in bed, Pulsatilla, Verbascum, etc.
If blood is arterial, think of Trillium and Ipecacuanha, and in some cases Millefolium; if it is venous, Hamamelis and Pulsatilla. If due to cystitis, Uva ursi Thlaspi bursa pastoris, as also Solidago and Senecio. If of renal cause with tenesmus, Terebinthina is a valuable remedy. In frequent haematuria we must think of bladder polypi, in which Teucrium, Thuja and Phosphorus work marvelously; or it may be due to neoplasm, which is always grave.
In acute inflammation with tenesmus, Pulsatilla, and Ferrum phosphoricum are the most valuable remedies, as also Selenium in the chronic from.
In beginning prostatic hypertrophy with some inflammation and urinary disturbance Sabal serrulata 3x. produces a splendid effect, hence it has been called the “homoeopathic catheter” because it acts quickly and markedly on congestion. Ferrum picricum follows it importantly. Do not forget Calcarea fluorica 6x. and Equisetum hymenale tincture, often indicated in hypertrophy of medium severity. If there is no undoubted improvement, or if there is advanced sclerosis, we must think of the deep acting remedies such as Baryta carbonica 200 or Conium 1m. Often there may be an adenoma or tumor of grave origin.
Homoeopathy has much to offer in such cases, and various remedies demanding deep study of our incomparable Materia Medica Pura, the proper application of which, with individualization in each case, gains much and many acceptable cures.
Many are the circulatory disturbances: one time there is marked chest oppression with the sensation as if the heart were squeezed with an iron hand, in which case Cactus is the indicated remedy. Another time we find an irritable heart action and some- what trembling palpitation; here Crataegus in tincture or low potency should be given, which calms the nerves and sustains the heart.
After the menopause many women get oedematous swelling of the ankles from defective circulation: Apis mellifica 3 is the remedy if also indicated by other symptoms. In other cases we are consulted for involuntary escaping of urine while coughing, laughing or sneezing, for which Causticum 30 is simply marvelous. Where we find cramps in legs, especially when lying down, we have a good friend in Magnesia phosphorica 6x; when aged patients complain of much burning of feet as soon as they are in bed, so they have to stick them out from under the covers to cool them, there Sulphur is a grand remedy.
Endless are the habitual indispositions which molest the aged, of which vertigo is the greatest, and in which homoeopathy gains fine laurels through Tabacum and Ferrum.
Pruritis is at times mild, but it may also become a torture, which is often nicely relieved by Dolichos pruriens and Fagopyrum esculentum. In other cases Croton tiglium or Mezereum may be indicated by other symptoms; we must also remember our remedies of more general action like Arsenicum, Baryta carbonica, Carbo vegetabilis, Conium and Sulphur. Yet there are admittedly cases where all remedies fail.
Senile gangrene, the graver condition, most frequently affects the great toe, is often cured astonishingly quickly by Secale cornutum, which is the perfect simillimum.
Our materia medica has many indicated remedies for this trouble, of which Aconitum 6 heads the list for the acute condition with the hard, quick and rapid pulse so characteristic for this remedy. it has been called the “homoeopathic lancet” Viscum album, Ethylalcohol and other medicaments selected according to individual indications should be prescribed until the physician sees the expected results. It is not always easy to determine when to stop.
When the tunica media of the arteries is damaged, Baryta carbonica 30 or Baryta muriatica 20 prove to be the grand friends of the aged with hypertension, as Hahnemanns marvellous sagacity bequeathed to us in the so precious pathogenesis.
To prevent this justly feared condition in our elderly patients Arnica montana is a most valuable remedy in connection with proper diet.