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This is not a solitary case of puerperal sepsis that I have treated with Homoeopathy but I have treated others with the indicated remedies. But I request you to remember Pyrogen, especially when there is a good deal of disparity in pulse- temperature ratio, which has served me well on previous occasions.

I was called to see a case of a lady suffering from fever during the puerperium. It was the 6th day after delivery. The history was that she began to get fever with slight rigor from the 3rd day of delivery. When I visited the patient I found the following condition: Patient a 3rd para, aged about 24. Two previous deliveries were normal. This time, too, there was no difficulty nor any handling during labour. The temperature was 104 degree F. and pulse 130 p.m. Patient complained of a lot of burning sensation all over the body.

There was great thirst, with a good deal of nausea. She was restless and had no sleep absolutely for the last two days. I felt her uterus. It was only 2 fingers below the umbilicus and was very tender. The patient said that there was absolutely no discharge. I thought I felt some stinking smell while examining the patient. I asked the mother of the patient to wash the parts clean with soap and water and put a clean diaper over the parts and show me the diaper at 4 p.m. I prescribed Ars. 30 on the 4 cardinal symptoms: burning, restlessness, thirst, and nausea.

I asked the mother of the patient to dissolve these pellets in a cup of water and give one tea-spoonful every 15 minutes till the symptoms got less. They brought the diaper at 4 p.m. as directed to show it to me. The discharge had started again and it was quite normal without any smell and temperature had fallen to 101 degree. And the patient had about 1/2 hours sleep in the interval.

I then told the relatives to give one tea- spoonful every two hours. To my joy I got the report at 9 p.m. that temperature was normal and the patient was feeling quite comfortable. The patient is fever-free since then. Well, gentlemen, compare this line of treatment to the so-called scientific line of treatment of which you are all well aware being trained in that line. The patient is saved the trouble of douching, of so many injections of serums, etc., the nasty mixtures and the enormous cost of the treatment.

This is not a solitary case of puerperal sepsis that I have treated with Homoeopathy but I have treated others with the indicated remedies. But I request you to remember Pyrogen, especially when there is a good deal of disparity in pulse- temperature ratio, which has served me well on previous occasions.

Venkatrao R. Huilgol